How to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu - cassandra

I want to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu 14.04.
I have cassandra installed on my machine along with other prerequisites require for loader.
I am following this link for the same;
I downloaded the cassandra-loader tool but when trying to run any cassandra-loader command it prompts cassandra-loader command not found.
Kindly guide if I am missing anything or need to install other prerequisite as well.

in the README it says:
To run cassandra-loader, simply run the cassandra-loader executable (e.g., located at build/cassandra-loader)
so everywhere where you see the cassandra-loader alone, or just copy build/cassandra-loader somewhere in your PATH and use it.

Done. Just needed to run chmod command on utility to work properly.


How to build linux tools via MingW64 in 2021?

I'm trying to follow this example to build wget2:
I've installed x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0 preset (?) and first tried to build old version of wget1, but I've reached dead end. There is no way to run ./configure to create build target rules. Did I install something wrong? How I'm supposed to know what exactly is to install? Is it each new preset for each application I want to build? How I'm supposed to handle the insane list of requirements of wget2:
And lastly - why is it so jank? Is it by design?
There is a way to run ./configure on Windows. You need MSYS2 for that, which will give you a bash shell and the tools needed by ./configure.
MSYS2 comes with a package manager (pacman) which allows you to install a more recent MinGW-w64.

Running gdb on xv6-riscv-fall19

So I follow the commands on the website.
I open one windows and I used the command: sudo make qemu-gdb. And it asked me to use another terminal to start gdb.
When I used the gdb provided by the Linux system. It shows this error message:
.gdbinit:2: Error in sourced command file:
Undefined item: "riscv:rv64".
What should I do to fix the issue?
You need to use riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb instead of gdb. It would be installed in your system when you install riscv-gnu-toolchain specified in xv6 site.
use /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch instead
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb didn't come with the riscv-gnu-toolchain for me.
Using gdb-multiarch in ubuntu 18 works for me.
Your gdb version should be 8.3 and later
Replace all gdb with riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb when you are following the textbook and you should be good to go.
You can also run
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb --version
to check the availability of this command. If something is not right, see this page to re-install the toolchain. (Remember to make clean before re-making to clean the temporary files.)

Cassandra installation issues

I am trying to install datastax's cassandra in ubuntu, I can't understand the installation process. Help me.
steps followed :
jdk installation
cassandra download by command
curl -L | tar xz
That is all, I can't understand what or any of the installation steps, provided here.
BTW What is it meant by "install_location" and "path_to_install"
install_location is the directory you want to untar the files you have downloaded in. I think path_to_install is the same thing (but I cant find it on your link)
These are very basic things your having problems with. You might find its easier to install the packaged install via apt ( It will install everything in standard locations (, set up paths, users, env variables etc..

Troubles when installing Hep-math

I'm using Moba-Xterm terminal on windows. I'm trying to install hep math-1.4 using the PDF manual. I need to use prefix to send it to the right location but i don't know where to that right location is.
After downloading the package and extracting it on desktop i have to do the following;
./configure --prefix= something
make install
So when I do prefix=Desktop I got an error?
Help to find a good prefix?
i'm new on linux
You don't need to use a custom prefix if you run the last command as root:
sudo make install
Update: The next page of the manual says
If you want to generate Python extension modules with HEPMath you may want to use
a prefix that your Python interpreter searches for Python packages. On my system this
is $HOME/.local.

Node.js Cygwin not supported

I am trying to install node.js. I followed this tutorial and i am stuck in the middle.
When I write ./configure in my cygwin terminal it says "cygwin not supported". Please help me out
Thanks in advance.
Node in my experience runs fine in cygwin, what Node usually has EINVAL errors in seems to be MINTTY which is a terminal emulation 'skin' that is default to cygwin. I still am not sure why these EINVAL errors happen 100% but the following are the steps and tricks I use to get node working.
In my /cygwin/home/{username}/.bashrc I add node to path so cygwin can find it
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/"
If you run a 32 bit version of node:
export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/nodejs/"
Then to make npm run without windows to linux issues I launch cygwin in admin mode then run:
dos2unix '/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/npm'
At this point running files and most npm packages will run in MINTTY just fine, although every once and awhile you will run into EINVAL issues with certain npm packages as karma. Also you will not be able to run the interpreter directly in MINTTY, anytime I want to do these things I run:
cygstart /bin/bash
This will open a native cygwin bash.exe window, from here you run the interpreter or an any troubling package command that results in a EINVAL. It slightly sucks you have to do this but I rarely use this day to day, and I love MINTTY too much to not use it.
Also note that you can run any one line node code in MINTTY by just running something like:
node -e "console.log('hello node')"
As a simpler derivative of troy's answer for those just looking to install NPM packages:
Install Node.js with the Windows installer package.
Add it to the PATH with export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs/" (obviously replacing the path to Node.js's installation directory with where you installed it).
There's a current bug in the Windows version that can be fixed by running mkdir -p ~/AppData/Roaming/npm. This is a bug for all of Windows and not just Cygwin. At some point of the future, you won't have to do this anymore, but the command shouldn't have any negative side effects.
Test it. Eg, npm install pretty-diff -g.
In order to be able to run the newly installed software, you'll need to add the install locations to your PATH. You can find these with npm bin -g and npm bin (the -g flag is the "global" installation location).
Not really anything special that you have to do to get it to run in Cygwin (although I can't say if everything works).
Use Console2, it allows you to run create tabs of CLI shells. It seems running cygwin inside console2 allows me to use node REPL just fine. I have no idea why :P
Follow this guide to add cygwin to console2:
With Bjørn's suggestion (using Console2) and Soyuka's alias (steps here), my node.js v0.10.13 and npm v1.3.2 are now working under Babun v1.02, a Cygwin distribution.
For windows, Just run bash.exe in cmd, so that you could have a bash work around with cmd console directly, which could support ALL NODE WORKING PERFECTLY.
$ node
I'm using this wrapper in /usr/local/bin/node (note no extension!)
_cmd="$(cygpath -lw -- "$1" )"
"/proc/cygdrive/C/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe" "$_cmd" "$#"
This is far from perfect, as Node do not understand Cygwin directory tree, but works relatively well with relative names.
From Windows, run Cygwin.bat (instead of Cygwin Terminal) then in that run node: see and reply on this answer on this effectively-same question asked 1.5 years later.
Grab and run the node.js Windows installer.
In the Cygwin prompt type node
See if it works.
