CMIS for FileNet SOAP services - cmis

Is there any difference between deleteObject and removeObjectFromFolder CMIS SOAP services?
(other than that we can specify a folderId for removeObjectFromFolder in the request?)

delete object deletes the specific object
removeObjectFromFolder is relevant for multi filing scenarios where it removes the existing non folder fileable object from folder.
Please read CMIS specification to get the full understanding


Get navigation properties using generated VDM by SAP Cloud SDK

I need to get navigation properties data.
Does anybody know how to use navigation properties using SAP Cloud SDK?
I created a VDM by SAP Cloud SDK VDM Generator.
The source OData is V2 and on S/4 HANA, which is generated by CDS View.
What I want to execute is like following.
HTTP Method: GET
Path: <host, domain, port and path>/(parameter='test')/Set?&fileter=filed eq 'hoge'
You can either fetch the data directly by expanding the navigation properties in the OData call OR fetch them at a later point in time.
To follow the first approach leverage the select functionality of your service class. Pass in the navigation property that you want to retrieve e.g. MyEntityClass.TO_MY_NAVIGATION_PROPERTY. Check out the Cloud SDK documentation for the details and an example.
You then obtain the data by invoking its dedicated Getter on the result entity of your query e.g. myEntityObject.getMyNavigationPropertyIfPresent(). Or you omit expanding in your original request and use myEntityObject.getMyNavigationPropertyOrFetch(). This will again query the server specifically for the data of the navigation property.
Internal Incidents
Thank you for replying.
Let me explain in detail.
I created an OData from CDS View on S/4HANA 1709.
The CDS View is with parameters.
The OData should be called like this.
/(parameter='value')/Set?$filter=field eq 'value'
When I tried to call without navigation property, it occurs an error.
Besides, I need "filter" parameter for navigated entity,
since it gets too many records without filtering.
So I don't want to use the both expansion and 2-step fetch.
As workaround, I developed a function module which retrieves data from CDS view.

Using Apache Camel CMIS with Sharepoint 2013

I can successfully access Sharepoint 2013 AtomPub interface from Chrome REST clients, the following URL gives me the file I want:
However, using the same URL in the Camel CMIS route gets me HTTP 302 (File not found) and diverts me to an error page.
The route I tried is:
Running Wireshark to see what is going on, it seems that Camel CMIS is not passing the query string part to the server, and may consider it options to the CMIS component (as per the component's usage guide).
So, what is the correct way of using Camel CMIS component with Sharepoint?
Have you tried adding parameter "query" to the uri like this
According to :
query | The cmis query to execute against the repository. If not specified, the consumer will retrieve every node from the content repository by iterating the content tree recursively

Route with Waypoints Free/Paid

With the updates of Skobbler on 2.4, I saw that there is a new method for passing waypoints en route.
Is this method free?
- (void)calculateRouteWithSettings:(SKRouteSettings *)route customLocations:(NSArray*)locations;
Because the Custom Routing is paid, but with the GPX file.
Thanks for reply.
The API is an alternative to GPX tracks (removing the need to create an actual GPX file) - it is also regarded as custom routing as the technique behind is the same (create a route from an arbitrary sent of points) and it requires a commercial license to be used in commercial apps.

How to split a cmis url into repository path and path with respect to repository?

I'm a GSoC'13 intern. I'm working on developing a CMIS UCP for Apache OpenOffice.
I wanted to know how to divide a url into its parts.
To fill the session parameters I need the url + path of the object in repo. separately.
Is there any other way?
If you know the path of an object, you can retrieve it using getObjectByPath, which is a method on org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Session.
If you have an object and you want to know its path, you can call the object's getPaths() method, which returns a list of paths for the object (in repositories that support multi-filing, documents can have multiple paths, but folders can never be multi-filed).
The actual URL you would construct to navigate directly to the object using its path is repository-specific, unless you are using the browser binding (new in CMIS 1.1). But there aren't any production implementations of the CMIS 1.1 browser binding yet.

Create a document using only client-side code

Is it possible to create a document inside document library using just client-side javascript?
Just a simple text or xml file...
There are examples on how to create/delete a folder or delete a file, or update a document property. And you can do anything you want with list items.
But what if I need to create a document in a document or forms library with ECMAScript object model in SP2010, or calling web services via ajax in MOSS? Is it feasible?
Of course you can do it. You just need to have content of file as a Stream or byte[].
Use such code to create file in library.
ok, i found there are multiple ways to do it, though all of them are normally used in desktop apps, not in browser.
Here is the list:
RPC: Simple ajax POSTing to _vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll can do the job quickly if you don't need to set metadata or handle multiple content types
Copy Web Service: CopyIntoItems method of copy.asmx service accepts base64-encoded file body
HTTP PUT: You can simply PUT your file to the desired destination, though this method can by unsupported by some browsers
