I am trying to Queue an existing build that worked fine up until a few days ago. The message I am getting is the following:
The pipeline is not valid. Job Phase_1: Step NuGetInstaller_1 input
externalEndpoints references service connection
{guid} which could not be found. The
service connection does not exist or has not been authorized for use.
For authorization details, refer to https://aka.ms/yamlauthz.
From these links Troubleshooting authorization for a YAML pipeline
and Build Error: The pipeline is not valid I understand that there is a chance that someone created a duplicate endpoint that prevents somehow the build ("A duplicate endpoint (which points to a KeyVault) was created by someone not on our team and this duplicated endpoint was preventing any builds that referenced the endpoint.") but I can't really find what exactly to look for and the suggestion of the first link didn't work.
Can anyone suggest what to look for or what might be the problem in my case?
Many thanks.
How can I use Synapse's Web Activity to query a pipeline run? In particular, I want to extract the error message in case of failure.
The initial setup is as follows, following the GET request posted by documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/synapse/data-plane/pipeline-run/get-pipeline-run#clouderror
To get the RunId of the pipeline, I simply use this code: activity('Execute Pipeline1').output.pipelineRunId
When I inspect what was sent in the GET request, below, I see that it has indeed extracted a pipelineRunId, but not the one listed in the debug panel below.
I suspect this is the issue, but how can I get the pipeline Run Id for the exact run that was ran and that is shown below?
Adding in pipeline Run IDs that I can query; but I cannot query the pipeline that was just ran.
I believe there is a confusion between the pipeline runID and activity runID.
Inorder to get the child pipeline runID you will have to use this dynamic expression - #activity('ExecutePipelineParent').output.pipelineRunId
As per the screenshots you have shared, seems like you are passing the correct child pipeline runID to the web activity.
I don't see any issue with extracting the pipeline runID. Incase if your web activity is failing, then you will have to go through the specific error message related to Web activity configuration to figure out the root cause.
Your pics show that your pipeline has not been published. Possible it is reading the pipelineId from the last published version?
Also wouldn't it be better to use the System variable #{pipeline().RunId}?
I have a stored procedure activity in my Azure Data Factory pipeline.
The pipeline frequently fails due to the stored procedure activity timing out after duration ~ 01:30:00. However, the pipeline failure very often resolves itself quickly by re-running itself. I would like to find out the cause for the failed pipeline.
The error details are:
Error details
Error code ActionTimedOut
Failure type User configuration issue
Details Activity timed out
Source Pipeline pipeline name
The error details don't tell me very much about what could be the root cause for the error.
Does anybody have a suggestion where I could start debugging the problem and what are common causes for stored procedure timeouts in Azure Data Factory pipelines? Or where I could find more information about the error message?
Please checkout the timeout value on the activity itself . More over you can set the retry with a wait time also which may help you .
Don't know if it helps on this case, mine was an error related with executing a SP, but the error code was the same.
Turns out that my ADF connection user did not have write, execute permissions on the database.
I just added with the GRANT command and it worked.
ALTER ROLE [db_datawriter] ADD MEMBER [<ADF_DB_USER>];
I see there's an REST endpoint to get the log by its ID ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/get%20build%20log?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1 )
And from what I see there's a log for each step and then the last log contains all steps. Is this always how the response will be? Is this documented somewhere that last log will always be the full log?
And is there a way to know which log to get for the stage the failed the build? As I would need only the one that caused the build to fail and not all of them.
No, there is no such kind of way to achieve what you need in Azure DevOps Service at present.
And from what I see there's a log for each step and then the last log contains all steps. Is this always how the response will be?
There is also a parameter called startLine and endLine, with specify them, you could fetch a part of entire build log. But this is not useful in your scenario.
I'm afraid you have to either download full logs or get the task log of a release.
I need some help regarding creating network interfaces azure terraform. I am getting an error while provisioning them. Please help me if i am doing anything wrong.
azurerm_network_interface.revproxy-1: network.InterfacesClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="IpConfigDeleteNotSupported" Message="IP Configuration dataname-1-configuration cannot be deleted. Deletion and renaming of primary IP Configuration is not supported" Details=[]
* azurerm_network_interface.core-1: 1 error(s) occurred:
It would help if we had additional information in the form of:
The full Terraform script used to deploy the infrastructure (not just the network interface part, since it depends on resources previously created but not present in the script provided in the comments).
The steps leading to this error.
It sounds like there was a multi-step process leading to this error. The error referencing ‘dataname-1-configuration’ but that name not being present in the script leads one to believe that the error is in the multi-step process. We could certainly be wrong, however, and the information above would help in understanding this.
I am trying to deploy a node app into azure, while doing last step of deployment
git push azure master, an error occurred as below.
fatal: unable to access 'https://lalit#wittyparrot.com#node-deploy-to-azure.scm.azurewebsites.net/node-deploy-to-azure.git/': Couldn't resolve host 'wittyparrot.com#node-deploy-to-azure.scm.azurewebsites.net'
Please help to resolove it.
One solution is like #evilSnobu has said. Use the url https://{appname}.scm.azurewebsites.com.
What you have met is caused by your deployment user name, as you use the format https://{username}#{appname}.scm.azurewebsites.net:443/{appname}.git
In your case, you set it as lalit#wittyparrot.com. You may have done this setting in Azure Cloud Shell and it showed no error.
But in fact, the name can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. Otherwise your url can't be resolved correctly.
You can see the tip here.
Azure Cloud Shell may miss some necessary pattern check so that invalid user name causes no error to show.