Access Azure website by IP cause 404 error - azure

I have an azure website that I can access by
In Azure dashboard, the IP is
When I try to access my website by IP I have a 404 error
I don't understand. My plan App Service is S1

Azure App Service is a multi-tenant service, except for App Service Environments. Apps that are not in an App Service environment (not in the Isolated tier) share network infrastructure with other apps. As a result, the inbound and outbound IP addresses of an app can be different, and can even change in certain situations.
App Service Environments use dedicated network infrastructures, so apps running in an App Service environment get static, dedicated IP addresses both for inbound and outbound connections.
Azure AppService IP addresses are shared between tenants and not guaranteed to be static. Your app is bound to the hostname, not the IP address. Unless you are using App Service Environment, you cannot use a static / dedicated IP address with Azure AppServices. You can add additional custom hostnames to your app.


Azure web service ip address

I have a question regarding the IP address of my web application.
I deployed my app to azure. The application (API) has been successfully deployed to azure web service and for a client to make a request to the API, the IP address of the app is needed. In azure portal under properties I can find the virtual IP address (e.g. typing it to the browser gives 404) and outbound API addresses.
How to make the API's virtual IP address reachable by clients ?
As an addition to Stanley's answer:
The App Service gets its own URL in the form of <appservice-name> which can be used to access the application / API. You can also Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service making the application / API available through your own domain, like
Unfortunately, you can't access an Azure App service directly by virtual IP. Virtual IP is bind to the App service plan, one App service plan could contain multiple Azure App services. App service plan maps the domain name with the individual app services, so using a virtual IP is not possible to do that.

How can I reach a virtual IP address in my browser?

Playing with Azure App Service, I instantiated a simple web app. I tried to identify its IP address and found one in the properties of my app. It was described as 'virtual IP address'.
Trying to ping it or put it in my browser, it doesn't work and I can't find if it's an Azure configuration or a principle of virtual IP addresses... To be more precise, if I type '' in my search bar, I crash on a 404 page, instead of my website page.
I read a bit on the topic, mainly what it is used for, but I don't understand if I can just reach it in my browser, because just typing it in my search bar is no use. What am I missing?
The Virtual IP address under your App Service on the blade Settings->Properties is the Shared IP.
The way IP address work in App Service is different. App Service app runs in an App Service plan, and App Service plans are deployed into one of the deployment units in the Azure infrastructure which is internally called a webspace and each of the deployment unit is assigned up to five virtual IP addresses, which includes one public inbound IP address and four outbound IP addresses.
All App Service plans in the same deployment unit, and app instances that run in them, share the same set of virtual IP addresses which means many App Services is behind same IP address hence you need to configure Custom Domain on your App Service to get it to work.
For configuring Custom domain refer to this link:
Please refer to below articles for details:
Inbound and outbound IP addresses in Azure App Service
App Service networking features

how to add forward proxy to azure app service

I have azure app service which runs .net core web api. This api access several external API s to get data and those external services has to whitelist the outbound ip addresses of my app service.
Azure app service has several outbound ip addresses and it can be change when upgrade/downgrade app service or when make internal changes like changing app service plan or resource group.
Is there any solution in azure to setup this app service behind a forward proxy ?, so i can share the IP of the forward proxy to external parties.
I think the best way would be to add all App services under a virtual network and create a Virtual Network Gateway to all outbound connections.
This would potentially need below azure services to be created:
- Virtual network
- Subnet
- Virtual Network gateway
- Routing tables (to route traffic via Gateway)
A better way would be sharing a domain name rather than IP address. Here's how to configure it directly in the Azure Portal:
You can also add an API Management in front of your web app and use it as API gateway and also apply policies on it.

How to allow users over VPN to access Azure Web App

We have an Azure Web App and Azure VPN, we've locked down the web app so it's accessible internally only by granting/restricting access via IP addresses (via Access Restrictions page). However users over our VPN are not able to access the web app - when they connect over VPN, the user's external IP address is not from our internal network. We do not want to whitelist everyone's IP address.
If we had the internal IP address of the web app, we have a few options we could try, but we assume this is not available to us.
How would we allow access to a web app for users over a VPN?
Is this something API Management would solve?
If you don't want to whitelist everyone's IP address. You could involve front-ending the Web App with an Azure Application Gateway and restricting access to the Web App such that only connections from the Gateway are allowed.
Azure Application Gateway is a web traffic load balancer. It has a public or a private frontend or both backends, it must deploy in a dedicated subnet. The subnet also supports to restrict the network inbound and outbound traffic with NSG. In this case, you can deploy a private app GW, then the users over VPN will send the HTTP/HTTPS requests to the APP GW frontend, the APP GW receives the requests via Listener and routes the traffic to the appropriate backends based on the routing rules. An application gateway can communicate with to on-premises servers when they're connected by Azure ExpressRoute or VPN tunnels if traffic is allowed. See supported backend pools and how an application gateway works.
You could get more references from the third way in this blog.

Does my app service share VM/outgoing IP with other people's app service?

Since App Service is multi-tenant infrastructure, is it true that my app service might share same underlying VM and outgoing IP with other app service which not owned by me?
Yes. Your app service will share the same outgoing IP. App services in the same plan will share a load balancer, and will use one of four IP's for outgoing traffic.
The IP's are shown in the Azure portal in the app service's properties, and can also be retrieved using powershell.
Details about the network traffic for app services:
