How can I control the title on a Google Chrome tab? - weebly

In putting my website together using Weebly (I know, but it's for compatability) I have noticed that when Chrome opens a new tab the title does not match the content. These titles seem rather random: sometimes it's a word on that page or image, sometimes it's from another page or image, sometimes it seems completely random. Is there a way to control that?

You can set it below:
Go to the Pages > SEO Settings > Page Title
Alternatively the html tag is:
<title>Title goes here</title>


How to implement scroll to a section/fragment on click in Liferay?

I want to implement scrolling to a particular section on click in Liferay, but I have no idea how to add functionalities in Liferay.
I have created a page using multiple fragments and in the top of the page I have headers of the sections and on click of a header the page should be scrolled to that particular section.
Attached page screenshot link below for reference
The easiest way to scroll to some place on the page is to place an anchor there, e.g. with <a name="scrollTarget"/>. In your navigation, you'll just link to this by Scroll to Target and you're set.
Of course, this can be done a lot fancier, with an animated scroll etc, but the basic start is this. There's nothing Liferay-specific hidden here - pick any of the more fancy methods, create fragments with the proper markup, and make sure they're used on your page.

How to scrape different pages of an unchanging Url that pages change with tabs on the top bar of Url?

I want to parse this page '' ,but it has a tab_bar on top ,so when I click one of them it shows up new information ,but with the same url.
I am using BeautifulSoup & selenium to parse that but i can't find the tag on the pages that are shown when i click one of the tabs.
This image shows the tabs that i mean.
As far as I could see, this menu uses classes, so you have to write:
driver.find_element_by_css_selector(class="...").click()- with this one he will click on the object with the class name you put into the parentheses.
A small example:
The driver would click on the yellow tab, and would open it in the same window.

Chrome extension Modal/Popup on click

I want to dynamically generate some buttons on my chrome extension default_popup HTML page and I want on click to open a model in the middle of the screen NOT a new tab, I saw some other extensions having its options like this, and then display some info.
I think the only possibility isto get rid of the defalt_popup and inject all my scripts through the background page straight into the html page.

Set or display browser tab name

I have a site I'm trying to have the page title display on the tab within IE and Firefox.
I have the title set but when I go to view the site the tabs just show the URL of the page.
I searched and was unable to find a clear answer on how to correct this issue.
Is this a browser issue? I want it to be clear to my users what page they are on.
I figured out the issue. I had a title tag in the head of my master page which was causing the title to be blank and the url to display in the tab. After removing it now my titles appear.

Google Chrome Extension Development

I am developing a chrome extension that would like to add a tab at the bottom of the page to manipulate DOM elements. Chrome 'manifest.json' file doesn't provide such feature. So how to do it or rather how does Firebug add a tab at the bottom of the Chrome?
I would suggest inserting a panel in every page through a content script. You can style it in order to appear at the bottom of the page and be always visible.
In order for it to retain its state between navigation from one page to another, you need to persist it some how (example use or a similar mechanism through the background page to persist the content (or whatever you need).
See this answer on how to insert (and style) a toolbar-like div or iframe in a page through a content script. (It is fixed to the top of the page, but you can easily modify the code to fix its position at the bottom.)
