Use Azure AD to Authenticate Website running on VM - azure

Right now we have AD set up so access to our App Service is authenticated. But we need the website to have local access to some special applications. Since we can't install applications on an App Services, I THINK that means we need to run the website on a VM.
If that's the case, I'd like to not lose the ability for Azure AD to authenticate access to our VM. I'm sure we can use Azure AD to authenticate us while we RDP to the server, but can it also be used for when we expose our Web Application over HTTPS from the server?

Since we can't install applications on an App Services, I THINK that
means we need to run the website on a VM
Even though a VM is the simplest one, you do have other options to at least consider. Here is Microsoft's documentation comparing the various options along with scenario based recommendations.
Azure App Service, Virtual Machines, Service Fabric, and Cloud Services comparison
Quick Note:
Amongst the options discussed, avoid Cloud Services (classic) as far as possible, as they are legacy and on their way out. Also, if you still choose Virtual machine, do consider Virtual Machine Scale Sets for better scale and management options.
I'm sure we can use Azure AD to authenticate us while we RDP to the
server, but can it also be used for when we expose our Web Application
over HTTPS from the server?
Yes, it can be used even when you expose your web application over HTTPS from the server. Exposing over HTTPS would only involve opening up the port through NSG rules and SSL settings for your application in IIS. This will not impact you ability to RDP into the VM.


Are there high-availability options for On-premise applications using Azure

We have some dedicated LOB application on-premise applications. Access to these apps is through the public Internet. Active Directory Domain Services is used to authenticate users.
In Azure, there are multiple ways to create high-availability; is there something similar for on-premise apps using Azure? By this I mean if one on-premise system is down, traffic is routed to another app.
I know there are some options such as Application Gateway, Traffic manager and Front-door including Azure LB, my question is - are these the right services we should use in an on-premise setting?
For your on premise environment, you can use Network Load balancing(NLB) feature of Windows Server. See details here, it has an Azure inspired feature too.

Access Azure web app through reverse proxy

Can you tell me whether the following scenario could be possible?
I want to access an Azure web app through a reverse proxy running on-premise.
The proxy will be responsible to authenticate the users, add a JWT (or SAML) to the request and forward it to my Azure Web App.
The Azure Web App will authorize (or not) the user to perform the request.
Potentially, there can be multiple reverse proxies on different sites.
Anybody has experience with such a setup?
Of course, this prevent the Web App to be globally available but that is not an issue.
An Azure Web App always has a public name and IP, therefor it is possible to bypass your reverse proxy and access directly the app using its public name, or IP.
However, if you need to make the traffic between your reverse proxy and the app private, you got a few options. You can either run your app in a VM or in an App Service Environment. Both offer private network access, i.e. can be added to a virtual network and a VPN tunnel be built to your on-premises network.
Difference between an ASE and a VM is that the VM you manage and maintain, while the ASE is a private PaaS service, i.e. private app service managed and maintained by Microsoft, thus more limited in capabilities than a VM.
Pricewise, a normal Azure Web App is the cheapest option. VM or an ASE are considerably more expensive.

Azur web app in a VNet

I have a web app that is currently deployed in an App Service Environment. One of the advantages of this is the security offered by the VNet within which the ASE resides.
Unfortunately this is a very expensive option for a low traffic solution (currently costing approx. £1500 a month). Is there an alternative solution that offers the same level of security as the ASE solution, e.g. is it possible to deploy a standard Web App to a VNet?
Yes and no.
A way to do that would be to use VNet integration of a WebApp. Unfortunately, it doesn't isolate the WebApp from the internet (that can be done via the webconfig). The other problem is that it only allows the webapp to access resources inside the VNet, not vice-versa. For that you would have to allow resources to access WebApp from the internet.
No other way currently.
It is not possible to deploy an Azure web app to a VNET (allowing for 2-way communication) without using App Service Environment (ASE). If you want your web app to only be available to internal systems, you'd have to rely on IIS ipSecurity config (
Essentially, whitelist all allowed public IPs (from the systems accessing the website). This might get difficult to maintain, so you might want to investigate a reverse proxy type solution either deployed in IaaS, or use AppGateway, or use a 3rd party such as incapsula/silverline.
As it has already been mentioned, Azure Web App cannot be added to your VNET. There is a VNET integration option which allows it to act as a P2S client, however it may not be acceptable in all scenarios. Here are the alternate options:
Azure Cloud Services (PaaS)
Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS)
App Service Environment (Expensive)
I think the best option would be cloud services as it can sit inside a VNET and provide some benefits of being a PaaS based service. Refer here:

