What CPU is Azure App Service running on? - azure-web-app-service

What processor is Microsoft App Service V1 running on?
V2 seems to be running on Dv2-series VMs:
"The new Premium V2 tier features Dv2-series VMs with even faster processors, SSD storage, and double the memory-to-core ratio compared to the previous compute iteration."
However, what is the corresponding VM, CPU or performance of the previous compute iteration?
What would (roughly) be the CPU performance difference between P1 and P1V2 (or for example between a 4-core P3 and a 2-core P2V2)?
Edit According to this article - https://cloudspectator.com/microsoft-azure-dv2-vs-ds-comparison/ - Dv2 would be roughly 35% faster than Dv1 which would be roughly 60% faster than A (https://cloudspectator.com/wp-content/uploads/report/generational-performance-comparison-microsoft-azures-a-series-and-d-series.pdf) which is used in the V1 app services as stated in the accepted answer

Basic, Standard and Premium V1(including V1 App Service Environments) run on A series VM's.
Premium V2 and Isolated Sku(App Servicement Environment V2) run on Dv2 series machines.

If anyone considering Azure Service Plan and confused to use A-Series (S,S2,S3) or Dv2-Series (P1V2, P2V2, P3V2), should consider Dv2-Series.
In Simple Dv2-Series are said to be double or more resources (CPU, RAM and storage) and better performance. Please refer to article Announcing pricing decrease for Azure App Service on the Premium plan for more details.
With the new price reduction, it is more economical from a performance perspective (and more powerful!) to run a P1v2 App Service plan rather than an S1 App Service plan. This is also true for the other size plans when moving from S2 > P2v2 and S3 > P3v2, with each providing double the performance and memory of the comparable Standard plan. This can be seen in the green arrows in the image above.


Azure app service plan obtain actual ACU usage

I have an EP1 app service plan that is hosting a function app.
The plan has 210ACU per month.
How do I find out how many of those I'm using?
(What happens if I run out?)
Azure Compute Unit (ACU) provides a way of comparing compute (CPU) performance across Azure SKUs.
Here you should analyze the CPU Usage and Memory Usage by going to the Diagnose and Solve problems > Availability and Performance:
In this case, you can Scale Up and Scale Out the App Service for meeting the demands during peak hours or you can increase the number of instances count.
Please check this SO Thread1 where I explained about how Scale Up and Scale Out methodology works.
Also, you can create the alerts using Azure Monitor for the app service on different quota exceeds like CPU usage, Memory Consumption, Request Failures, etc.

Understanding Azure Functions with App Service Plan

While creating an Azure Function. It provides an option to create an App Service Plan.
Let's say we select P2V2 which has 7GB Ram and 2 Cores. Here are the questions:
Let's say when the function is triggered, and each invocation consumes 1GB Ram. Does it mean that the same instance at maximum can concurrently run ~6 (leaving aside 1GB for OS let's say). Where all the 6 concurrent triggered functions re-use the same cores?
When does the App Service plan decide to scale out to multiple instances?
Yes, probably. As stated in Azure Functions hosting options - Service limits the number of Function apps per plan is unbounded, but:
The actual number of function apps that you can host depends on the activity of the apps, the size of the machine instances, and the corresponding resource utilization.
By default, an App Service Plan doesn't scale. In the same article I linked to before, it states that for a Dedicated Plan you can use Manual scaling or Autoscale. For autoscale, you control the rules.
For more information, see the documentation Juunas linked to in this comment.
Best practices for Autoscale

How to Calulate ACU required by my Web APP

I have a Web APP in Azure PAAS service App Service. App service plan uses a unit named as "ACU".
Is there any way by which i can calculate the number of ACU required by my web app.
As i have to do billing calculations so i need to prove that instance size chosen is based on some logical calulation.
Q. What is the Azure Compute Unit (ACU)?
A. The concept of the Azure Compute Unit (ACU) provides a way of comparing compute (CPU) performance across Azure SKUs.
The Azure Compute Unit (ACU) is used to help understand the
relative compute performance between different Azure series and size
VMs. It is based on the A0 (extra small) having a value of 50. A VM
with an ACU of 100 has twice the compute of a VM with an ACU of 50. A
VM with an ACU of 200 would be twice that of a VM with an ACU of 100
and so on.
So you should analyse the CPU Usage and Memory Usage.
For seeing that, you can go to your app service-->Diagnose and solve problems-->Availability and Performance.
The most important thing is NOT just considering ACUs for scalability and cost.
So you can Scale Up and Scale Out your App Service for meeting the demands during peak use and getting the final cost.
Vertical Scaling: For scaling up, since you don't initially know what kind of VM should suffice, you can start with a basic or intermediate one (not a very powerful one). General purpose Type VMs (50-210 ACUs) suffice in most cases. Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/manage-scale-up
Horizontal scaling: It's good practice to also scale out your App service plan. You can autoscale and set up autoscaling rules or go the manual route.
Link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/autoscale/autoscale-get-started
Next you should monitor your CPU Usage and Memory Usage as suggested by Doris.
Additionally you can also go to Run History and see your usage:
Based on your findings you can tweak the number and kind of VMs you need.

P3v2 underlying virtual machine?

Please confirm that the underlying virtual machine for the Azure App Service Premium P3v2 tier is the D3 v2, as shown below:
Premium V2 App Service Plan uses Dv2-series VMs with faster processors, SSD storage and double memory-to-core ratio compared to Standard. The new Premium plan also supports higher scale via increased instance count while still providing all the advanced capabilities found in the Standard plan.
You can refer Azure App Service Premium V2 in Public Preview for more details.

Scaling up a Azure WebApp from S3 to Premium V2

I've read that the Premium plan includes SSD disks for improved performance.
Does anyone know if i'm currently on the S3 Plan (using traditional HDD) and scale up to P2V2 will my app automatically get deployed to the SSD?
If you are on Premium v1 (using A series machines), the upgrade to Premium v2 does not happen automatically. You'll need to go to the "scale up" option in your App Service Plan and select Pv2 by the size you need (1, 2 or 3).
