how to create a man page using fpm? - linux

I am using fpm to generate my debian package from a directory which contains my bash script.
The directory has only this bash script. I want to add a man page to the package so that I can view the man page using man command after installing my deb package . how to do so ?
What's the fpm option or command to include the created manpage in the package ?

Add usr/share/man with your man pages to the option on fpm
In my makefile which runs fpm I have ronn which creates man.5 pages from markdown.
#mkdir -p pkg/tmp/usr/share/man/man5
#ronn -r --pipe > pkg/tmp/usr/share/man/man5/example.5
(cd pkg && \
fpm -s dir -t deb -C tmp ---other-stuff usr/share/man)
See the docs example:


Change directory in a startup script debian

I am running a debian VM Instance using GCP Compute Engine and I have added a automation script to be executed on startup.
There are few tools which will be downloaded on startup. Only issue is, everything is getting downloaded in / directory.
I need to download everything in $HOME directory.
Different ways I have tried
set -x
cd $HOME
mkdir $HOME/test
cd $HOME/test
apt install wget -y
set -x
source $HOME
mkdir $HOME/something
set -x
cd $HOME
mkdir $HOME/something
exec bash
Still it is downloaded in / directory. What else can be done here?
You are trying to make 2 things : install wget package and download another one.
Why don't you tried to install wget manually ?
apt-get install wget
You have then to store the full path for your script, and download the package needed it it. Try this :
mkdir $HOME/test
wget -P $homePath/test/

Mac OSx PKG preinstall script issue

I have a problem with running preinstall script within PKG I created for Mac OS X on linux machine.
My problem is, that preinstall script is not executed and installer finishes with sucess, even my script should cause the failure.
I have prepared following directory structure on the hard-drive:
by running of following commands:
mkdir -p Payload.pkg
chmod -R a+w Applications
chmod a+x Scripts/preinstall
mkbom -u 0 -g 0 Applications Payload.pkg/Bom
find Applications | cpio --owner 0:0 -H odc -o | gzip -c > Payload.pkg/Payload
pushd Scripts
find . | cpio --owner 0:0 -H odc -o | gzip -c > Payload.pkg/Scripts
chmod a+x Payload.pkg/Scripts
xar --compress none -cf MyApp.pkg Distribution Resources Payload.pkg
I have created package with following structure:
My package.pkg
my preinstall scripts has following content:
exit 1
Which should be causing failure of the installer. However it does not. It seems, that script is not invoked.
Could somebody help me please?
If you want a script to be called, it needs to be included in the <scripts> section of PackageInfo like so:
<preinstall file="./preinstall"/>

How can I get a secure system-wide oh-my-zsh configuration?

