How to better structure my classes and properties? - python-3.x

I am trying to programme a board game using python and object orientated programming. However, the structure of my classes and properties seems a bit tortuous even if I have made it do what I want. It doesn't seem very elegant and I'm sure it will lead to things getting too complicated and making the code hard to follow as I progress. I will try to give a simplified example of how I've structured things:
class GameState:
def __init__(self, n_players):
self.n_players = n_players
self.players = []
for player in range(self.n_players):
// other properties
// other functions
class Player:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.building = Building()
self.workers = 3
// other properties
class Building:
def __init__(self):
self.worker = False
def action(self, player):
if self.worker == True:
player.workers += 1
But now if I want a player to use the building action I have to do something like the below. It feels like I should be able to structure things better to avoid having to pass an instance of a Player class to the Building action function.
game = GameState(4)
The idea is that each player will have an instance of the Building class.

It's hard to suggest alternatives without knowing the exact format of your game. If each building is only ever associated with a single player at a time, I'd add that to the initialisation and reference it directly.
class Building:
def __init__(self, player):
self.worker = False
self.player = player
def action(self):
if self.worker == True:
self.player.workers += 1
Alternatively, if each player will only ever have one building associated with them, then the action function should probably be in the player class rather than the building.


In The Observer Design Pattern How Is The Subject Class Stored?

I've been reading up on the Observer Design Pattern.
Take the below code from the following article:
I understand how the code works and how the two classes, subject and observer, interrelate. What I can't quite get my head round is how this would all work in reality.
In the real world examples of the observer pattern I have read about, the interaction between the subject and observer tends to be open ended.
For example, if you subscribe to a question on Quora and get notified of answers via email, theoretically, you could receive updates indefinitely.
How then if the code below was applied to a real world scenario (like Quora) do the classes persist? Are the classes and their states stored somewhere on the server?
import abc
class Subject:
Know its observers. Any number of Observer objects may observe a
Send a notification to its observers when its state changes.
def __init__(self):
self._observers = set()
self._subject_state = None
def attach(self, observer):
observer._subject = self
def detach(self, observer):
observer._subject = None
def _notify(self):
for observer in self._observers:
def subject_state(self):
return self._subject_state
def subject_state(self, arg):
self._subject_state = arg
class Observer(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Define an updating interface for objects that should be notified of
changes in a subject.
def __init__(self):
self._subject = None
self._observer_state = None
def update(self, arg):
class ConcreteObserver(Observer):
Implement the Observer updating interface to keep its state
consistent with the subject's.
Store state that should stay consistent with the subject's.
def update(self, arg):
self._observer_state = arg
# ...
def main():
subject = Subject()
concrete_observer = ConcreteObserver()
subject.subject_state = 123
if __name__ == "__main__":
You do not need to persist the classes. All you need to do is persist the data. In your real-world example, Quora just stores the list of subscribers for each questions. If there is any activity, it just needs to call some Notification service, passing along the list, which eventually will send the mail to subscribed users.

How do I bind to a function inside a class and still use the event variable?

class Player():
def __init__():
def moveHandle(self, event):
self.anything = ...
box.bind("<Key>", Player.moveHandle)
The bind function sets self as the event variable and ignores/throws up an error for event. I can't find a way to pass the event argument to the correct variable and maintain self for that function, even if I use args*. I can do one or the other, but not both.
I'm probably just lacking some basic knowledge about classes to be honest, I taught them to myself and didn't do it very thoroughly.
If I made a syntax mistake, it's because of me rewriting out the code incorrectly; in my program, the code works until the variables get passed.
the problem is that you are trying to use an instance method as a class method.
consider the following:
class Player():
def __init__():
def moveHandle(self, event):
self.anything = ...
box.bind("<Key>", Player.moveHandle)
where box is an instance of something, but Player is not.
instead this:
class Player():
def __init__(self):
def moveHandle(self, event):
self.anything = ...
p = Player()
box.bind("<Key>", p.moveHandle)
creates an instance of the player class, and then binds to the instances method, not the class method.

Need to call class method from different class without initialization of the first class or some other way around it

