Azure SNMP problems - azure

I want to setup a monitor system in Azure. The monitor system is using snmp protocol.
However, I have some problems.
My monitor system private subnet is not same as other hosts.
I also tried to use public address. On my mac, I tried to use snmpwalk to azure public IP (VM and also allowed 161 in Azure firewall policy) which return Timeout.
(e.g snmpwalk -v2c -c xxx AzurePublicIP system)
Any suggestion can let me use snmpwalk from VM1 to VM2 (different subnet?)
Many thanks!!

Any suggestion can let me use snmpwalk from VM1 to VM2 (different
If the Azure VMs in the different subsets of the different virtual network, you need make sure the VMs can communicate with each other in the different virtual networking using Virtual network peering. If the Azure VMs in the different subsets of the same virtual network, by default, they can communicate with each other without any further steps.
Moreover, you need to add inbound security rules of NSG which is associated with the VM2 subnet to allow SNMP ports and UDP protocol access to your subnet.
UDP 161: Used when management stations communicate with agents, e.g. Polling
UDP 162: Used when agents send unsolicited Traps to the management station
Also, check the firewall inside each of Azure VMs.
Hope this helps.


VMs in separate subnet can ping each other

In Azure, I have 2 VMs, each in their own subnet (see image below). To my surprise, both VMs can "see" each other (using ping).
The subnet address ranges are:
The VMs (NIC) IPs are:
This is the setup
Why are both VMs able to ping each other? I thought since they are in different subnets, they would not be able to "see" each other. Is this an Azure specific feature?
Azure routes traffic between subnets in the same virtual network (or peered virtual networks) by default as described in the Azure virtual networks overview.
You can use network security groups to filter traffic flowing in- and outbound to/from these subnets. The default rules will allow traffic from a virtual network, so you will have to add some of your own rules with a higher priority to the Network Security Groups (NSG). See docs in NSG here

Azure ASG internal connectivity

I created an application security group, assigned it to two VMs and there is a lot more in that resource group but my question is when I RDP into one of the VMs, I cannot ping the other VM and or reach a website hosted on the other VM. Plus because of an NSG, I am able to reach that website from my local machine.
I thought using ASGs mean, I don't have to do anything else for connected VMs to talk to each other? Also of note, if I open up the ASG to everything in the NSG, I am able to ping and reach the site from the other VM. What am I missing?
Both VMs are in the same vnet and subnet. Screenshot of NIC of one of the VMs below:
when I RDP into one of the VMs, I cannot ping the other VM and or
reach a website hosted on the other VM. Plus because of an NSG, I am
able to reach that website from my local machine.
You're able to connect to the other VM from the VM because VMs in the same virtual network can communicate with each other over any port, by default. This means you can access the other VM using its private IP address from one VM. Note, by default, Firewall inside the VM may disable the ICMP packages, you may use netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow to enable the ICMP inbound traffic if you work on Windows Azure VM or temporarily turn windows firewall off to test this when you ping each other.
In this case, you may check the above first. If you still do not ping VMs or reach a website hosted on the other VM2 from the VM1 inside the private network. I may think that something is blocking on the NSG side. It is not a good way to use PING test the VMs connectivity. You could use telnet to verify if the specific port is blocking.
I thought using ASGs mean, I don't have to do anything else for
connected VMs to talk to each other?
Yes, you don't have to do anything else for connected VMs to talk to each other as they already in the same subnet where they can communicate with each other.
You may refer to more details about Application security groups.

Communicate between VMs on connected Azure Virtual Networks

I have two virtual networks (classic) in Azure, and I need to be able to ssh between vms on these networks. I have followed the instructions here (, and successfully connected the networks. However, when I try and ping vm1 on vnet1 and vm2 on vnet2 the request times out, so it looks like vm1 cannot see vm2. Are there any further steps I need to take to allow communication? Shouldn't they be able to see each other's private IP addresses?
That's a pretty loaded question, but I think there is a better walk through for you to have a look at:
Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection in the Azure Classic Portal
Configure a VNet-to-VNet connection for virtual networks in the same subscription by using Azure Resource Manager and PowerShell
Pick your poison... I've verified both of these work as intended if you follow the steps carefully.

getting a block of public IP subnet from microsoft

Does anyone know if its possible to have my corporate azure account to be assigned a block (e.g. subnet) of azure public IP within a region to make it easier to create firewall rules for my corporate firewall which blocks most outgoing ports.
Our customer does not want anyone sourced inside from the corporate .com account to have access to all 22 and 3389 ports out on the internet, but will limit them to a subnet if we can be assigned a subnet on which we will hang our bastion servers on.
I wouldn't know about blocks of IP's, but you can certainly create a virtual network in which you create all your resources in Azure, and hten configure a firewall in azure, which will have a permanent IP. This can then be used to set up a site-to-site VPN thing between your corporate network and the machines in Azure.
For public facing ports, you can add another virtual network card and rest assured that the traffic on one card cannot, in any way pass over to the other, network connected card.
This would also be a better strategy than to set up a range of VM's in Azure with public IP's.

Azure VMs Virtual Network inter-communication

I'm new to Azure (strike 1) and totally suck at networking (strike 2).
Nevertheless, I've got two VMs up and running in the same virtual network; one will act as a web server and the other will act as a SQL database server.
While I can see that their internal IP addresses are both in the same network I'm unable to verify that the machines can communicate with each other and am sort of confused regarding the appropriate place to address this.
Microsoft's own documentation says
All virtual machines that you create in Windows Azure can
automatically communicate using a private network channel with other
virtual machines in the same cloud service or virtual network.
However, you need to add an endpoint to a machine for other resources
on the Internet or other virtual networks to communicate with it. You
can associate specific ports and a protocol to endpoints. Resources
can connect to an endpoint by using a protocol of TCP or UDP. The TCP
protocol includes HTTP and HTTPS communication.
So why can't the machines at least ping each other via internal IPs? Is it Windows Firewall getting in the way? I'm starting to wonder if I've chose the wrong approach for a simple web server/database server setup. Please forgive my ignorance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If both the machines are in the same Virtual Network, then just turn off Windows Firewall and they will be able to ping each other. Other way is to just allow all incoming ICMP traffic in Windows Firewall with Advanced Settings.
However there is a trick. Both the machines will see each other by IP Addresses, but there will be no name resolution in so defined Virtual Network. Meaning that you won't be able to ping by name, but only by direct IP address. So, if want your Website (on VM1) to connect to SQL Server (on VM2), you have to address it by full IP Address, not machine name.
The only way to make name resolution within a Virtual Network is to use a dedicated DNS server, which you maintain and configure on-premises.
This article describes in details name resolution scenarios in Windows Azure. Your particular case is this:
Name resolution between virtual machines and role instances located in
the same virtual network, but different cloud services
You could potentially achieve name resolution, if you put your VMs is same cloud service. Thus you will not even require dedicated virtual network.
If your VMs are inside a Virtual Network in Azure, then you have to make sure two things.
Required Port is enabled.
Firewall is disabled on the server.
I was trying to connect to one VM where SQL Server DB was installed, from another VM. I Had to enable 1433 port in the VM where SQL was installed. For this you need to add an MSSQL endpoint to the VM on the azure management portal. After that i disabled windows firewall. Then i was able to connect to the VM from another.
