I created a SQL Server on Azure (https://saigkillsbacktrace.database.windows.net) with a Database. Now i'm trying to connect with it via SQL Studio.
Studio tells me, that the host is unknown. But what to do?
I'm trying to connect to my Microsoft Azure SQL database to Visual Studio 2019. I've tried signing in using SQL Server Authentication, included the password and proceed to "Connect". However, I'm unable to connect and it returns with the error number 10060.
These are the settings (including) in Azure which I configured before opening Visual Studio 2019.
Under set firewall - Public Network, selected "selected networks"
Enabled allow Azure services and resources to access this server.
Additional information
Error number 10060 means the SQL Server client cannot connect to the server
The same error appears when I tried connecting to Azure Data Studio.
The server I am trying to connect to is a Development server.
MSSQL SERVER error 10060 can be caused by that the default SQL Server settings do not allow remote connections as mentioned in MS Document
As mentioned by #Lakshmi Vijayakumar's document there are multiple ways for 10060 error
MySQL configuration issues
Firewall restrictions
Wrong MySQL connection string
Refer his Document it may help to resolve your issue.
Also, you can refer #Vamshi B latest article
There are samples out there how to connect SSMS database to NodeJS.
However they show it using your own credentials like example on this link:https://www.tutorialsteacher.com/nodejs/access-sql-server-in-nodejs
Question is, how to connect it without using own credentials? Directly may be with window authentication instead?
So that your application (NodeJS) connected with SSMS database without your own credential being saved in the server.
Thanks in advance.
I created new application using Kotlin by Android Studio and I have a connection between my and SQL server Database.
The problem is Anyone can unpack my APK file and see my Connection Info
like SQL Server IP and database name and user and password of this database
i want to secure this Connection Info and none can see it. How can I do so?
You will need to create an API on the server and thus your Android application will only know how to connect the API, while the db data will be known by the API only. This would mean a restructuring of your project, so instead of being connected directly to a database you will only be connected to the API.
Has anyone ever connected ASP (ASP, aka classic not .NET) to an Azure db? I've had three experts looks at connection strings, endpoints, firewalls, db accounts and they're finding
the database works and contains data
the database is accessible remotely by our local machines via Visual Studio and SQL Server Manager
ASP runs on web server on the VM machine
All the connection strings offered by Azure fail
All db related ports are open
If you're connecting to the Azure DB from SSMS, everything is probably configured properly.
Which client library are you using to connect to the Azure SQL instance? You may need to download and install the MS SQL Native Client on the VM, which I know works.
Are you using ADO in your app? If so, and assuming you have installed the Native Client, this connection string will work:
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=tcp:[serverName].database.windows.net; Database=myDataBase;Uid=[LoginForDb]#[serverName];Pwd=myPassword;Encrypt=yes;
My azure application successfully running with azure sql database,but now i want to run Cloud application with my own database servers because of their data security. for this, we can establish the local database connection from our own systems with cloud application and connect to my database perfectly with following steps using below link,
After this i deployed my application in to azure and it deployed without any error.but when i try to run my cloud application using cloud url like xxx.cloudapp.net getting an error like
"A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.)".
Please give some suggestions why am getting this error.
Try connecting using SQL Management from another machine outside of your network. I believe that there is no problem with publication in Azure Cloud Service, but a connectivity problem with your SQL server.
Arthur Oliveira
You have to remote to VM and check SQL Server port is opened or not, the same with SQL Server machine. I used to connect local DB with cloud based application.
This is an intermittent issue with the SQL Server.
Check this link if it helps,