Issue with set object with condition - python-3.x

Unable to figure out why am I getting the output as "No" only in the below code.
Shouldn't it print "Yes" for those 2 set values
import re
import subprocess
from plumbum import local, cmd
s = subprocess.check_output(["opatch", "lsinventory"])
output = s.decode("utf-8")
patches = [27923320, 27547329, 21171382, 21463894, 18961555, 28432129]
patches_found = set(re.findall(r'\b(?:%s)\b' % '|'.join(map(str, patches)), output))
patches_missing = set(map(str, patches)) - patches_found
for item in patches_missing:
if item in ["27923320", "27547329"]:
print("Yes", item)

The items 27923320 and 27547329 in the list patches are integers, while "27923320" and "27547329" are strings. This is what you want:
for item in patches_missing:
if item in [27923320, 27547329]:
print("Yes", item)


Not iterable argument

I'm trying to extract a list of names (column 1) which have 'good' in their descriptions (column 2) from an excel by the following code, but I keep recieving this Error:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
import openpyxl
import os
import pprint
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('Book1.xlsx')
sheet = wb['Sheet1']
row = 1
names = {}
while True:
(name, description) = (sheet.cell(row, 1).value, sheet.cell(row, 2).value)
nameCheck = 'good' in description
if name == None:
if nameCheck:
names[name] = description
row = row + 1
You get this error because description returns the value None in runtime at the end. You just check if name==None and not description but the line nameCheck= 'good' in description returns None at the end and that is why you get the Nonetype error. To resolve this, use an if condition for the description variable too. Refer the following code.
import openpyxl
import os
import pprint
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('Book1.xlsx')
sheet = wb['Sheet1']
row = 1
names = {}
while True:
(name, description) = (sheet.cell(row, 1).value, sheet.cell(row, 2).value)
if description is not None:
nameCheck = 'good' in description
if nameCheck:
names[name] = description
if name == None:
row = row + 1
I solved my problem but I don't know if my understanding of the problem is right or not.
In the code you should only define nameCheck in this way:
nameCheck = 'good' in str(description)
Actually 'description' in "description = sheet.cell(row, 2).value" is not string which could be iterated! So by changing its type to string we can turn it to iterable type.

could not fetching rows content for more then 1000 rows on Azure Table

i'm trying to catch content on rows more than 1000.
So i have tried to append each content on list to be able to use it then.
import os
import json
from azure import *
from import *
from import TableService, Entity
import datetime
def Retrives_datas():
twenty_hours_before_now = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
now = twenty_hours_before_now.isoformat()
filter = "Timestamp gt datetime'" + now + "'"
maker = None
table_service = TableService(account_name='MyAccount', sas_token='MySAS')
while True:
tasks = table_service.query_entities('MyTable', filter = filter, timeout=None, num_results=1000, marker=maker)
for task in tasks:
i += 1
if tasks.next_marker != {}:
maker = tasks.next_marker
i get the below error :
999 Success
Traceback (most recent call last):
print(i,tasks.items[i]['Status']) IndexError: list index out of range
knowing that i when i replace
I get more than 2770 rows.
The common error list index out of range because that you want to access the list[1000] even though it only has 1000 items(you set num_results=1000 ). You could only access list[999] because the index starts with 0.
Just move down i += 1 line.
for task in tasks:
i += 1
My sample data:
For summary, the length of the tasks.item takes the size of the next list that will be returned instead incrementation.
Solution: Added if i == <num_results>: i = 0