I have a small problem with my code.
There are two classes. First one creates a window with a Options button. Upon clicking the button, the second class is called and creates another window with an Ok button. Let's say there is also a checkbox, which changes the background color to black or something like that. After clicking the button, whatever changes were made in the options are stored into a file and the second window is closed.
All of this works fine. My problem is that now I need to call method update_init from the first class that will apply those changes to the MainWindow. The code below shows my first solution to this problem, but from what I understand, by using second mainloop I create second thread, which should be avoided.
class MainWindow:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.options_btn = tk.Button(self.master, text="Options", command=self.open_options)
self.options_window = None
def open_options(self):
options_master = tk.Toplevel()
self.options_window = OptionsWindow(options_master)
lst = meta_load() # loads changes from a file
def update_init(self, lst):
class OptionsWindow:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.ok_btn = tk.Button(self.master, text="OK", command=self.update_meta)
def update_meta(self):
meta_save(12) # saves changes into a file
main_master = tk.Tk()
main_master.minsize(width=1280, height=720)
b = MainWindow(main_master)
My second solution was to just put both classes into one, but the code is quite messy if I do so.
Can I somehow call the method update_init (which is in the MainWindow class) from the OptionsWindow class without initializing new MainWindow class window? Or is there any other way to deal with this? I would appreciate any help.
I am sorry if this is too specific, I've tried to make it as general as possible, but it's a very specific problem and I couldn't find much information about it anywhere on the internet.
In general you can call a class method from anywhere you want and pass anything to it without initialisation of that class's instance, thanks to objective nature of python, but beware of self dependencies! Although, I don't think that's a good practice.
class A:
def __init__(self): = 'foo'
def return_foo(self):
class B:
def __init__(self): = 'bar'
print('Ha-ha Im inited!')
def return_bar(self):
except AttributeError:
return 'bar'
def test():
a = A()
# b = B()
return_bar = getattr(B, 'return_bar', None)
if callable(return_bar):
print('%s%s' % (a.return_foo(), return_bar(None)))

QObject and QThread relations

I have a pyqt4 gui which allows me to import multiple .csv files. I've created a loop that goes through this list of tuples that have the following parameters (filename + location of file, filename, bool,bool, set of dates in file)=tup.
I've created several classes that my gui frequently refers to in order to pull parameters off a projects profile. Let's call this class profile(). I also have another class that has a lot of functions based on formatting, such as datetime, text edits,etc...let's call this classMyFormatting(). Then I created a QThread class that is created for each file in the list, and this one is called Import_File(QThread). And lets say this class takes in a few parameters for the __init__(self,tup).
My ideal goal is to be able to make an independent instance of MyFormatting() and profile() for the Import_File(QThread). I am trying to get my head around on how to utilize the QObject capabilities to solve this..but I keep getting the error that the thread is being destroyed while still running.
for tup in importedlist:
importfile = Import_File(tup)
I was thinking of having the two classes be declared as
def __init__(self):
def func1(self,stuff):
def func2(self):
def __init__(self):
def func11(self,stuff):
def func22(self):
AND for the QThread:
def __init__(self,tup):
common_calc_stuff = self.calc(tup[4])
f = open(tup[0] + '.csv', 'w')
self.tup = tup
# this is where I thought of pulling an instance just for this thread
self.MF = MyFormatting()
self.MF_thread = QtCore.QThread()
self.MF_thread.start() = profile()
self.prof_thread = QtCore.QThread()
def func33(self,stuff):
def func44(self):
def run(self):
if self.tup[3] == True:
elif self.tup[3] ==False:
if self.tup[2] == True:
Am I totally thinking of it the wrong way? How can I keep to somewhat of the same structure that I have for the coding and still be able to implement the multithreading and not have the same resource tapped at the same time, which I think is the reason why my qui keeps crashing? Or how can I make sure that each instance of those objects get turned off that they don't interfere with the other instances?

Passing a Function as a Parameter for a Class, eventually turning it into a method

Sorry if the title is confusing. I'm writing a minimalist game engine, and trying to define a class called "Area" where if the player enters the area, a function defined by the user happens. For example, one could create an instance
Area(location,function) that would fire function on the player when the player enters location (for the sake of simplicity, let it be a point or something).
Note: in pseudo-python
# in
def function(player):
kill player
deathZone = Area(location,function)
# in player.update()
for area on screen:
if player in area:
The point of this is that the developer (aka me) can use any function they choose for the area. Is there anyway to do this, or should I try a better approach?
Sure, this kind of thing is certainly possible. In python, everything is an object, even a function. So you can pass around a function reference as a variable. For example try the following code:
import math
def rectangle(a, b):
return a*b
def circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius**2
class FunctionRunner(object):
def __init__(self):
self.userFunction = None
self.userParams = None
def setUserFunction(self, func, *params):
self.userFunction = func
self.userParams = params
def runFunction(self):
return self.userFunction(*self.userParams)
if __name__ == '__main__':
functionRunner = FunctionRunner()
functionRunner.setUserFunction(rectangle, 6, 7)
functionRunner.setUserFunction(circle, 42)
Here you have two functions that are defined for an area, and a class called FunctionRunner which can run any function with any number of input arguments. In the main program, notice that you need only pass the reference to the function name, and any input arguments needed to the setUserFunction method. This kind of thing will allow you to execute arbitrary code on the fly.
Alternatively, you could also replace a method on your class with a reference to another function (which is what you are asking), though this seems less safe to me. But it is certainly possible. For example you could have a class like this:
class FunctionRunner2(object):
def __init__(self):
def setUserFunction(self, func):
self.theFunction = func
def theFunction(self, *params):
And then do this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
functionRunner2 = FunctionRunner2()
