how to add leaflet-geosearch control in django admin - django-leaflet

beginner in programming, for a django(2.1) project i have added a leaflet-geosearch control on a map. It works fine but my need is to have this control in admin(LeafletGeoAdmin). I absolutely don't know how to do that. Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.
Here is what i have added in my template to displate the map with the geosearch control:
<div id="leafleft_container">
{% leaflet_map "map" callback="mapInit" %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var GeoSearchControl = window.GeoSearch.GeoSearchControl;
var OpenStreetMapProvider = window.GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider;
var provider = new OpenStreetMapProvider();
var searchControl = new GeoSearchControl({
provider: provider,
searchLabel: 'Lieu à rechercher',
notFoundMessage: 'Non trouvé',
retainZoomLevel: true,
showMarker: true,
selected: 0,
var map ='map');
var osmUrl='https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var osmAttrib='Map data © OpenStreetMap';
var osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution: osmAttrib});
map.setView({{Centrage}}, 4);
I guess to have the same result in admin I should add the same somewhere in leaflet widget but I have no idea where.

one solution was to add the leaflet-geosearch code into leaflet-extrajs and link the CDN for leaflet geo-search into widget.html.
Not sure it is the best practice but it works.


handlebars - add content to head of view from partial

I am using express-handlebars in my project and have the following problem:
I want to be able to add <script> oder such tags to my overall views head from a partial that is called inside the view.
The view
{{#*inline "head-block"}}
<script src="some/source/of/script">
The view is extending another partial (layouts/master) that I use as a layout. It adds its content to that ones head block through the inline partial notation, which works fine
the Partial "myPartial
<script src="another/script/src/bla"></script>
<h1> HELLO </h1>
Now I would like that particular script tag in there to be added to my views head-block. I tried going via #root notation but can only reference context there. Not change anything.
I know I could use jquery or similar to just add the content by referencing the documents head and such. But I wanted to know if this is possible at all via Handlebars.
I do doubt it is in any way. But if you have any ideas or suggestions, please do send them my way! Many thanks!!!
This wont work if you have more than one thing injected into your layout / view. Since this happens when the browser loads the page, it creates some kind of raceconditions where the helpers has to collect the things that have to be injected into the parent file. If its not quick enough, the DOMTree will be built before the helper resolves. So all in all, this solution is NOT what I hoped for. I will research more and try to find a better one...
Here is how I did it. Thanks to Marcel Wasilewski who commented on the post and pointed me to the right thing!
I used the handlebars-extend-block helper. I did not install the package, as it is not compatible with express-handlebars directly (Disclaimer: There is one package that says it is, but it only threw errors for me)
So I just used his helpers that he defines, copied them from the github (I am of course linking to his repo and crediting him!) like so:
var helpers = function() {
var blocks = Object.create(null);
return {
extend: function (name,context) {
var block = blocks[name];
if (!block) {
block = blocks[name] = [];
block: function (name) {
var val = (blocks[name] || []).join('\n');
// clear the block
blocks[name] = [];
return val;
module.exports.helpers = helpers;
I then required them into my express handlebars instance like so:
let hbsInstance = exphbs.create({
extname: 'hbs',
helpers: require('../folder/toHelpers/helpersFile').helpers() ,
partialsDir: partialDirs
Went into my central layout/master file that`is extended by my view Partial and added this to its <head> section
{{{block 'layout-partial-hook'}}}
(The triple braces are required because the content is HTML. Else handlebars wont recognize that)
Then in the partial itself I added things like so:
{{#extend "layout-partial-hook"}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/index.css"/>
And that did the trick! Thanks!!!

Include doc link and graphics in email form Xpages

I want to send emails from an Xpage application. Want to include some type of header graphic or HTML styling, and it must include a doc link.
I started using Ulrich Krause's modification of Tony McGuckin's excellent SSJS here
However, I have two issues that I cannot resolve - adding the doc link an and also a graphic.
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var tmp:String ="A New Location Has Been Created: " + document1.getDocument().getItemValueString("businessUnitName") + ".\n\n" + "Please click this doc link and add any additional approvers ==> ";
emailBean.setFooterHTML("<p>Kind regards,<br/>Samantha<br/>0012 3456 789</p>");
I have commented out the setDocument code as it doesn't work and isn't necessary.
I have an image resource in the db called locations.pgn that I want to include - or I can put it on the web at a url I control.
How do I pass in a doc link? I have computed it, but I just don't now how to add it.
The other method I have tried is a more roll my own.
I have this in a button on the Xpage form:
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var nteUrl:String = doc.getNotesURL();
var sndTo:String ="";
var sndFrm:String ="";
var sbj:String ="A New Location Has Been Created: blah blah blah");
var body:String =""A New Location Has Been Created: blah blah blah");
And then my function:
function sendEmail(sndTo,sndFrm,subject,body,trgDoc) {
var doc:NotesDocument = database.createDocument();
var memo:NotesRichTextItem = doc.createRichTextItem("Body")
var urlgif="/locations.png";
memo.embedObject(NotesEmbeddedObject.EMBED_OBJECT, "",urlgif,null);
return ;
This attaches the file as an attachment, not as a picture. Can't find a method to do that.
I am agnostic about which method I use, I just want to get one nailed down and tightened up so I can use it throughout my applications.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You create the email based on HTML with emailBean.addHTML(... your html ...).
Use the syntax
link text
to add links and
<img src="url" ...>
to add images.
Instead of an URL you can code the picture in base64 and include it completely in your html like this
<img src="