I'd like to have a system-wide oh-my-zsh setup, but I'm not sure what would be the "best" approach for this. It is not my intention to ask about personal preferences or the like, I'm just unsure whether the solutions below are:
ln my local user configuration somewhere doesn't seem right, because adding an exploit to my local cfg and therefore gain root permissions would be very easy.
Installing oh-my-zsh to /etc would be maybe also a security hole because I simply haven't written it by myself.
Simply writing my own personal .zshrc would be the last approach I would like to try out because it’s very time-consuming.
Any recommendations?
Unless I'm misunderstanding the marked answer from Caleb is just the normal per-user installation steps with adding a .zshrc file to the skel dir and changing the default new-user shell, but it doesn't actually work or really answer the question because each user still requires the oh-my-zsh dir/would still require each user to clone the oh-my-zsh dir into their own folder meaning it's not really installed system wide, it just automatically gives them a zshrc file and changes the default shell to zsh, but without oh-my-zsh in each user folder it will error out.
From what I understand of the question it's asking how to install oh-my-zsh system-wide aka have it installed in ONE place and not require manually messing around on each new user/having a git clone of oh-my-zsh on each user dir. Assuming that's the case, here's what I did based off Arch Linux's AUR Package I normally use but was looking for the same on a centos server, however this can be done on any distro. Credit goes to MarcinWieczorek and the other maintainers, I just adapted the below so can do the same on non-arch distros.
If you already have oh-my-zsh installed on root just skip to Step 3. This isn't distro specific just uses the AUR Patch File for zshrc
Step #1
Install zsh of course
Step #2
Install oh-my-zsh as root as normal (shows wget method, see Calebs answer for alternative)
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
Step #3
Move the install to /usr/share so is system-wide
#Copy zsh files to /usr/share for all uer access
mv /root/.oh-my-zsh /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
# Move into the dir and copy the zshrc template to zshrc (which will be the default for users)
cd /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/
cp templates/zshrc.zsh-template zshrc
# Nab the patch file from MarcinWieczorek's AUR Package and apply to the zshrc file
wget\?h\=oh-my-zsh-git -O zshrc.patch && patch -p1 < zshrc.patch
Now oh-my-zsh is installed globally and the user just needs that zshrc file. so NOW is where Caleb's answer comes in though just do the below as /etc/adduser.conf is only on debian whereas the below should be distro independent.
Step #4
Set it up to be the default on new users
# Create hard link to the zshrc file so it creates an actual independent copy on new users
sudo ln /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc /etc/skel/.zshrc
# Set default shell to zsh
sudo adduser -D -s /bin/zsh
Now that's a true installation of oh-my-zsh with all new users automatically having it applied with the /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc settings and no other steps needed.
Misc Notes
For any pre-existing users with oh-my-zsh:
cp /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
You can set new user OMZ defaults in /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
Auto Updates are disabled since new users do not have permissions to update the /usr/share/oh-my-zsh files
To update oh-my-zsh just cd to /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/ and run 'sudo git pull'
The oh-my-zsh cache will be handled per-user within each user dir under ~/.oh-my-zsh-cache/ (automatically created)
Fair Warning: this assumes a Debian style linux, but this should work on other forms as well. This also assumes you are starting from scratch.
Part 1, the install:
You will need to install zsh system wide, and not just for one user. (you may have already done this but I'll include it just to be comprehensive)
make sure you have installed zsh, simply: sudo apt-get install zsh
Follow the oh-my-zsh install guide or you can either:
use curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
use wget
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
Part 2, Setting up zsh when new users are added:
You will need to make it so that new users default to zsh. In your /etc/adduser.conf file edit the line that says:
You should also change it for the /etc/default/useradd file, change the line:
Part 3, set your custom theme.
I have a custom theme file (here) that I wanted all users on the system to have. First, you should add the file to your .oh-my-zsh/themes folder:
cp your_custom_style.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes
Next, edit your .zshrc file in your home directory, change the ZSH_THEME="default" to ZSH_THEME="your_custom_style"
Then, reload your .zshrc file with: . ~/.zshrc
Part 4, setting up new user's home directories.
We need to to place whatever files we want the new users to have in the /etc/skel directory, because this is what the system copies when it is creating new user's home directory. See this sys admin guide for details.
Copy your user's files (you may need to sudo):
cp -r .oh-my-zsh /etc/skel/
cp .zshrc /etc/skel
Now you will be able to add new users and they will have oh-my-zsh by
default with whatever custom theme you want them to have.
If you want to change all other existing user's shell to zsh, I would recommend reading this serverfault question.
If you want a system-wide install of Oh-My-Zsh, a convenient approach that overwrites the least number files is:
