Play! Framework shared folder between VM and Host not triggering webhook - linux

I've ran into an awkward issue. I'll try and explain this as best as I can so bare with.
I'm running Play! on a Linux VM (Oracle VirtualBox), with sbt run command in my terminal it works perfectly fine. If I use an IDE on my VM the webhook catches the change and does a reload.
I've shared a folder between my Host (Windows) and my VM (Linux) where my project directory is. I've also extended a port so that I can open my Play! web application on the Windows machine.
On my Windows Host machine I'm running an IDE (IntelliJ) and when I change something on a file, the Play! webhook running on my VM doesn't seem to pick up the changes made, even though it's listening for changes in my shared folder.
Question: Is there some sort of configuration or share folder magic
trick to get my Play! application to pick up the changes made from the
Host machine?
Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated.

inotify does not work on VMWare's shared folder. You might be able to convince SBT's filewatcher to use polling, but that doesn't work really well.


How can I mount an aws linux instance locally?

I work on a windows machine but I ssh into an AWS linux box to do most of my work. I'm trying to figure out a way I can use my local tools (specifically Spyder) to open up files (python files) from the server so I can edit them in the IDE and then run them on the server. (Note: its not just for code, I also want to be able to open csv's I generate, etc...).
Many modern IDE's provide this option through SSH, looking at the documentation for Spyder, it seems to refer to this configuration as a 'remote kernel'.
I do not use Spyder, but I use a similar configuration to do development with Visual Studio Code on my laptop with remote execution over SSH to an EC2 instance. In VS Code it is referred to as Remote SSH, you open a folder on the remote server as your VS Code workspace.

Use Windows IDE to work with remote project on Linux

I have a project kept in Git repository which is compiled on a huge Linux server. Currently, I connect using SSH to the Linux server, modify the files there and then run commands to compile and execute it.
Everything is done in command line which is really painfull and I would like to use an IDE on my Windows machine which can connect to the remote Linux machine using SSH. I just need the IDE for file modification, auto complete and similar stuff, function resolution etc. I don't need to be able to compile or debug through IDE.
Mounting using Samba or Sshfs is out of the question because it is too slow. I need speed. If I click save, it needs to be save. Autocomplete should work like locally, it should work as though the files are on my machine most of the time.
Can somebody recommend an IDE which this qualities and information on how to set it up.
The best thing that worked out for me is Unison. You have to have two copies of Unison, one on Windows client and one on remote Linux. You checkout the repository on the remote and then run Unison to synchronize the remote copy to your local. It connects to remote through ssh. Every time file is changed both locally or remotely, the other side gets updated instantly. Works well on slow connections.
You can then use your favorite IDE and work locally. The only quirt is that Unison must be same version and compiled with same Ocaml version (in my case Unison 2.48.4 with OCaml 4.0.4.). I had to compile it manually for Linux and for Windows I downloaded provided binary.

Discover file references with wrong casing, because of case-sensitive file system

I am developing an application on .net core on my windows machine.
The app is running on a docker container with the microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 image.
Everything seems fine on my computer, even when it is running in the docker container. The problem appears when it is deployed, where it is running on the same image, but on a linux instance.
for example a reference with wrong casing doesnt work.
reference: ´../Components/Car´;
actual filename: car
This will work on Windows, but not on linux.
This is because the linux file system is case-sensitive while the windows is not.
This happens for backend and frontend apps. Is there a way to circumvent this issue or find the issue earlier in the development cycle? Is there a frontend and/or backend developer tool for this stuff?

How to use ec2 instance as personal dev box using intellij as IDE?

I have searched the questions and have not found an answer to this one:
I am developing an existing project (git repo) that runs only on Linux. For the time being I have at my disposal only a windows laptop which I cannot modify. This laptop has Intellij installed and internet access. I cannot, for example, create a Linux VM on this laptop.
Is there a way I can put the project code on an Amazon ec2 Linux instance and build the project on that instance, while viewing and developing the code in Intellij? All compilation and code execution has to be done remotely, on the ec2 Linux instance. I cannot build locally and push from the windows laptop.
2 possible configurations might be:
(1) install intellij on the ec2 instance and x-window in from windows to view the intellij screens;
(2) use the intellij on the Windows laptop and somehow point the intellij to the ec2 instance in order to view, edit, build, and run the project on that instance.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
ec2 with enough memory for development is billed / hour. For 32gb RAM it's >$80/month (always online ~450h).
You could use wls 2 under windows. You can install IDEA and use it trough X server like
VcXsrv and access to windows files. It's not the best idea to run full GNOME (even xfce4). Google chrome also works very well
Downsides are:
(still) slow access to drive compared to raw Linux
I cannot configure WSL to access same VPN as in Windows. It simply cuts off internet connection for WSL while I click connect in windows.

Deploy ExtJS on RHEL server

I am looking for the best practices for deploying an ExtJS app on a RHEL server. I tried installing sencha CMD on the server so that I could do the application build there, but I kept getting a segmentation fault with the 64-bit version and nothing happened with the 32-bit version (both as a normal user and with sudo). I even tried ssh'ing in with a -X option to enable Xterm, but that did not work. I am thinking I am going to have to do an external build and then deploy the entire contents to the server.
Ultimately, I would be doing this through a Bamboo server (same as Jenkins). For testing purposes though, I am going to use Webstorm. Anything I should be aware of/watch out for? I am deploying the entire project directory structure.
Alright: I was able to do this as root. Interesting. I should now be able to set up my Bamboo process.
