Angular2+ Kendo Grid - Is there a way to combine "Select All" with Virtual scrolling - kendo-ui-angular2

Basically what I need to do is have the select all checkbox also select all of the virtual rows that haven't been "scrolled to" yet. Is something like that possible?
Here's a stackblitz link to one of the examples from Telerik's demos I've been playing around with:
Right now clicking the select all only selects the first 10 rows since that's what the Grid's "pagesize is set to..


"include new items in manual filter" missing in Excel

In Excel the "include new items in manual filter" is missing:
From what I can read it is supposed to look like this:
Where do I find the option to ad include new values when I have a filter applied to my pivot table?
New solution:
I just discovered if you right click in the green area on the following screenshot "Field Settings" will open this menu will contain the option:
But if you right click the red area of the pivot table "Field Value Settings" will open instead, this menu will not contain the option.
I keep my old answer here it is probably wrong, but I have no way of testing this, so I will leave it up until disproven:
I checked my colleague's computer and he have the button to "include new items in manual filter" in his field settings.
I know the difference between our computers is that I have 64 bit Excel and he has 32 bit Excel.
I don't know if that explain reason I don't have the button, but that could be part of the reason.
I hope this can be of value to someone in the future.

(Acumatica) New row button on grid not working

I created a custom screen in Acumatica. I have a simple table and a grid to add records to it. The Account Mapping grid works (and it is way more complicated). But on the Branch Mapping grid, when I click the “PLUS” icon, the icon goes grey and no new row is available on the grid.
This is what is looks like after clicking the PLUS icon:
The table is very simple.
When a Company is selected, the view for the grid is
public SelectFrom<ICSBranchMapping>
.IsEqual<ICSSetup.organizationID.FromCurrent>>.View BranchMapping;
The ICSSetup table is even simpler:
If I create a new record in ICSSetup, it lets me add 1 row to the ICSBranchMapping table
But I cannot add another row.
Here is the DAC for the ICSBranchMapping table
The records in the DB all look fine after adding the 1 row it will allow me to enter.
The action button is a dummy. The code has been commented out to ensure it has nothing to do with the issue.
I forgot to mention, I CAN update the existing row.
I’ve been fighting with this for 2 days. If anyone has any suggestions, please help.
Solved.  I added the BranchMapping grid using the customization editor.
It did not include this line in the aspx:
That fixed it.  It seems like that should be a default in the Screen Editor.

How to scrape data from webpage without inspect function?

I'm trying to scrape all data from the link below.
However, it seems like there is no option to perform right click, inspect & then us BeautifulSoup...
Any tricks on how to deal with this?
Example on data I would like to scrape (for all rows)
So i'm trying to create an output with in the rows all locations, and columns all prices / codes / ...
Many thanks!
I have checked your site you can make a right click on the option that are on the top for selection of menu, and then drag down to div. Then from this div you can extract your required elements or you can copy your xpath.
Right click on the blue "Home" tab. You will be able to click "inspect"

Excel text data import Step 3 select columns via keyboard on Mac

I am experiencing the following issue in Microsoft Excel for Mac 2016. When using the From Text data import function and clicking through the first two steps (selecting "Delimited" and defining delimiter), Step 3 allows for changing the column data format. By default, column 1 is selected and I can click to select any other column that fits into the window, as shown in the screenshot below. However, it seems that it is not possible to select columns that are to the right of those visible in the window. In my example below, there are about four more columns to the right. Scrolling and arrow-keys seem to not work in the Mac version.
Is there a keyboard shortcut, or some other workaround, that I am missing?
Perform a two-finger touch (not a complete tap), more like a contact. A slider bar will appear at the bottom of the columns. Now is your chance to grab it with one-finger click. If you begin with the pointer in the bottom part of the columns, it is much easier to grab the slider as it should be under the pointer. This probably works on other such windows.

PerformancePoint scorecard drill down

I have a scorecard with hierarchy in PerformancePoint dashboard.
By default everything is expanded (drilled down to the lowest level), is there any way I can prevent this, so when I load a scorecard everything will be collapsed (not drilled down) ?
Select "all children" instead of "all descendants".
Atleast that did the trick for me when creating charts.
Right click on the dimension column of the Scorecard.
Click Select Members
Select Children of "All" as shown in image below.
Click OK
Caution: If you expand any member and save, the score card will also appear expanded.
How you see the scorecard in Dashboard Designer, it will appear exactly the same in the Browser.
When you view the scorecard from dashboard designer, All you need to do is unexpand which levels you do not want to show. This will create a default for all your viewers to see.
