NOde.js/Express App can't find some node_modules - node.js

I use several Node/Express modules in my app, and everything works fine for every module as long as I do const module = require('module');. I don't need to define a static path for these modules as app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));.
However, for the sweetalert module, if I define in my layout.pug (base pug file) script(src="/node_modules/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js"), I get a 404 Error (not found) unless I include in app.js the following static path: app.use("/node_modules", express.static(__dirname + "/node_modules"));.
My question is: is this the normal behaviour or is it something I'm not doing right? (I'm kinda confused why I have to define a static path just for one of several modules I use.

Here's whats going on:
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); is declaring that the public directory is accessible to the browser. You should put all your front end resources in that folder. This will help separate what can be accessed from the server and what can be accessed from the client.
When you reference script(src="/node_modules/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js") the browser throws a 404 because that file is not located in the public directory, therefore off limits to the browser.
Adding this line app.use("/node_modules", express.static(__dirname + "/node_modules")); "fixes" your issue but now exposes all your node_modules to the browser. This probably isn't a good idea and I'm sure a security expert could elaborate why this shouldn't be done.
How I would resolve this issue: Go through your .pug code and look at any resources your front end requires. Then copy them over to the public folder and fix your references to use the copy of the resource.
Here's an example of a script I use to move resources from the node_module directory to a public/assets directory:
const path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
const ASSETS = [
if (!fs.existsSync('./public/assets')){
} => {
let filename = asset.substring(asset.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
let from = path.resolve(__dirname, `./node_modules/${asset}`)
let to = path.resolve(__dirname, `./public/assets/${filename}`)
if (fs.existsSync(from)) {
} else {
console.log(`${from} does not exist.\nUpdate the build.js script with the correct file paths.`)
then I update my package.json to include this in the scripts:
"scripts": {
"build": "node ./build.js || true",
"start": "node ./bin/www"
then in any of my views pages I reference the resource by using the new path
Finally before you deploy your app you now must run the following command:
npm run build then npm start
You will only need to run the build command if your front end resources change. So if you only ever use sweetalert.min.js you will only need to run the build the first time you run your app. If later on you add another resource aNewResource.js you will need to update the build.js file and run npm run build again.


vercel not running build and instal commands and not creating Serverless functions

I am trying to move my application's API to Vercel. It is written in Typescript and uses Express.
The index.ts is located in <root>/src. The npm run build compiles it into <root>/dist directory. The file contains the following:
const app = express();
app.use((req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
//blah, blah, there is a lot going on here
app.use('/', common);
//... other app.use(s)
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Server running on ${port}, http://localhost:${port}`));
module.exports = app;
I've got the following in the vercel.json file which is located in the root directory where the package.json also is:
"version": 2,
"installCommand": "npm install",
"buildCommand": "npm run build",
"outputDirectory": "dist",
"builds": [
"src": "dist/index.js",
"use": "#vercel/node"
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "dist/index.js"
When locally I run npm run build, then vercel dev --listen 5000 I get Ready! Available at http://localhost:5000 and can go to http://localhost:5000/ping and get a response.
Now I commit the files to git, the deployment runs, but judging by the logs the npm install and npm run build commands are not running. No functions are created my /ping endpoint returns "Page not found".
Here is the deployment log:
This is what Build & Development Settings look like (the Root Directory is left blank):
I followed several recommendations I found online and according to them everything should work. I probably miss some setting somewhere. What is it?
If more information is needed, please let me know, I'll update my question.
Thank you.
--- UPDATE ---
I have set the Root Directory to src and checked the "Include source files outside of the Root Directory in the Build Step" checkbox. Now the npm install and npm run build are executing. As you can see some static files are deployed, but there are still no serverless functions and my /ping route returns 404 and "home" page, i.e. / route returns the content of the index.js file. In addition the local is not working either anymore, also returning 404 now.
Without that checkbox I was getting
Warning: The vercel.json file should exist inside the provided root directory
and still no install or build running.
Also worth noting that I had to change my tsconfig.json to have "outDir": "src/dist" instead of "outDir": "dist", otherwise I was getting
Error: No Output Directory named "dist" found after the Build completed. You can configure the Output Directory in your Project Settings.
Removed the Root directory and back to square one, no npm commands running but local is working with / route returning Cannot GET / and /ping returning correct response.
For everyone out there who's looking for an answer, maybe this will help you.
In my case, what I needed is to create a folder, called api in my src folder, i.e. the folder that is specified as Root Directory in Build & Development Settings in Vercel. Within this directory, each serverless function needs a file named the same as the path of the route. For example, the file named "my-route.js" will be accessible via
All this file needs is an import of index.js file and module.exports. For example:
import app from '../index';
module.exports = app;
The index.js should also live the Root and contain your express setup.
If you want to have dynamic path parameters, the files' names in the api directory should be wrapped in square brakets, like [my-param.js]. You can also have sub-directories in the api foler.
Here are a few links that helped me figure this out:
No changes were needed in my existing Express setup and routes files.
Hope this will help someone. Took me quite a while to figure it all out :)

