How to decide Address range? - azure

Screenshot of error
I am trying to make Virtual network on azure cloud,
I tried giving Address space , which i think means is that first 24 bits are reserved.
I want to know what can be the address range which can be given to my virtual network?
Anybody who can explain it in more detail or provide link, will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.

This solved my problem:
Address space: ( -
Address Range:
This puts address range within address space.
Though more explanation is welcome.


What does mean ace::/64 address space in Azure?

A listing in one of Azure networks reveals following address space ace::/64
What it is?
It's the short form for an IPv6 address. The extended form would be ace:0:0:0:0:0:0:0, however, blocks with 0 can be shortened with the double colon, so the result is ace::. The /64 means, that the address block marked by this address contains 2^64 addresses (an IPv6 address has 128 bits, and in this case 64 bits describe the network, and the other 64 can be assigned to actual devices in the network).

Zedboard_Adv7511_HDMI Project Vivado Tcl building error

When I was trying to run ADI's project in Vivado 2017.4, then got this message
ERROR: [BD 41-1075] Cannot create address segment for </axi_hdmi_clkgen/s_axi/reg0> in </sys_ps7/Data> at 0x079000000 [ 4G ]. The proposed address exceeds the base address limitations <0x40000000 [ 1G ]> of the interface(s) </sys_ps7/M_AXI_GP0> through which this peripheral is accessed by this address space
Then I tried to allocate every address of every peripheral by using the auto address assignment in Address Editter.
Then I altered zed_system_bd.tcl
but still got the same kind of error. According to ZYNQ_TRM, GP0 mapping at 0x4000_0000 to 0x7FFF_FFFF.
Can anyone please tell me what I can do?

How to calculate the linux kernel 0x07c0 address?

I am reading a book about linux.It says the address 0x7c00 is about 31K.I want to know how to get the 31K according to address.The code is:mov ax,#BOOTSEG.Which #BOOTSEG is 0x07c0.I have already search from internet.

Linux IPV6 primary and secondary addresses

I need someone to explain to me how the IPv6 addresses are assigned and treated as primary/secondary. Is it the same as it was with IPv4 - single primary, multiple secondaries or not.Is there an hierarchy among the IPv6 addresses assigned or it is a flat list.
It is a flat list. All other things like common prefix length equal and with no temporary (privacy) addresses Linux will usually use the last added static address as the default source address. You can override this by setting a specific src address on the default route:
ip -6 route add default via 2001:db8::1 dev ethic src 2001:db8::abcd

Using /proc/[pid]/pagemap

I am aware that there is a little information regarding the pagemap file here. But nobody seems to indicate how to reference entries in the file. Is it offset by virtual address? Can I take a virtual address VA and simply lseek to offset VA? Or is it by page? If so, how do I retrieve the page number, as maps simply lists them in order. I am trying to translate between virtual and physical addresses, and lseek'ing with the virtual address as the offset always returns the same number, no matter where I seek to.
#leeduhem: Yes I have. Here's the relevant part:
3. Open /proc/pid/pagemap and seek to the pages you would like to examine.
4. Read a u64 for each page from pagemap.
That doesn't help me. It wants me to seek to the page, but how do I know where the entry for the page is?
There is a tool that will help you to get information you need from the pagemap file.
You divide the virtual address by the pagesize (normally 0x1000 or 4096) and use that to index in /proc/self/pagemap. After the division, that's known as the PFN, or page frame number.
