I'm currently trying to investigate what is required to update the .NET Core Hosting Bundle. We previously installed the 2.1.2 runtime and are looking to upgrade to LTS (we made it to production just before 2.1.3 was declared LTS). We successfully followed the steps in the ASP.NET Core hosting installation docs to get 2.1.2 installed e.g. net stop was /y and net start w3svc. However, there don't seem to be any instructions for what to do in the event of an update; do we need to once again run the net stop/start commands? I did notice this tidbit in the docs, and wasn't sure if this would apply to updates on our servers.
If the Windows Hosting Bundle installer detects that IIS requires a reset in order to complete installation, the installer resets IIS. If the installer triggers an IIS reset, all of the IIS app pools and websites are restarted.
Has anyone gone through this type of upgrade previously and able to provide some insights? We want to make sure there aren't any additional steps we need to take to ensure a full and proper install, but also don't want to perform unnecessary steps like net stop was if everything is good after the installer completes.
I`m working with the client Windows Server 2016 and I need to connect Azure Logic App infrastructure to the folder in that wirtual machine.
When I tried to install the Gateway it complained that NET Framework is not installed or requires higher version. However in the Server Manager I see that there is a NET Frame of 4.6 version installed, and I`m not sure if there is an option to update that.
I tried to install web NET Framework 4.8 and it was successful, asked for reboot. I reboted the server and looks like it change nothing. NET Frame did not appeared in programs list and the Gateway still complains and refuses to work. I tried to install NET Frame 4.8 again using diferent installer.
I also tried NET Frame 4.8.1 and it did not install because my device did not meet requirenments.
It sounds like your .NET Framework 4.8 failed to install. That is the version that is listed on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-gateway-install as the prerequisite.
There are various ways to install it, try and use the offline installer (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/microsoft-net-framework-4-8-offline-installer-for-windows-9d23f658-3b97-68ab-d013-aa3c3e7495e0) and make sure you have admin priviles (run as admin).
I've just created a new IIS website on a Windows Server 2008 in order to use it to deploy a new website.
The website is still empty.
If I try to open IIS Web Platform Installer under Management Tools, I get stuck on the error:
'doctype' is an unexpected token. The expected token is 'DOCTYPE'.
Line 1, position 3.
After closing the error, the Web platform Installer closes.
Do anyone know how to solve it?
Let me know in the comments if you need any other info or technical data, I have really no idea on how can I troubleshoot this
I had the same issue. However, I cannot uninstall IIS completely as I have many sites on my IIS running.
What I did was, I tried to install an IIS module which was not there. for eg, I chose CORS module.
You can get it from here https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/iis-cors-module
Once I tried installing, WPI automatically uninstalled and reinstalled during the process and it resolved the issue.
Hope it helps!
As mentioned by #qbik Simply updating the Web platform installer fixed the issue. You can download the latest at this time from here.
Done, here's how I solved.
This issue seems to be strictly related to an old configuration of this server, so I had to manually reset it. If you face this issue, these following steps should work fine:
First of all, I had to remove the IIS role functionality from
Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Window Features on or
off > Roles.
Then, I restarted the server and added again the IIS role
functionality (make sure to check all of the asp net
After that, I restarted the server (again) and I have reinstalled: 1) DotNetCore.2.0.7-WindowsHosting (you've got to find the installer online, make sure to download the last version. 2.0.7 was the last when I made this question so on 25/05/2018) 2) Web platform Installer from here.
Executing web platform installer from all program inside start menu worked fine.
Hope it will be helpful
(See Also:
How to Install Web Platform Installer and Web Deployment)
I have had webdeploy running for YEARS on a Windows Server 2012 machine with standard MSBuild arguments (like this).
Yesterday I installed the Windows (Server Hosting) version of the .NET Core Installer from the .NET Core downloads page.
Since then my build tasks are running and successfully building my website, but not actually running any web deploy publishing. It is not failing - it is just not being run.
I want to stress I am talking about a 'legacy' .NET application - not a .NET Core application. I just installed .NET Core for somebody else.
I can verify this with the following observations:
There are no errors in any event viewers (except ones that are months old)
There is no message in the msbuild logfile that says Start Web Deploy Publish, however log files from just a couple days ago do have this message.
I can connect to the local server at port 8172 and it makes a connection.
It is happening with multiple projects that nobody else has access to.
_PublishedWebsites does get created with the latest files - it just never gets deployed anywhere.
What could possibly have broken this? Did the Windows Server Hosting package break it - or was it just some other update that came in? I've run out of ideas how to fix it and don't want to revert to xcopy!