Starting Angular application as a default of a NodeJS project

I have a NodeJS application and an Angular 6 as a frontend.
The project looks like:
-> Node Project
---> src
---> Client_App (Anuglar)
To run the application, I need to follow those commands and start the server and angular separately, like:
-> node start
-> cd src/Client_App
-> ng serve
I need to start the two application with one single command or to add my dist file of Angular to be run at the start of my NodeJS, which is using Jade right now.
I am still new to NodeJS and still don't know how to configure it.
Anybody can help? Thanks
I have tried now to add the dist folder to my views folder and run it within the app.js
app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/app_server/views/ngapp/index.html'));
But I am receiving the error, that my .js and .css folders are not found:
When you build your application with the CLI ng build --prod, you get a dist folder : this folder contains all of your application, bundled into different files (feel free to look at them).
To be able to create a .ZIP file with that, you will need two things :
this dist folder
an http server
You have the first one, but not the second one.
All you need is a very simple server. For instance, http-server on NPM can do that. By installing it as a dev dependency, you could create a command in your package.json file
"deploy-locally": "http-server ./dist"
And now run it with
npm run deploy-locally
Or even better,
"start": "http-server ./dist"
And run with
npm start
If you don't want to use a NPM package (or forced to use NodeJS), simply create a basic http server in a JS file and run it with your command line (sorry, can't help on that, not into nodeJS right now).
You can create a new route and pass in app.route as express.static as below,
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist')));
make sure, u have build version of angular application by running this command,
ng build --prod --build-optimizer
You would need express to install in this case. express has amazing ways to handle all this

How to deploy a Vue app after using vue cli webpack

I recently finished creating a Vue app that I wish to deploy on the internet. However, I can only open the project using node and running npm run dev. If I double click on the index.html file, I just see a blank page. How may I deploy my website so that the browser can render my Vue app?
If you used the vue-cli to generate the project, you should be able to run npm run build and get a minified, single .js file.
See here:
This will give you a dist folder with index.html and build.js. You should be able to open the html file and see your app.
Hoping it's usefull for someone, still:
Using #vue/cli 3, I had a simular result when copiing the dist to my localhost/test.
The build assumed all js and css file relative to the root while I was putting them relative to a subfolder 'test'.
adding the publicPath : "" did the trick to get rid of the preceeding '/'
in vue.config.js I added : ( using proxy for dev with apache/php )
module.exports = {
devServer: {
proxy: 'http://localhost:80/proxy'
configureWebpack: config => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
output: {
publicPath : "" // only for prod
} else { // dev
// org, no changes
See also

Cannot get correct static files after refreshing except index page

When I refresh page on index route (/) and login page (/login), it works fine.
However, my website gets error as I refresh on other routes, for example /user/123456.
Because no matter what the request is, the browser always gets HTML file.
Thus, both of the content in main.css and main.js are HTML, and the browser error.
I have already read the README of create-react-app.
Whether I use serve package ($serve -s build -p 80) or express, it will produce the strange bug.
Following is my server code:
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'build')));
app.get('/*', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'build', 'index.html'));
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 80;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Production Express server running at localhost:${PORT}`);
Edit: I have figured out where caused the problem.
I created a new project, and compared it to mine. The path of static files in the new project is absolute, but in my project is relative.
As a result, I delete "homepage": "." in the package.json.
{ ....
- "homepage": "."
Everything works as expected now. How am I careless...
I have figured out where caused the problem.
I created a new project, and compared it to mine. The path of static files in the new project is absolute, but in my project is relative.
As a result, I delete "homepage": "." in the package.json.
{ ....
- "homepage": "."
Everything works as expected now. How am I careless...
If your route /user/** is defined after app.get('/*', ... it might not match because /* gets all the requests and returns you index.html.
Try without the * or declare the other routes before.
First, I thought you misunderstood the server part. In your case, you use serve as your server. This is a static server provided by [serve]. If you want to use your own server.js, you should run node server.js or node server.
I also did the same things with you and have no this issue. The followings are what I did:
create-react-app my-app
npm run build
sudo serve -s build -p 80 (sudo for port under 1024)
And I got the results:
I guessed you might forget to build the script. You can try the followings:
remove build/ folder
run npm run build again
Advise: If you want to focus on front-end, you can just use [serve]. It will be easy for you to focus on what you need.

