Discover file references with wrong casing, because of case-sensitive file system - linux

I am developing an application on .net core on my windows machine.
The app is running on a docker container with the microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 image.
Everything seems fine on my computer, even when it is running in the docker container. The problem appears when it is deployed, where it is running on the same image, but on a linux instance.
for example a reference with wrong casing doesnt work.
reference: ´../Components/Car´;
actual filename: car
This will work on Windows, but not on linux.
This is because the linux file system is case-sensitive while the windows is not.
This happens for backend and frontend apps. Is there a way to circumvent this issue or find the issue earlier in the development cycle? Is there a frontend and/or backend developer tool for this stuff?


Is it possible to build a React-Native app for Windows in Linux?

Last Thursday I was asked to code fairly small app for an Android device and I went with React-Native. The app is now in the testing phase (it's really small) and I was asked again if we could also deploy the app on a Windows machine.
I code exclusively in Linux, but I also know about NW.js which does produce an output for both Linux, Mac and Windows regardless of the environment, so I said : "Sure! I'll see what I can do!"
But reading the react-native-windows' documentation, I'm not sure if that's possible. At least it is not clear to me.
So the question is not really "can it be done?" but rather "how can it be done?" I could request a Windows machine if I have to, but if I can avoid it I'd rather not go there because that would mean maintaining two computers where one'd be used only for that purpose, etc.
Edit : Basically, I am wondering if it is possible to generate an executable JAR archive of a React-Native project which then can be launched from any Java-supported desktop computer.

Play! Framework shared folder between VM and Host not triggering webhook

I've ran into an awkward issue. I'll try and explain this as best as I can so bare with.
I'm running Play! on a Linux VM (Oracle VirtualBox), with sbt run command in my terminal it works perfectly fine. If I use an IDE on my VM the webhook catches the change and does a reload.
I've shared a folder between my Host (Windows) and my VM (Linux) where my project directory is. I've also extended a port so that I can open my Play! web application on the Windows machine.
On my Windows Host machine I'm running an IDE (IntelliJ) and when I change something on a file, the Play! webhook running on my VM doesn't seem to pick up the changes made, even though it's listening for changes in my shared folder.
Question: Is there some sort of configuration or share folder magic
trick to get my Play! application to pick up the changes made from the
Host machine?
Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated.
inotify does not work on VMWare's shared folder. You might be able to convince SBT's filewatcher to use polling, but that doesn't work really well.

Can I run JetBrains dotCover in a Linux Docker container?

I'm building and running a .NET Core application inside a Linux-based Docker container. I'm having trouble figuring out if dotCover is cross-platform? I want to either...
Install and run dotCover inside the Docker container (that is $ dotcover analyse ...).
Or run some compatible instrumentation during the test step inside the Docker container and send a file back to the host, where I can run dotCover on the file.
Obviously, I'm already using the dotCover "server package". It doesn't indicate that it's cross-platform. So, maybe I'm stuck trying to find another way.
Resurrecting this one more time for the next reader. Jetbrains released a cross-platform console runner.
I don't mean to resurrect an old post, but I'm going to for anyone landing on this from the internet.
Currently no, all of the ReSharper products from JetBrains are not cross platform. Windows is a requirement under the system requirements page.
This means that it is not readily available to run in a linux-based container or linux environment.

Visual C++ for Linux Development + Docker

I would like to develop a Linux C++ app by building and debugging in a Docker container. I intend to use Visual C++ for Linux Development to remote debug into the container. However this Visual Studio extension was originally intended for use with a Linux VM, Linux development and Docker are new to me, and I'm a little stuck on the basics of setting it up.
I have created an ubuntu:14.04 docker container and I have installed the Visual C++ for Linux dependencies in the container, namely openssh-server, g++, gdb and gdbserver. I have committed the container, creating an image to work with. I think I now need to run the container opening up a port so that I can connect to the container from Visual Studio.
How is this done? Does the container need to be further set up so that there is some kind of handler to handle communication on the port which is going to be opened? For instance does Bash need to be assigned to handle communication over the port? Or does one of the dependencies, perhaps openssh-server, need to be assigned to handle communication over the port? Or was something set up when I installed the dependencies? If so on which port?
In the Visual C++ for Linux Development instructions it shows that credentials such as Host name, Port, User name, Authentication type, and Password can be provided when connecting to a VM. Naturally Port will be required but will the others be required? If so do these credentials need to be set in the Ubuntu container or discovered somehow? If so how?
you can use this docker image ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box with a VM (like in the readme) or with docker for windows

Deploy ExtJS on RHEL server

I am looking for the best practices for deploying an ExtJS app on a RHEL server. I tried installing sencha CMD on the server so that I could do the application build there, but I kept getting a segmentation fault with the 64-bit version and nothing happened with the 32-bit version (both as a normal user and with sudo). I even tried ssh'ing in with a -X option to enable Xterm, but that did not work. I am thinking I am going to have to do an external build and then deploy the entire contents to the server.
Ultimately, I would be doing this through a Bamboo server (same as Jenkins). For testing purposes though, I am going to use Webstorm. Anything I should be aware of/watch out for? I am deploying the entire project directory structure.
Alright: I was able to do this as root. Interesting. I should now be able to set up my Bamboo process.
