I want to create a DialogFlow Response based on the parameter given
I want support as a $supporttype
where $supporttype is an entity. The desired answer should be dependend of the value of $supporttype
Response: (if $supporttype=="Gold")
Yes, your question will be answered in 5 minutes.
or if $supporttype is not "Gold"
Response: (if $supporttype!="Gold")
Your question will be put in the queue.
Is there any easy way to achieve this? Or do I have to make a web hook for such a feature?
You need to use a webhook to create conditional responses.
There is a built-in code editor that can assist with this.
Late response, but maybe someone will find this answer useful if you prefer not having to use fulfillment webhooks and you only need to utilize one parameter.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm trying to update a SQL row using azure logic apps I'm stuck on this bit, the idea is to get data from a webpage and then update the SQL row. But i dont know what to fill in?
To pass the ID from the http request, you need to change the body of your https trigger . Then you can use the add dynamic content to add the output of first step into 2nd step.
Your question sounds similar to this one answer. Can you check if the answer helps you?
I created a very simple agent on dialogflow. Every now and then, even using static responses (where only the session ID changes), the application crashes (both on Google Assistant and in the simulator).
On the logs I find the message in question: "MalformedResponse at expected_inputs [0]: Responses must provide at least one possible if this is not the final response. What does it mean?".
I don't understand what it means.
Could anyone help me?
I'm having the same problem. That i've noted is that this problem doesn't ocurre every time. The behavior is really unstable.
I'm using 2 required parameters in the intent. I don't know if that has something to do with the problem.
MalformedResponse at expected_inputs[0].input_prompt: 'input_prompt' is empty
MalformedResponse at expected_inputs[0]: Responses must provide at least one possible intent if this is not the final response
The problem, appears to be caused when you use own parameters, not when use sys. parameters.
Google answer me the following:
"Hi Alberto,
This issue has already been escalated to our engineering team. You are correct about required parameters causing the problem. Our engineering team is working thoroughly to resolve this since it is affecting some other AoG projects as well. "
I was facing the exact same issue when I was using custom entities as input parameters to my action.
I was asking for 2 custom parameters and one system (sys.color) and triggering the same with input prompts.
I found a workaround for that by taking all 3 in separate intents and using the response of the previous intent as a trigger to enter the next parameter, also by making the training phrases as sample values of the custom parameter.
I am still in contact with Dialogflow Suppport and waiting for bug fix but it works for now.
Looking at the envelope JSON there is only one recipient email. So this must indicate some other issue. Can someone steer me toward something in the docs that talks about it?
I suggest that you use the API Logging feature to see exactly what DocuSign is receiving from your application.
If that doesn't help you solve the problem then edit your question to add the logger's output.
Use a tool such as JSON Pretty print to format your API request.
You'll also need to add 4 spaces per line so StackOverflow recognizes it as software/JSON for proper display.
The answer is it means the request JSON has duplicate RECIPIENTS arrays. It doesn't mean, at least in this case, there is a problem with recipient data.
And as far as a list of error codes there simply isn't one yet.
In this particular instance my code assembling the request incorrectly wrote the recipients array. A better message would be MALFOMED_JSON_REQUEST or such since that's what the problem actually was. Once I stopped looking at the recipients data I realized the problem.
I'm trying to use #sys.date-time to get the current time when I type "Good Morning". Sadly, all it returns is "Good Morning! Right now it is 08:00:00/12:00:00"
How do I do this? Do I need to use a webhook? How do I go about doing that?
Diagloflow understands that morning is the period between 08:00-12:00 that's why you're not getting the current time. For that you will need a webhook.
You can read all about webhooks and how to create one in the official docs
I need to enable/disable post comments regarding the value of a new field in Post list. I don't see how to do this... Any ideas?
Why is there an error when converts to XSLT? Is possible to get the querystring to do this?
I don't think you'll be able to get that level of control with the standard blog component. Should be reasonably easy to implement using CKSEBE though.
Easiest method I can think of within the standard blog is to use jQuery to hide the comment form - that way you only need to get the value of the field appearing somewhere on the page.