sudo git clone /etc/oh-my-zsh
sudo cp /etc/oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template /etc/skel/.zshrc
sudo mkdir -p /etc/skel/.oh-my-zsh/cache
Edit /etc/skel/.zshrc:
Edit the line export ZSH=$HOME/.oh-my-zsh (currently line 5)
Change the line to be:
export ZSH=/etc/oh-my-zsh
export ZSH_CACHE_DIR=~/.oh-my-zsh/cache
Then edit /etc/default/useradd and change the line SHELL=... to SHELL=/bin/zsh.
That's basically all (of course, git and zsh must be installed already).
To update a pre-existing user: login as them and cp /etc/skel/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
Update: Please do not edit this. I just rolled back an edit which completely botched it up!
Login as ROOT
Step 1: Install ZSH
# Download and extract ZSH
wget -P /tmp/demo/zsh
cd /tmp/demo/zsh
tar -xvzf zsh-*
cd zsh-zsh-5.8
# configure and make
sudo ./Util/preconfig
sudo ./configure
sudo make && sudo make install
# Add ZSH to the list of shells
echo /usr/local/bin/zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
Step 2: Install oh-my-zsh
# If you're running the Oh My Zsh install script as part of an automated install,
# you can pass the flag --unattended to the script.
# This will have the effect of not trying to change the default shell, and also won't
# run zsh when the installation has finished.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" "" --unattended
# Add oh-my-zsh to /usr/share
mv /root/.oh-my-zsh /usr/share
mv /usr/share/.oh-my-zsh /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
mv /root/.zshrc /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
mv /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/.zshrc /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
# Modify zshrc to point to /usr/share/oh-my-zsh
sed -i 's|export ZSH="'"$HOME"'/.oh-my-zsh"|export ZSH="\/usr\/share\/oh-my-zsh"|g' /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
Step 3: Add Extra (Optional - Look at the bottom for extra features)
Step 4: Create Symbolic link
# Create Symbolic Links to /etc/skel
sudo ln /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc /etc/skel/.zshrc
Step 5: Add oh-my-zsh for root
# Change shell to ZSH for root
echo "$USER" | chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
Step 6: Add oh-my-zsh for user
# Change user
su - username
# Copy zshrc to $HOME for user
cp /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
# Change shell to ZSH for user
echo "$USER" | chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
sudo -i -u username bash << EOF
cp /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
echo username | chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
Change theme to powerlevel10k
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
sed -i 's/ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"/ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k\/powerlevel10k"/g' /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
Enable Auto correction
sed -i 's/# ENABLE_CORRECTION="true"/ENABLE_CORRECTION="true"/g' /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
Enable Auto suggestions and Syntax highlighting
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
sed -i 's/plugins=(git)/plugins=(\n git\n zsh-autosuggestions\n zsh-syntax-highlighting\n)/' /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
sed -i 's/plugins=(git)/plugins=(git)\nZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX=true/' /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc
Add nord dircolors
git clone --depth=1 /tmp/demo/dircolors
mv /tmp/demo/dircolors/src/dir_colors /usr/share/
cd /usr/share/
mv /usr/share/dir_colors /usr/share/.dir_colors
tee -a /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc >/dev/null <<'EOF'
test -r "/usr/share/.dir_colors" && eval $(dircolors /usr/share/.dir_colors)
I combined cFINNY's answer, reading and understanding the oh-my-zsh install script, the AUR patch in his answer, and fixing the broken adduser command to do this install in a FROM ubuntu:bionic (Ubuntu 18.04) Dockerfile :
RUN git clone \
-c core.eol=lf \
-c core.autocrlf=false \
-c fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
-c fetch.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
-c receive.fsck.zeroPaddedFilemode=ignore \
--depth=1 \
--branch master \ \
/usr/share/oh-my-zsh \
# Adapt zshrc template
&& cd /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/ \
&& cp templates/zshrc.zsh-template zshrc \
&& sed -i 's/export ZSH=$HOME\/.oh-my-zsh/export ZSH=\/usr\/share\/oh-my-zsh/g' zshrc \
&& sed -i 's/# DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true"/DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true"/g' zshrc \
&& sed -i 's/source $ZSH\/' zshrc \
&& sed -i 's/ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"/ZSH_THEME="bira"/g' zshrc \
&& echo '\n \
\n \
ZSH_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/.cache/oh-my-zsh \n \
if [[ ! -d $ZSH_CACHE_DIR ]]; then \n \
mkdir -p $ZSH_CACHE_DIR \n \
fi \n \
\n \
source $ZSH/ \n \
' >> zshrc \
# Copy zshrc template to $HOME on user creation
&& ln /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/zshrc /etc/skel/.zshrc \
# Setting the default shell for new users has no effect since:
# 1. The default shell is specified when creating new users in entrypoint
# 2. The `ade enter` command will execute `bash` anyways
&& sed -i 's/DSHELL=\/bin\/bash/DSHELL=\/bin\/zsh/g' /etc/adduser.conf
There's also a simple way to do this as well:
Login as the root user and install zsh
sudo su
apt-get install zsh
Then login as another user of the system:
su username
export ZSH=/home/username/.oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Follow same procedures for all users who want oh-my-zsh