Azure cloud service and web sites communication lock down

I have a azure cloud service (a server) where i host a Redis database. I also have a web site hosted in azure web sites. I want the web site to be able to talk to the Redis DB on port 6379. I know I can configure a public endpoint for that port on my server but that would open it for whole Internet. I want it opened only for azure web sites (or even better, only for my web site). How can i do this?
Windows Azure Web Sites is in an isolation bubble separate from your Cloud Services and there's no way to bridge that gap. Ideally you'd do this by connecting the web site machine to other Azure services via a Virtual Network, but this FAQ confirms you can't do that right now:
Can I use Windows Azure websites with Virtual Network?
No. We do not support websites with virtual networks.
Opening Redis up over the internet shouldn't even be considered as it doesn't have the kind of security you'd want out of the box to be opening up its port publicly as it is meant to be co-located with your application, so you really wouldn't want to do that. Never mind the added network overhead which will eat into the performance you expect to get by leveraging something like Redis anyway.
I believe your best bet given your current configuration is to add a Web Role that's part of the same Azure Cloud Service and run your web based application out of that so that it can communicate with worker role. It only requires a little bit of configuration to get this going (i.e. adding an InternalEndpoint to the Redis Worker Role). While I realize Web Roles don't offer as frictionless a development model as Web Sites, you have to choose the right tool for the job.
Another option, if you want to setup your Redis on a VM instead of tying it to the Cloud Service directly, is that you can setup a Virtual Network, put the Redis VM on the virtual network and then configure the Cloud Service so that it's part of the same affinity group and add the NetworkConfiguration/VirtualNetworkSite configuration section to the Cloud Service's .cscfg.
Which approach makes more sense all depends on how you leverage your Redis instance, but the main benefit of the latter approach is that the Redis instance is not recreated each time you deploy your Cloud Service and, so, any data that's in it will stay available between deployments. Another benefit is if you want to build and leverage a Redis cluster across multiple Cloud Services this enables you to do that.

Windows Azure - Communicate between web site and VM without enabling external/remote access

I'm new to Azure and have set up an Asure web site which will connect to a SOLR instance on an Azure VM. The web site cannot communicate with SOLR (port 8080) unless I create an endpoint. In order to create an endpoint I need to provide an internal and external port, however I do not want to allow external/remote access to SOLR, other than from the web site itself. Can anyone tell me how I should allow the web site to communicate with my VM, without making the VM publicly accessible?
Thank you,
As #hhaggan stated, you cannot create a virtual network connection, or secure an endpoint, from Web Sites to a Virtual Machine. One option to consider is the use of SSL+certificate to secure the endpoint.
If you instead deploy your web application to a web role (in a cloud service) or a virtual machine, you can then take advantage of a brand new feature called Endpoint ACL. In essence, you can whitelist / blacklist a set of IP address ranges that may access your SOLR external endpoint. You can read about ACL'd endpoints, and how to configure them, here.
Now: You might be asking yourself why this doesn't work with Web Sites. That's because Web Sites runs on a server farm, and sites don't get unique IP addresses (unlike Cloud Services).
if you are talking about Windows Azure Websites, I am not sure if this can be done but if you are talking about Web roles in Windows Azure Cloud service, here is something that I hope it can be beneficial.
Connect ASP.NET application to SQL Server in Windows Azure via Virtual Network
you might also would like to have a look on this I don't think you will need it but I am just sharing it with you, it is for WIndows Azure Virtual Network.
let me know if this solved your problems or if you need anything else.