multiple d3 visualizations in one HTML document

I want to have multiple d3 visualizations in one document. My idea is to store some configuration such as url of the RESTful service along with the SVG tag attributes. On document load d3 would read in the attributes and load the data from the server and create the visualization. In this way I could edit / rearrange the document while keeping the visualizations intact.
My question is whether there is already a standardized way (best practice) of doing this? Or is there some plugin or something I could use?
change: I realized that I should mention that I want to create different documents with the same code. Consequently the document defines the content of the visualization (not the code).
A sample document with SVG attributes:
<svg width="200"... src="localhost:8000/rest/host1/cpu" type="os.line">...</svg>
<svg width="200"... src="localhost:8000/rest/host1/memory" type="">...</svg>
in the end I decided to move the configuration into paragraphs (integrates well with redactor):
<p class="plot" src="localhost:8000/rest/host1/cpu" type="os.line">...</p>
<p class="plot" src="localhost:8000/rest/host1/memory" type="">...</p>
... here is my code:
define(['lib/d3.v3.min'], function(ignore) {
var visualise = function(plugins) {
var _host = function(src) {
return src.split("/")[4];
var _plot = function(type) {
var parts = type.split(".", 2);
return plugins[parts[0]][parts[1]];
.each(function() {
var div =;
var plot = _plot(div.attr("type"));
var url = div.attr("src");
var host = _host(url);
d3.csv(url, function(data) {, data, host);
return {visualise: visualise};
comments, improvements are more than welcome.
Why not just append each visualization to a different div?

Marionette, how to change view's template on fly

I'm doing a single page webApp with Marionette and RequireJs, basically it is a Layout view nested with a lots of ItemView and compositeView. I want the page change to a new design by one click, so I want to ask a best practice about changing the view's template.
say, I got my view like this, and its templates are included by requirejs's text plugin:
], function(template) {
var MyView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template,
initialize: function() {
onRender: function() {
return SkillView;
every view and theirs subviews are defined like this. and their templates located in "template/designNo1" folder. now I got a set of new design located in "template/designNo2", and I want apply it to the page, but I found there is no chance to do this, because the views are already loaded by RequireJs and the template's path are hard-coded. of course, I can override the view's template when create the view's instance, but if I do so, I must load all the new design in the upper-module which create the instance, that looks bad, and the new design are keep coming, it gonna be a mess soon.
so, any advice?
From what I can tell, it sounds like you are wanting to change the template on a view depending on different circumstances. Marionette's ItemView has a getTemplate() function that is called when rendering it. You can specify a function that determines which template to render from there.
Another approach might be to simply change the template of the view and re-render it. You could do that on a click event easily:
<div class="content"></div>
<button class="btn">Change Template</button>
var template1 = '<div>Template 1</div>';
var template2 = '<div>Template 2</div>';
var ItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template1
var itemView = new ItemView({ el: '.content' });
$('.btn').click(function(e) {
itemView.template = template2;

Mustache section in Couchdb issues

I am a couchdb newbie running CouchDB 1.0.1.
I have a very basic issue. I cannot get Mustache Sections to render in a list.
Here is my list with the data hard coded from an example.
function(head, req) {
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/html"
var mustache = require("lib/mustache");
var view = {name: "Joe's shopping card",items: ["bananas", "apples"]};
var template = "{{name}}: <ul> {{#items}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/items}} </ul>";
return mustache.to_html(template,view);
Joe's shopping card: <ul> <li></li><li></li></ul>
Please help!!!
Thank you,
/ Jeff
Oh barf, I just figured it out and it is a little rediculous. Here it is for anyone else who wants to save some time. Add this to your template "{{%IMPLICIT-ITERATOR}}".
var template = "{{name}}: <ul> {{#items}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/items}} </ul>";
var template = "{{%IMPLICIT-ITERATOR}}{{name}}: <ul> {{#items}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/items}} </ul>";