how to install nodejs 0.10.26 from binaries in Ubuntu

I am new to linux and am trying to install nodejs latest version with binaries. The solutions I have looked up suggest the installation using apt-get on some private repositories(PPA), which I do not want to do.
So I ran the following commands:
tar -zxvf node-v0.10.26-linux-x64.tar.gz
mv node-v0.10.26-linux-x64 node-v0.10.26
sudo cp -r node-v0.10.26 /usr/local/src
After this, I don't really know what to do. I read an article which suggested created symbolic links, which I am kind of scared to mess up with without knowing the details.
Could you please give me a set of commands to run after this in order to install node with npm? I guess npm should be a part of this binary version.
The best way to install Node.js and have the latest version (or any other version that you prefer, be it LTS or "current") is to download the official binary bundle and uncompress it. A neat way to do it:
# Use version 0.10.26
$ NODE_VERSION="v0.10.26"
# To use a newer version, for example 6.10.3, use instead:
$ NODE_VERSION="v6.10.3"
$ curl -LO$NODE_VERSION/node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ tar xzf node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz
$ sudo cp -rp node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64 /usr/local/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64 /usr/local/node
The basic idea is to move all the contents of the archive into /usr/local, then create a symlink in /usr/local/node pointing to the most recent version.
For enabling the use of the "node" executable from the command line without referencing the full path (/usr/local/node/bin/node), add /usr/local/node/bin to your $PATH (usually this involves altering the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile file; there's plenty of docs for how to do this).
If you need to update Node.js (suppose it's version 7.10.0), then, just extract the tarball in /usr/local and update the symbolic link so it points to the new one. You can then optionally remove the old folder.
May 2017 update
As of the "Creators Update", the commands above can now work also on Windows 10 using the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" (via bash). On Ubuntu on Windows 10, after creating the symlink like above, to add the folder to your $PATH add PATH="/usr/local/node/bin:$PATH" in the ~/.bashrc file.
I combined both of these answers for my docker container. I wanted the executable to be in the PATH already without me explicitly doing that.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
install_node() {
curl -# "${NODE_VERSION}/node-${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz" | tar -xz
cp -pr "node-${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64" "/usr/local/"
ln -s "/usr/local/node-${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64" "/usr/local/node"
ln -s /usr/local/node/bin/* "/usr/local/bin"
rm -rf "node-${NODE_VERSION}-linux-x64"
You can extract the binary anywhere and use update-alternatives command which maintain symbolic links determining default commands for example this is on my laptop.
first i extract my node node-v10.16.3-linux-x64.tar.xz on /mnt/e/WSL_Ubuntu/Downloads/node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/ folder :
xxxx#xxxxPC:.../WSL_Ubuntu/Downloads$ tar xvf node-v10.16.3-linux-x64.tar.xz
xxxx#xxxxPC:.../WSL_Ubuntu/Downloads$ cd node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/
then update-alternatives --install :
xxxx#xxxxPC:.../node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/bin$ sudo update-alternatives --install /home/wira/.local/bin/node node\
> /mnt/e/WSL_Ubuntu/Downloads/node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/bin/node 60
update-alternatives: using /mnt/e/WSL_Ubuntu/Downloads/node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/bin/node to provide /home/wira/.local/bin/node (node) in auto mode
Now i use the node on terminal
xxxx#xxxxPC:.../node-v10.16.3-linux-x64/bin$ node --version
You should also update-alternatives --install on npm binaries.
I think there is still a cleaner way
# Download
curl -LO$NODE_VERSION/node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz
# uncompress
tar xzf node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz
# selective copy
cp -R ./node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64/bin/* /usr/local/bin
cp -R ./node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64/lib/* /usr/local/lib
cp -R ./node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64/include/* /usr/local/include
cp -R ./node-$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64/share/* /usr/local/share
Node should be working now
$ node -e 'console.log("HI")'
Hope it helps

rpmbuild spec file %install section error

I have a spec file which is similar to:
BuildRoot: /tmp/build_%{name}-%{version}-%{release}
# Directories
install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}/usr/app/mypackage/config
install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}/usr/app/mypackage/src
# Bash script
install -m 755 script/ %{buildroot}/usr/app/mypackage/config/
install -m 755 script/ %{buildroot}/usr/app/mypackage/config/
install -m 755 script/myapp-log %{buildroot}/etc/logrotate.d/myapp-log
When I run the rpmbuild I get the error:
install: cannot create regular file `/tmp/build_my_app-1.0-2/etc/logrotate.d/myapp-log'
I can get around this by manually creating the /etc/ and then /etc/logrotate.d directories in the /tmp/build_my_app-1.0-2/ directory.
When I re-reun the rpmbuild it will work.
I guess this is because I am not creating this directory in my install section but as its not directly related to my application I don't want to put that in.
My guess is that there is some clever tag I can use to fix this so that the build will work without any manual intervention.
My Question:
Could someone please suggest a way for me to achieve this (assuming its possible) or whether I need to write a script around the rpmbuild to set this up first.
You are missing the step to create the installation directories in your %install section. Remember that since you can build in "different" roots, you cannot expect certain directories (like ${buildroot}/etc) to be present.
Try adding
mkdir -p ${buildroot}/etc/logrotate.d
just before the install command that copies the file into ${buildroot}/etc/logrotate.d.
