Cassandra installation issues - cassandra

I am trying to install datastax's cassandra in ubuntu, I can't understand the installation process. Help me.
steps followed :
jdk installation
cassandra download by command
curl -L | tar xz
That is all, I can't understand what or any of the installation steps, provided here.
BTW What is it meant by "install_location" and "path_to_install"

install_location is the directory you want to untar the files you have downloaded in. I think path_to_install is the same thing (but I cant find it on your link)
These are very basic things your having problems with. You might find its easier to install the packaged install via apt ( It will install everything in standard locations (, set up paths, users, env variables etc..


Install an external library instance of libv8-3.14 to folder

I need libv8-3.14 to run some R packages on linux, but I don't have root access/sudo access on the linux computer I'm using so I'd like to install an external folder instance of libv8-3.14. I've seen R packages reference this as external as CDFLAG="folder/v8-3.14" so I know it is possible.
I'm new(ish) to linux but I've installed external libraries before with tar.gz files which then have a configure file in them, which I set the external folder with ./configure --prefix==/folder/loc, but the only downloads I can find of libv8 are .git (which I can't get to work either).
How can I install an libv8-3.14 to a folder and install so I can set:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/install/
export `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/install/`
I had the exact same problem. In case somebody in the future comes across this post, I will leave my suggestions and how it worked out in the end. Also, all credits go to an experienced colleague of mine.
The most sure thing to do is to consult IT, or someone who has already had the same problem, there is usually a workaround these issues.
A way you can do it yourself:
Create an anaconda environment, you can name it 'V8' or something (make sure the environment is based on the latest python version, or recent enough for r-v8).
activate it
install the conda version of the V8 R interface with conda install -c conda-forge r-v8
That's it. Whenever you need V8, fire up your environment beforehand, and it should be A-OK.
Further advice: If you run into errors when installing r-v8, it may be a good idea to update your conda and all the packages. However, depending on your conda version conda update conda and conda upgrade --all MAY BREAK your conda installation, so be careful. (For further information on this problem, see the endless complaints of people in this issue:
V8 doesn't use autotools, so it has no ./configure. In fact, it provides no installation facilities at all, because it is meant for embedding, not installing.
What I would try is to download the Ubuntu package (guessing from your other question, you are on Ubuntu, right?) for the right architecture from, and extracting it manually. .deb files are just ZIP archives.
As a side note, there's no point in setting PATH, because libv8, being a library, provides no executables. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is all you need.

How to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu

I want to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu 14.04.
I have cassandra installed on my machine along with other prerequisites require for loader.
I am following this link for the same;
I downloaded the cassandra-loader tool but when trying to run any cassandra-loader command it prompts cassandra-loader command not found.
Kindly guide if I am missing anything or need to install other prerequisite as well.
in the README it says:
To run cassandra-loader, simply run the cassandra-loader executable (e.g., located at build/cassandra-loader)
so everywhere where you see the cassandra-loader alone, or just copy build/cassandra-loader somewhere in your PATH and use it.
Done. Just needed to run chmod command on utility to work properly.

sdkman appears to be installed but not showing up on my drive

I have started learning groovy and I just came across the SDKMAN utility.
To give it a try I folllowed the installation guidelines at the official site of sdkman and tried to run the below command to install sdkman on Windows 10 :
set SDKMAN_DIR="E:/sdkman" && curl -s "" | bash
But I donot see any sdkman folder present in my E drive.
When I try to re-run the command it says :
Looking for a previous installation of SDKMAN...
SDKMAN found.
You already have SDKMAN installed.
SDKMAN was found at:
I am just confused as to why am I not able to see it with my eyes. I have even tried enabling view hidden items.
Tried to execute which sdk. but it clearly says which: no sdk in (..
has anyone else experienced similar issue. Any help is highly appreciated.
which bash implementation are you using under windows? cygwin? gitbash?
I believe at least in gitbash that the path syntax is /e/sdkman/, i.e. you would do:
export SDKMAN_DIR="/e/sdkman" && curl -s "" | bash
but it's been a long time since I was on windows and I suspect this is bash-implementation specific (i.e. it might differ between cygwin and gitbash for example).
If this assumption is correct, the syntax you were using might have created a directory called E:/sdkman under your user's home directory or whatever directory you happened to be in when you ran this. Just guessing here, but worth a look.

<br>how to install nagios check_procs plugin in nagios</br>

I am new to nagios and I have installed nagios 3 on my linux machine.
i want to install nagios check_procs plugin.can any one suggest me.thanks
You can install from package which depends on Linux distribution you use.
If it is rpm based then install "nagios-plugins" package.
rpm -qf /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_procs
From the tags you've marked on your question, I assume you are using ubuntu as Operative System to your Nagios' Server,
First of all try to verify where is your resources file
# find /* -name resource.cfg
The answer should be something like '/usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg'
Then find where are your plugins, pointed in the resources by the $USER1$ variable (the code below assumes your resources.cfg is in /usr/local/nagios/etc/
# grep '\$USER1\$' /usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg
You'll get the folder of your scripts (in my case it is /usr/local/nagios/libexec/):
If in that folder you do not find a check_procs, than you'll need to install a newer version of nagios plugins:
- you can either run the command bellow
apt-get install nagios-plugins
Otherwise you can go to the official Nagios' site and download/install the plugins package:, inside the nagios-plugins .tar.gz archive there is a README file with good instructions for the manual installation process

Lua cannot find LuaRocks-installed modules on Linux

I installed the luarocks package on Linux Mint, and afterwards installed a couple of rocks such as sudo luarocks install telescope, but when running a script via lua script.lua, require cannot find the module.
Meta: Doing this Q&A style, because while questions that answer this exist, none seem to be generically titled or easily findable, and I hope that I can help someone with this.
In this specific case, the problem was simply that on my distribution, the default Lua version installed was at the time of writing this 5.2, whereas the LuaRocks package was built for 5.1, meaning that Lua 5.2 could not find the rocks due to using different paths for modules.
The solution to the problem was downloading the LuaRocks source code from its github repository, and compiling it for 5.2
./configure --lua-version=5.2
make build
sudo make install
To make sure I can also install packages for LuaJIT, which as of the moment uses 5.1 libs, I have also executed the above lines with lua-version=5.1 beforehand (if I executed them after, the default luarocks command would point at the 5.1 build.
To build LuaRocks, you need liblua5.2-dev and/or liblua5.1-dev
The solution for me is this.
I try
eval "$(luarocks path)"
and it works.
Hope it works for others.
