Azure Service Bus, check if ASB is throttled by using SDK - azure

We use Azure Service Bus to send messages from one service to another. Producer produces quite huge amount of messages(a couple of millions) during 1-2 hours. As a result our Service Bus(we use Premium Azure Service Bus) is throttled and we receive errors on producer and consumer sides. I wonder if we could check somehow the load of our ASB by using Azure SDK(we use ASB Java SDK) and if it is high we can slow down the services that sends messages into the queue/topic.
I also understand that we can add more Premium units, but it is the last option we will take.
What we use:
Azure Service Bus Java SDK
Java 9 and Spring Boot 2.0
Azure Service Bus Premium version
Do you have any recommendations for my case? Any recommendation - patterns, frameworks, ASB SDK features would be great.

What you usually can do is to check from the portal your usage (from the overview panel), there is no feature in the SDK itself that can show you the load on your service bus namespace.
Since you're using premium messaging, there is no certain threshold that can determine if you've exceeded your messaging unit capacity or not.
you will get throttling errors as shown in the documentation:
Also be aware that you can scale up and down according to your usage with how many messaging units you want.


Read RabbitMQ Messages on Azure

I have a local machine that reads RabbitMQ queue messages.
I wish to move it to cloud. Which Azure service can be used in this case?
I went through event hubs, but I am not sure, if it would read messages from rabbitMQ continuously.
Any suggestions for the service that should be put to use.
You should take a look at Azure Service Bus. It has got FIFO queues as well as publish/subscribe capabilities. However if using Azure managed service is not a strict requirement you can use RabbitMQ on a VM (or a cluster for high availability) as well.
UPDATE: Your response means you want a managed service. There are 2 options - if you want to go with RabbitMQ but do not want to manage the infrastructure you can go for 3rd party service provider like CloudAMQP who will manage it on your behalf. The other option is to go for Cloud native messaging - meaning if you are on Azure you change your messaging service to Azure Service Bus. This would mean changing you code as well.

Monitor azure service bus queue length

I would like to monitor a azure service bus dead letter queue length using normal C#. it should throw an exception when the receiver is not able/late to process messages from the active queue and due to time delay the count in the dead letter queue increases.
Is there a way without using ApplicationInsights ?
While using the full framework .NET client still provides message counts, according to the Azure Service Bus team the advised way is to use Azure Monitor service. The service has a .NET client that can be used to obtain the needed information (example). Service Bus team has also published a sample here. The client has not provided all the information in the past, but that is work in progress and could be different now than before.
In case you're still planning to use Service Bus client to retrieve message counts, I highly advise to use .NET Standard client rather than full framework client. The "new" client doesn't have NamespaceManager, but it has an equivalent, ManagementClient that will provide the functionality you're looking for, including improvements over its predecessor and bug fixes moving forward. The "old" client is on a limited support only.
If you are using the "old" Service Bus SDK, you can get it from MessageCountDetails:
var msg = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
var queue = msg.GetQueue(queueName);
var dlqCount = queue.MessageCountDetails.DeadLetterMessageCount;
It is possible to fetch the Count of Messages(both active and dead-letter) in a Queue with the help of the latest Azure Monitor Metrics. Or you can make use of the Azure Monitor in Azure portal, which allows you to configure dashboards and alerts.

High availability of Azure Service Bus and Function Apps

I'm struggling at understanding if and what needs to be done to provide for high availability of two different types of Azure resources:
Azure Service Bus
Function Apps
Service Bus guarantee at least 99.9% of the time for most of the service (includes Relay, Queues and Topics, Notification Hubs). Besides, replication and partitioning messaging entities (Each partitioned queue or topic consists of multiple fragments. Each fragment is stored in a different messaging store. If the corresponding messaging store is unavailable, Service Bus writes the message to a different fragment, if possible.) could be used as common solution for high availability.
The following article would be helpful, please read it.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery for Azure Service
For Function Apps running on App Service Plans Microsoft guarantee that the associated Functions compute will be available 99.95% of the time. So if possible, you could run your Function App on an App Service Plan and enable the Always On setting.

