P3v2 underlying virtual machine? - azure

Please confirm that the underlying virtual machine for the Azure App Service Premium P3v2 tier is the D3 v2, as shown below:

Premium V2 App Service Plan uses Dv2-series VMs with faster processors, SSD storage and double memory-to-core ratio compared to Standard. The new Premium plan also supports higher scale via increased instance count while still providing all the advanced capabilities found in the Standard plan.
You can refer Azure App Service Premium V2 in Public Preview for more details.


Azure App Service Plan | Scale up/ Scale out grayed

App Plan Settings
App Plan Price Tier
We need to scale up the app service plan for already deployed function app. But Scale up option is disabled in Azure portal ? Please any one have experience on this
It looks like you have an Y1 App Service Plan which is a so-called Consumption plan:
Scale automatically and only pay for compute resources when your
functions are running.
On the Consumption plan, instances of the Functions host are dynamically added and removed based on the number of incoming events.
Source: Overview of plans
So you can't scale your Consumption plan because it scales automatically. You might consider switching to a dedicated plan (See: Dedicated hosting plans for Azure Functions)

Scaling up a Azure WebApp from S3 to Premium V2

I've read that the Premium plan includes SSD disks for improved performance.
Does anyone know if i'm currently on the S3 Plan (using traditional HDD) and scale up to P2V2 will my app automatically get deployed to the SSD?
If you are on Premium v1 (using A series machines), the upgrade to Premium v2 does not happen automatically. You'll need to go to the "scale up" option in your App Service Plan and select Pv2 by the size you need (1, 2 or 3).

What CPU is Azure App Service running on?

What processor is Microsoft App Service V1 running on?
V2 seems to be running on Dv2-series VMs:
"The new Premium V2 tier features Dv2-series VMs with even faster processors, SSD storage, and double the memory-to-core ratio compared to the previous compute iteration."
However, what is the corresponding VM, CPU or performance of the previous compute iteration?
What would (roughly) be the CPU performance difference between P1 and P1V2 (or for example between a 4-core P3 and a 2-core P2V2)?
Edit According to this article - https://cloudspectator.com/microsoft-azure-dv2-vs-ds-comparison/ - Dv2 would be roughly 35% faster than Dv1 which would be roughly 60% faster than A (https://cloudspectator.com/wp-content/uploads/report/generational-performance-comparison-microsoft-azures-a-series-and-d-series.pdf) which is used in the V1 app services as stated in the accepted answer
Basic, Standard and Premium V1(including V1 App Service Environments) run on A series VM's.
Premium V2 and Isolated Sku(App Servicement Environment V2) run on Dv2 series machines.
If anyone considering Azure Service Plan and confused to use A-Series (S,S2,S3) or Dv2-Series (P1V2, P2V2, P3V2), should consider Dv2-Series.
In Simple Dv2-Series are said to be double or more resources (CPU, RAM and storage) and better performance. Please refer to article Announcing pricing decrease for Azure App Service on the Premium plan for more details.
With the new price reduction, it is more economical from a performance perspective (and more powerful!) to run a P1v2 App Service plan rather than an S1 App Service plan. This is also true for the other size plans when moving from S2 > P2v2 and S3 > P3v2, with each providing double the performance and memory of the comparable Standard plan. This can be seen in the green arrows in the image above.

Set Azure Function App on Consumption Plan to 64 bit

The new "Consumption" tier plans that you can utilise for Functions don't allow you to change the process bitness via the Portal. Is some other way I can flip the process to 64 bits as it's required for DocDB access.
You can set this by API. But note that it is not officially supported until you see the option show up in the portal.
Here is an easy way to do it:
Go to https://resources.azure.com/
Find your function app, and go under config/web under it in the tree
Edit and change use32BitWorkerProcess to false
Currently, 64-bit selection is disabled for Azure Functions (both, in consumption and app service plans). We're working on some validation to enable that, so customers requiring a 64-bit can make that change.
One thing to note is that the DocumentDB team has added 32-bit support to their latest release (1.11.3), and although we haven't upgraded to that yet (which will happen), you can reference their package directly and use their client in Functions running in 32 bit.
David's answer also gives you a way to enable 64-bit today.
Azure Functions consumption plan is billed based on resource
consumption and executions. Consumption plan pricing includes a
monthly free grant of 1 million requests and 400,000 GB-s of resource
consumption per month. Customers can also run Functions within their
App Service plan at regular App Service plan rates.
Source: Functions Pricing
Try to Kudu into the Function App based on the Consumption pricing tier App Service Plan, found out that the total disk space is 1GB, which is equivalent to the Free or Shared pricing tier of the standard App Service Plan.
The Basic, Standard, and Premium tiers support 64-bit and 32-bit
The Free and Shared plan tiers support 32-bit applications only.
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-web/web-sites-scale#bitness
The conclusion is the Consumption pricing tier App Service plan is equivalent t0 Free/Shared pricing tier App Service plan, which explains why it can only support 32-bit.

Table storage - Is there a cost/performance differential between reading from Azure Website vs Azure Cloud Service

I already have a cloud storage account. I am looking at hosting either an Azure Website or a cloud service, in node.js, but I am confused on a number of points listed below:
If my storage account is in 'Europe North' and if I host a new Node azure website/cloud service also in 'Europe North' then I'm wondering firstly if there's a cost differential between the two possible configurations listed?
*Azure Website (Node.js) <---> Table Storage.
*Azure Cloud Service (Web/Worker role) <-----> Table Storage.
Also is there any performance gain going with a Cloud Service over the Azure Website?
Whether you have a web site or cloud service: when locating storage are in the same data center, you won't incur bandwidth costs. You'll still pay for egress (free tier gives you 165MB free egress daily; shared tier gives you 5GB free egress monthly, and you pay standard rates after that).
Performance: You have different bandwidth availability on the NIC. With a cloud service, you have 100Mbps per core (or 5Mbps with XS). With web sites in free or shared tier, you're sharing the NIC. With reserved tier, you should have the same bandwidth as cloud service, since you have reserved instances.
