I am using Tuleap v., in that I have created one project which is using Agile dashboard for the sprint. It was working fine. For enable cardwall, I have active kanban dashboard on the same project and that time I don't know that cardwall display only kanban task in the wall. So I have deactivated kanban dashboard because my all task are available in sprint dashboard. But after deactivate my sprint dashboard not working properly. Still, it's trying to display kanban task in the sprint and that is not available in the project.
Can you please help to fix this problem?
your_kanban > "edit this kanban" > Delete the kanban
is it possible to collaborate online with TFS? I mean, when I move a task, others can see it in real time without sharing screen or updating the page. Thank you!
Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1 RC1 and higher has live updates on work items. If you change a work item someone else has open in view mode, it will update in their client.
You can enable notifications using ../DefaultCollection/_usersSettings/notifications
You can use the Follow icon to follow a work item. Any changes will result in an e-mail to you saying the item has changed, and what has changed.
If you move a story out of an iteration, the Taskboard (../_sprints/taskboard/..) view updates automatically for all users viewing that iteration
Similarly, if you add/edit/move/change state on a task in an iteration the Taskboard will update.
I'm going to move PBIs(product backlog items) with its tasks to another teamwork board project, but I couldn't find an option to do this, it would be so helpful if anyone could help me.
In the Azure DevOps Server, you can change the work item type or move work items to another project within a project collection, these features require that the data warehouse is disabled.
Disable warehouse steps:
Open Azure DevOps Server Administration Console->Reporting->Click the button Disable Reporting->Enter the server name to confirm.
Then you can see the button move to team project and change type… in the Drop-down list.
We are using Azure DevOps as an agile project management tool. I'm trying to customize the tool to our needs.
Under "Boards -> Backlogs" the user stories & tasks for a project are listed (see picture). However, in that view are only planned or ongoing user stories shown but no completed user stories. While I can create a query that also shows completed ones, I would like to make them appear in this particular view.
In addition, I changed the columns/fields which should be shown by default in this view for our project across different teams/users.
For both, I am trying to find a solution but haven't been successful yet.
Appreciate your help!
The displayed columns are specific to a user and there isn't a way to force a view for the backlog.
The only way I am aware of to see closed items on the backlog view is to have the user story as a child of a feature. The feature must not be closed and your backlog view has to be at the Features level.
I would like to pull the report of tasks with start date, end date, status of the tasks created in Bitrix of all users.
I have administrative access of Bitrix in self hosted version.
How can I get this?
It was not clear from your question whether your question is about Bitrix Site Manager CMS or Bitrix24 Collaboration Platform.
If you mean Bitrix Site Manager, you probably mean Tasks 2.0. There is no information available on It in English, but you can visit the page https://www.1c-bitrix.ru/products/intranet/features/tasks.php#tab-report-link that describes on how to make reports on tasks, and translate it automatically, for example via the Google Chrome Browser.
If you use the settings that come by default in bitrix, it generates a report but does not show all the information you want, some working time fields would be missing.
what you need is to create a new page in bitrix and using the bitrix api create a task report.
thanks you.
Is there any way to edit the TFS overview items?
For example, I want to get rid of the "Product Backlog Item" button on the screenshot above, as we have changed the naming convention of this to now be "Story".
Is this possible? If so, where do I navigate to which will enable me to edit this screen?
I think your BAU Scrum Project is using Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum Process Template. you need to change it to MSF for agile Developement Process Template so that it will be called as userstory.
More details here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms400752.aspx