error in deploying a node app in azure - azure

I am trying to deploy a node app into azure, while doing last step of deployment
git push azure master, an error occurred as below.
fatal: unable to access '': Couldn't resolve host ''
Please help to resolove it.

One solution is like #evilSnobu has said. Use the url https://{appname}
What you have met is caused by your deployment user name, as you use the format https://{username}#{appname}{appname}.git
In your case, you set it as You may have done this setting in Azure Cloud Shell and it showed no error.
But in fact, the name can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. Otherwise your url can't be resolved correctly.
You can see the tip here.
Azure Cloud Shell may miss some necessary pattern check so that invalid user name causes no error to show.


How to check if website name provided is available and free in Azure SDK for dot net

I'm trying to create a web app in azure using
Since the name must be globally unique, how can I check if the name exist already?
Similar to Erndob's comment there - I'll extend it by saying that catch the error and look into the specifics. If it's failing with a name not unique error - that's your check failing right there. Any other failures should be treated differently.

Build Pipeline Canceled - The pipeline is not valid

I am trying to Queue an existing build that worked fine up until a few days ago. The message I am getting is the following:
The pipeline is not valid. Job Phase_1: Step NuGetInstaller_1 input
externalEndpoints references service connection
{guid} which could not be found. The
service connection does not exist or has not been authorized for use.
For authorization details, refer to
From these links Troubleshooting authorization for a YAML pipeline
and Build Error: The pipeline is not valid I understand that there is a chance that someone created a duplicate endpoint that prevents somehow the build ("A duplicate endpoint (which points to a KeyVault) was created by someone not on our team and this duplicated endpoint was preventing any builds that referenced the endpoint.") but I can't really find what exactly to look for and the suggestion of the first link didn't work.
Can anyone suggest what to look for or what might be the problem in my case?
Many thanks.

AzureRM template Microsoft.Scheduler/jobCollections/jobs request uri with arguments fails

I'm facing a problem when I deploy a template to build a scheduler job with an URI in which I want to pass two arguments.
I want to set as the uri something like "/api/triggeredwebjobs/MyJob/run?arguments=arg1%20arg2"
This works well when typing this through the Azure portal and the job starts without errors, but using an Azure template I see that in the uri the '?' character has been encoded to '%3F', what makes the job to fail because, the route does not exist.
I can't understand why is doing this since, no other character (like '/') is being encoded when deploying the template (at least I can't see it through the Azure portal).
Is this maybe a bug, or is it something I'm maybe doing wrong?

PreClusterCreationValidationFailure when trying to create a cluster through the Azure Powershell

I'm currently working on with Windows Azure in order to set up a cluster up and running, following the steps from here. But when i tried to execute the command i got this error:
New-AzureHDInsightCluster : Unable to complete the cluster create operation
left behind state: 'Error'. Message: 'PreClusterCreationValidationFailure'.
I had a look into the this, but i was kinda confused with it. What does the input values mean in it? Is it the ClusterSizeInNodes? and also could this error occur due to the same cluster name being already exist?
Any help would be appreciated.
Sometimes you will see a PreClusterCreationValidationFailure message if you are supplying arguments that are not compatible with eachother, such as requesting a cluster in one datacenter region and pointing to a default storage container in another region.
If that doesn't happen to be the case, then please include more details about the specific arguments you are providing.
Have you checked if your user credentials (-Credential <PSCredential>) follow the "requirements"? Unfortunately, they are not documented very well...
Username: admin
Password: [min. 10 characters] (at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit and 1 special character)

How do you specify the deployIisAppPath to a site root that is not DefaultWebSite?

I have a ASP.NET MVC web application project that I want to deploy to my IIS webserver. The site tree is set up thusly:
Application Pools
Default Web Site
I am trying to deploy to the MyProject site. See below settings that I am using versus the errors I am returning. I am apparently not specifying my site path correctly, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it should be.
The following settings stay the same between iterations:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=False /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=WMSvc /p:AuthType=Basic /p:Username="myUserName" /p:Password="MyPassword" /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True
Specify SiteName/ as IISAppPath:
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service - I don't want to create a new site. I want to sync the content that is already there.
Specify IISAppPath as Root (supposing that the sitename in the URL is used)
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath="/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("iisApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service - Looks like it is trying to access the Default WebSite or something (to which I have purposefully NOT given myself rights).
Specify IISAppPath as empty string(supposing that the sitename in the URL is used)
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath=""
The "ConcatFullServiceUrlWithSiteName" task was not given a value for the required parameter "SiteAppName" - So it interprets "" as actually a null value thus breaking an attempt to concatenate it.
Specify no site attribute in the URL but SiteName/ as IISAppPath
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service
Specify no site attribute in URL but SiteName as IISAppPath
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service
Now given that it is running a concatenate on the SiteAppName, it must be combining it with the Site name, yes? What are you supposed to put there to get the site to sync to the root of a site?
In an attempt to figure out the proper path scheme, I have tried to publish using the Visual Studio 2012 Publish dialog. In this case, I am returned an error saying that The request timed out (testing the connection works almost instantly and previewing the changes works but takes a few seconds). I checked the event log, and the tracelog for wmsvc to no avail. Even with trace set to verbose, nothing shows up in the tracelog. I have tried disabling the firewalls on both computers, and nothing seems to work on that front either.
Figured this one out.
The problem stemmed from two settings in the Web Deploy page of the project properties. I had previously set this project up (in the Debug configuration) to copy only the files necessary to run the application, and NOT build a zip package. I neglected however to do anything to those settings for the release configuration.
The reason (confidence level 75%) it was trying to use createApp was because it was deploying from the Zip package it had created. So my IISAppPath settings in those cases were fine, I was just deploying the wrong thing.
I set the Create deployment package as a zip file setting to false, and the Items to deploy dropdown to Only files needed to run this application and everything went off without a hitch.
Incidentally I found out (as referred above) that you can use the Publish Profiles outputted by the Web Publish dialog in Visual Studio (2012 only unfortunately; 2010 you have to do some massaging that I am unsure of). I named mine with no spaces, and supplied the password as an argument as well as the Untrusted Certificate setting. Now MSBuild Arguments in the build definition for TFS look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True;PublishProfile=NameOfPublishProfile /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:Password=PleaseVerifyMe