How to share code between node.js apps?

I have several apps in node that all share a few modules that I've written. These modules are not available via npm. I would like to be able to share freely between apps, but I don't want to copy directories around, nor rely on Git to do so. And I'm not really big on using symlinks to do this either.
I would like to arrange directories something like this:
(public modules from npm needed for app1)
(my own modules specific to app1)
(public modules from npm needed for app2)
(my own modules specific to app2)
(my own modules that are used in both app1 and app2)
The problem I'm seeing is that the modules in shared_lib seem to get confused as to where to find the modules that will be in the node_modules directory of whichever app they are running in. At least I think that is the problem.
So....what is a good way to do this that avoids having duplicates of files? (note that I don't care about duplicates of things in node_modules, since those aren't my code, I don't check them into Git, etc)
The npm documentation recommends using npm-link to create your own Node.js packages locally, and then making them available to other Node.js applications. It's a simple four-step process.
A typical procedure would be to first create a package with the following structure:
| index.js
| package.json
A typical implementation of these files would be:
index.js = function() {
return('Hello World');
"name": "hello",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"engines": {
"node": "v0.6.x"
"private:true" ensures that npm will refuse to publish the package. This is a way to prevent accidental publication of private packages.
Next, navigate to the root of your Node.js package folder and run npm link to link the package globally so it can be used in other applications.
To use this package in another application, e.g., "hello-world", with the following directory structure:
| app.js
Navigate to the hello-world folder and run:
npm link hello
Now you can use it like any other npm package like so:
var http = require('http');
var hello = require('hello');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
I've got this working by having node_modules folders at different levels - node then automatically traverses upwards until it finds the module.
Note you don't have to publish to npm to have a module inside of node_modules - just use:
"private": true
Inside each of your private package.json files - for your project I would have the following:
(public modules from npm needed for app1)
(private modules locally needed for app1)
(public modules from npm needed for app2)
(private modules locally needed for app2)
(public modules from npm needed for app1 & app2)
(private modules locally for app1 & app2)
The point is node.js has a mechanism for dealing with this already and it's awesome. Just combine it with the 'private not on NPM' trick and you are good to go.
In short a:
From app A or B would cascade upwards until it found the module - regardless if it lived lower down or higher up. Indeed - this lets you hot-swap the location without changing any of the require(...) statements.
node.js module documentation
Just use the correct path in your require call
For example in server.js that would be:
var moduleName = require('../shared_lib/moduleName/module.js');
Its Important to know that as soon as your path is prefixed with '/', '../', or './' the path is relative to the calling file.
For further information about nodes module loading visit:
Yes, you can reference shared_lib from app1, but then you run into a problem if you want to package and deploy app1 to some other environment, such as a web server on AWS.
In this case, you're better off installing your modules in shared_lib to app1 and app2 using "npm install shared_lib/module". It will also install all the dependencies of the shared_lib modules in app1 and app2 and deal with conflicts/duplicates.
See this:
How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?
If you check out the node.js docs, you'll see that Node.js understands the package.json file format as well, at least cursorily.
Basically, if you have a directory named foo, and in that directory is a package.json file with the key-value pair: "main": "myCode.js", then if you try to require("foo") and it finds this directory with a package.json file inside, it will then use foo/myCode.js for the foo module.
So, with your directory structure, if each shared lib has it's own directory with such a simple package.json file inside, then your apps can get the shared libs by:
var lib1 = require('../shared_lib/lib1');
var lib2 = require('../shared_lib/lib2');
And that should work for both of these apps.
Another solution can be cloning files from the other places into this repo:
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const shared = [
type: 'file',
source: '../app1',
files: [
function cloneFiles(source, files) {
const Reset = '\x1b[0m'
const FgGreen = '\x1b[32m'
console.log(`---------- Cloning ${files.length} files from ${source} ----------`)
for (const file of files) {
const sourceFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', source, file)
const targetFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', file)
process.stdout.write(`📁 ${file} ... `)
fs.copyFileSync(sourceFile, targetFile)
console.log(`---------- All done successfully ----------\n`)
;(() => {
for (const item of shared) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'file':
cloneFiles(item.source, item.files)
Then, in the package.json you can add this script and call it when you want to clone / sync files:
"clone": "node clone.js"