Managed to fix it :-) Not sure exactly which of these steps did it, but I suspect it was Visual studio.
I was using TFS Express 2015 and upgraded to Update 3.
I also installed Visual Studio 2015 on the server itself.
I had previously had .NET Core RC2 (or whatever they called it at the time) installed and I uninstalled that before installing .NET Core RTM. Wondering if that removed some component that was required.
Like I said everything was working fine before I installed the .NET Core RTM - but fortunately installing VS and TFS brought everything back to normal.
When I try and deploy to my AI into a local liberty Eclipse informs me that I don't have servlet 3.0 installed.
My liberty installation is:-
Launching server1 (WebSphere Application Server
1749) on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_45-b15 (en_GB)
and it contains servlet 3.1
Even after installing the servlet 3.0 feature, it still says I need to install the feature
Here's some troubleshooting suggestions specific to your scenario.
If you're having issues with your own Liberty install, you can try using the one that ships with the Code Rally install (it's automatically included when you install using the Installation Manager install). You can find it under the Code Rally install dir, for example, on my Windows machine the Liberty install dir is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\CodeRally\wlp
As of July 2015, the Code Rally 1.4 install includes the Liberty 2015.5.0.0 beta, which does includes the servlet-3.0 feature by default.
I would also suggest creating a new workspace for Code Rally, rather than reusing an old workspace. This way you can ensure that there are not any old servers/runtimes defined (either Servers in the Servers view, or Runtimes defined under Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments). Code Rally should work with an existing workspace, but using a new workspace helps rule out these types of issues.
Ensure that you have the correct Liberty server defined in the Servers view, such that the 'WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile at localhost' entry should be the only one listed. Note that you may also see Web Preview Server in the Servers view list; it can't hurt to remove this.
Finally, Code Rally Agents have a target Liberty server defined in their vehicle info. Right click on your vehicle in the Vehicles tab, and select Edit. Ensure that the "Liberty Server:" combo box is pointing to the correct server.
Thank you Jonathan for your help. The extra step I needed to do, was delete the contents of the c:\users\bondj\user.coderally directory - and then reinstall.
After migrating TeamCity from one server to another, and also switching to Visual Studio 2013, our build fails when using MSDeploy to push a TC-built .zip package to IIS.
The application pool that you are trying to use has the
'managedRuntimeVersion' property set to 'v4.0'. This application
requires 'v4.5'
This is a strange error since my IIS server has .NET 4.5 installed and has been happily running and being deployed to for weeks, and a 4.0 application pool will run a 4.5 targeted app.
Unfortunately, the waters are muddied by the changes to TC and VS (2013) so what caused the issue I cannot be sure of.
Note: Our TC server only has Visual Studio 2012 on it, since I'm on MSDN and got early access to 2013. This could be the culprit, but doesn't make the issue any less odd.
I'd prefer not to disabled .NET runtime version checking at all (with IgnoreDeployManagedRuntimeVersion), but instead implicit set runtime version via DeployManagedRuntimeVersion:
Some more details: http://techblog.dorogin.com/2013/11/deploying-45-projects-with-webdeploy.html
Open your .csproj file and set the following element:
Adding it just above this element helps readability:
Kudos to https://stackoverflow.com/users/1769923/abhishikt-n-jain for answering with this little-known config setting here:
MSBuild deploy failing after upgrade to .NET 4.5
If anyone knows why this happens, please feel free to add an answer.
Disregard my comments below. While it got me past the deploy, I got a 503 Service Unavailable when I actually tried to run the web app. I backed out this change by setting the managedRuntimeVersion property back to v4.0 and added the IgnoreDeployManagedRuntimeVersion to my project. Then the deploy succeeded and the app worked. Dumb...
This happened to me after I installed .NET Framework 4.5.1 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machine (as part of upgrading Powershell).
The IIS user interface on Windows Server 2008 doesn't give the option of setting the managedRuntimeVersion property to v4.5 even after that version is installed. However, this can be done on the command line using the appcmd utility as #3boysdad's answer shows.
appcmd is the command-line equivalent of managing IIS sites, apps, apppools, etc. It is located at %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe but it is not on the PATH as the following link explains:
I'm of the opinion that modifying your project (via the IgnoreDeployManagedRuntimeVersion or DeployManagedRuntimeVersion properties) is sub-optimal. The application pool should be set to use v4.5, and the only way to do that on Windows Server 2008 is to use the appcmd utility. #3boysdad's answer should be the accepted answer.
found this gem while hunting around for this same problem.
appcmd set apppool /apppool.name: <your app pool> /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.5
this will need to be executed in your \System32\inetsrv directory.