Cannot PING domain name registered when configuring Azure Domain Services - azure

So I'm using Azure domain services with a DNS name of "" (that's not the actual domain). This was successfully created. I can ping the DNS servers that were created as part of this domain but I cannot PING the domain itself using "". I have not added "" as a custom domain in Azure Active directory because this custom domain is already being used as a custom domain in office 365 (it complains that I need to remove it before adding it to the Azure active directory custom domain names).
So the question is this...when using a non "on-microsoft" DNS name when configuring domain services, like I chose to do, does that require the root part of that DNS name be added as a custom domain name in Azure Active directory or should I be able to use whatever DNS name I want without a custom domain and have it be pingable from servers that I would like to domain join from?

You can try pinging the Virtual IP address and see if it reaches. Sometimes it's just finicky about the name.
Also, check your NSG, firewall, and file sharing settings to ensure nothing is blocking this.
See this question to see if the insights here are helpful:


I cannot access my domain after delegation in Azure

after changing name servers in my registered domain (in namecheap) which has the name for example "" to name servers, which matches the four nameservers in my Azure DNS zone (ex: I could not access my website as usual , and I receive the error message, which referes to the this problem with name servers (DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN).
so, when I reset again the default name server to "namecheap web hosting DNS", then I can again access the website.
can anyone help? thanks!
When you change the name server for that domain to Azure provider name server, actually you have delegated that domain to Azure DNS name servers and you could edit your DNS records in the Azure DNS zone.
In this case, you need to add A or CNAME records mapping to your website's hostname or IP address in your original domain provider, then you will access websites again. Usually, it takes about a few minutes or hours for the DNS propagation. If you still could not access the websites after verifying the DNS update, please clear the cache or type ipconfig/flushdns on the windows command prompt.

Azure Active Directory Domain Services DNS Forwarding

We recently set up Azure Active Directory Domain Services for several Azure Virtual Machines. The domain name we used is and the virtual machines are machine01 and machine02. We also have several websites using the same domain such as or
The issue:
There are several scheduled tasks running on these virtual machines which screen scrape the websites with the same domain name. The scheduled tasks running locally are unable to resolve dns for something like or
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
The dns names resolve just fine outside of the virtual machines. Dns names such as or also resolve correctly on the virtual machine:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
I am thinking Active Directory is seeing the and only resolves it internally and does not try to resolve a name such as beyond the domain server. I believe I could normally add a forwarder to Active Directory DNS to solve this issue. But how do I get dns to forward with Azure Active Directory Domain Services?
**** EDIT 2019-02-07 ****
I did find how to administer the Azure AD Domain Services domain for a domain connected virtual machine. This article shows how to add the DNS manager:
But we should have configured the Azure Active Directory Domain Services domain as something like instead of just
So the solutions we have are:
Add an alias into dns
Edit the local hosts file
Delegate a sub-domain
Adding an alias into DNS worked for us and is the solution we are going to go with.
While I have no direct answer to your question, you can work around by populating hosts files on the nodes to "skip" dns resolution

How to set custom domain name for nodejs app hosting on azure linux VM

I am hosting my nodejs project on microsoft azure. Now i wanted do custom domain but i don't know how to do, I have external go daddy domain.
Presently my project running on azure vm's default domain, now I wanted to change my goDaddy domain. How can I do that, Can anyone help to do this
below is my vm's configuration.
According to your description, we can add A record to map your domain name to this VM's public IP address, or you can add CNAME to map your domian name to this VM's
About add an A record.
More information about add a record, strong textplease refer to this link.

How to connect existing hosting account with new domain

i have bought a domain( and hosting from the same service provider ( but now my domain has expired and my hosting account is still available with all my files.
now i have bought another domain (.com) at .i want to connect my new domain to the existing hosting account.
Is there any way to do it.
sort of, yes. Assuming that the machine you're hostin your files on has an ip address set aside for your exclusive use - that is, not "shared" hosting - you can simply create an A record with the new new, and that ip address. You must also change your webserver config - if you're using any web related stuff - such that the webserver can associate your web site files with the new name. Usually, a web host can have multiple names at the same time, so you could simply add a new name to the existing configuration.
It's hard to answer without knowing the details of your domain and hosting settings, but I'll try to give a generic but hopefully useful answer.
You should first get the ip(s) of your hosting. Then point the new domain to that ip(s) using the dns panel provided by the registrar. If you use your own dns (unlikely), set the ip there.
After this, you should configure some rules on your hosting. It's likely that you have to set some sort of virtualhost settings. In particular, you should associate the new domain name to the hosting: probably the hosting service provides you a control panel for this task.
It will be done easily from your domain control panel, just update your dns settings for your new domain Update your nameservers or A record to point the hosting account. So that it will be linked with your existing hosting account files.

How do I provide my own FQDN for my hostnames?

I am searching the documentation on how I can provide my own FQDN to my hosts in Azure but don't seem to find what I need. How are you all setting your FQDN so that you can access your different host systems by that name instead of
I essentially want to access it by machine.domain.tld (where domain.tld is my own domain name)
What you are looking for is probably the support documentation regarding DNS Services and configuration of Azure Cloud services.
Microsoft Azure Support Pointers
I found a support article on the configuration of a custom domain name for an Azure Cloud Service.
I am not sure if you are asking about configuring DNS for a Web Site service, which looks like it has different instructions so choose appropriately.
Make Changes with Your Domain Registrar
Depending on whom you have registered your domain name with, you will need to set up a DNS A Record and a DNS CNAME to get what you need.
The "A Record" is where the domain.tld value is assigned. It will be the same as your cloud service public-ip. The machine name represented in your assigned DNS address is associated with a Domain C-Name record established with your Domain name Registrar and pointed to your A Record.
Follow the instructions to also configure your cloud service settings. Pointing the domain name to your cloud service will not be enough.