Azure Service Bus: High Availability

I'm currently building a hybrid-cloud solution that needs to write messages to a queue for later processing. It is absolutely imperative that the queue is highly available (99.999+% uptime).
My options are to read/write messages to a local ZeroMQ high availability pair, or an Azure Service Bus. I would prefer to go the Azure Service Bus route, but can't find any documentation regarding high availability configuration for Azure Service Bus.
Has anyone had success setting up Azure Service Bus for high availability? I understand that the SLA for a single instance of any Azure service cannot be changed. I'm thinking more along the lines of the failover capabilities of Azure Web Apps.
The main thing you can do for consuming a service at a higher than SLA value is to ensure you are handling retry logic. The key here will be the temporal nature of any outage, and tuning a retry backoff to handle edge cases. Some use linear or exponential backoffs to wait even longer for the service to come back up.
Also, you can have more than one service bus in a different region for georedundancy, and either load balancing messages across the two or use one as a hot backup. This can get you around any regional outages and keep your service up when one data center is not meeting its local SLA.
You can find the for SLA for Azure Service Bus here: legal/sla/service-bus/v1_0/
For Service Bus Relays, we guarantee that at least 99.9% of the time,
properly configured applications will be able to establish a
connection to a deployed Relay. For Service Bus Queues and Topics, we
guarantee that at least 99.9% of the time, properly configured
applications will be able to send or receive messages or perform other
operations on a deployed Queue or Topic. For Service Bus Basic and
Standard Notification Hub tiers, we guarantee that at least 99.9% of
the time, properly configured applications will be able to send
notifications or perform registration management operations with
respect to a Notification Hub. For Event Hubs Basic and Standard
tiers, we guarantee that at least 99.9% of the time, properly
configured applications will be able to send or receive messages or
perform other operations on the Event Hub.
We've had Service Bus Relay up and running for 5+ years and have had one outage. It was an outage at the specific data center the relay was provisioned in and touched many services. After that we implemented redundancy by implementing a secondary Service Bus Relay namespace in a different data center location. The reconfigured code was set to check the connectivity on every connection and switch the primary and secondary connections. We treated them as equals so once we "failed over" that namespace would become primary.
Service Bus now supports Geo-disaster recovery and Geo-replication at the namespace level.

Monitoring Azure Event Hub

I have been researching on Microsoft Azure Event Hubs. My goal is to figure out a way to provide automatic scalability. This is a experimental work and I am really only trying to know what can I do with Azure event hubs. I do not have access to the Azure platform to test test anything :( .
Well, so far, I found that through REST API and Service Bus Powershell I can add Throughput Units (to increase performance - I am relying on this: Scale Azure Service Bus through Powershell or API) and increase or decrease Event's Expiration time (which might influence capacity -
The problem is that, presuming that the previous techniques work and I am able to scale event hubs' performance automatically, I still need a way to know when to trigger scalability mechanisms. To know when and how to trigger scalability, I need to work on some functions that rely upon the event hub's metrics (or a way to monitoring it). The problem is that I can't really find any metrics. The only thing that I find is this: - Which actually does not solve my problem because although it may present some interesting metrics, it does not serve the purposes of my "application" (which will come if I can prove that I can successfully scale Azure automatically); and this Azure service bus statistics/Monitoring - which's links are not working.
Surely I can find more information about Service Bus Explorer, and surely it may provide some interesting insights over the event hub metrics, I am just wondering if there is something like this: that allow me to access some kind of metrics, rather than creating my own metrics
Thanks in advance
Best regards
You can retrieve metrics about Event Hubs (an Event Hub is a Service Bus Entity) using the Service Bus Entity Metrics REST APIs( Using this you can retrieve the same metrics displayed in the portal such as:
Number of incoming messages
Incoming throughput
Outgoing throughput
These should help you determine when you need to scale your application up or down.
This video is useful for getting started
If 3rd party services are an option, look into CloudMonix #
It can monitor Event Hubs (among gazillion other Azure-related things) and execute Azure Automation runbooks (among gazillion other actions) as a reaction to load conditions/throughout of a whole hub or individual partitions and optionally based on any other metrics in your environment.
Your Azure Automation runbooks could have the logic to execute increases in your EH's throughout, etc.
Disclaimer: I'm affiliated with the product.
Service Bus Explorer is great. I actually use this.
ServiceBus Explorer