Error: 'list' object is not callable

I'm trying to make a program that will pick up randomly a name from a file. The user would be asked if he wants to pick up another one again (by pressing 1).
The names can't be picked up twice.
Once picked up, the names would be stocked in a list, written into a file.
When all the names are picked up, the program would be able to restart from the beginning.
I checked other similar problems, but I still don't get it...
from random import *
#import a list of name from a txt file
def getL1():
l1 = open("Employees.txt", "r")
list1 = []
x = 0
for line in l1:
x = x+1
list1 = [el.replace('\n', '') for el in list1]
#print("list" 1 :",list)
return list1
#import an empty list (that will be filled by tested employees) during
#execution of the program
def getL2():
l2 = open("tested.txt", "r")
list2 = []
for line in l2:
list2 = [el.replace('\n', '') for el in list2]
#print("list 2 :",list2)
return list2
def listCompare():
employees = getL1()#acquire first list from employee file
tested = getL2()#acquire second list from tested file
notTested = []# declare list to hole the results of the compare
for val in employees:
if val not in tested: #find employee values not present in tested
notTested.append(val)#append value to the notTested list
return notTested
def listCount():
employees = getL1()
tested = getL2()
for val in employees:
if val not in tested:
x = x+1
return x
#add the names of tested employees the the second second file
def addTested(x):
appendFile = open("tested.txt", "a")
def main():
entry = 1
while entry == 1:
pickFrom = listCompare()
if listCount() > 0:
y = randint (0, (listCount ()-1))
print ('\n' + "Random Employee to be tested is: ", pickFrom(y), "\n")
entry = int(input("Would you like to test another employee? Enter 1:"))
print("The entry must be a number")
entry = 0
print("\n/\ new cycle has begun")
wipeFile = open("tested.txt", "w")
print ("goodbye")
The last error that I have is :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 78, in <module>
File "", line 65, in main
print ('\n' + "Random Employee to be tested is: ", pickFrom(y), "\n")
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
As per the code print pickFrom is a list and when you are referencing it in the print it needs to be called using [ ]. Change it to pickFrom[y]

How to print results from this function

I'm new to Python and programming in general and need a little help with this (partially finished) function. It's calling a text file with a bunch of rows of comma delimited data (age, salary, education and so on). However, I've run into a problem from the outset. I don't know how to return the results.
My aim is to create dictionaries for each category and for each row to be sorted and tallied.
e.g. 100 people over 50, 200 people under 50 and so on.
Am I in the correct ball park?
file = "adultdata.txt"
def make_data(file):
f = open(file, "r")
except IOError as e:
return none
large_list = []
avg_age = 0
row_count_under50 = 0
row_count_over50 = 0
#create 2 dictionaries per category
employ_dict_under50 = {}
employ_dict_over50 = {}
for row in f:
edited_row = row.strip()
my_list = edited_row.split(",")
#Age Category
my_list[0] = int(my_list[0])
#Work Category
if my_list[-1] == " <=50K":
if my_list[1] in employ_dict_under50:
employ_dict_under50[my_list[1]] += 1
employ_dict_under50[my_list[1]] = 1
row_count_u50 += 1
if my_list[1] in emp_dict_o50:
employ_dict_over50[my_list[1]] += 1
employ_dict_over50[my_list[1]] = 1
row_count_o50 += 1
# Other categories here
# Ignored categories here - e.g. my_list[insert my list numbers here] = None
I do not have access to your file but I had a go at correcting most of the errors you had in your code.
These are a list of the mistakes I found in your code:
your function make_data is essentially useless and is out of scope. You need to remove it entirely
When using a file object f, you need to use readline to extract data from the file.
It is also best to use a with statement when using IO resources like files
You had numerous variables which were badly named in the inner loop and did not exist
You declared a try in the inner loop without a catch. You can remove the try because you are not trying to catch any Error
You have some very basic errors which are related to general programming, can I assume your new to this? If thats the case then you should probably follow some more beginner tutorials online until you get a grasp of what commands you need to use to perform basic tasks.
Try compare your code to this and see if you can understand what i'm trying to say:
file = "adultdata.txt"
large_list = []
avg_age = 0
row_count_under50 = 0
row_count_over50 = 0
#create 2 dictionaries per category
employ_dict_under50 = {}
employ_dict_over50 = {}
with open(file, "r") as f:
row = f.readline()
edited_row = row.strip()
my_list = edited_row.split(",")
#Age Category
my_list[0] = int(my_list[0])
#Work Category
if my_list[-1] == " <=50K":
if my_list[1] in employ_dict_under50:
employ_dict_under50[my_list[1]] += 1
employ_dict_under50[my_list[1]] = 1
row_count_under50 += 1
if my_list[1] in employ_dict_over50:
employ_dict_over50[my_list[1]] += 1
employ_dict_over50[my_list[1]] = 1
row_count_over50 += 1
# Other categories here
I cannot say for certain if this code will work or not without your file but it should give you a head start.

How to merge two lists at a delimited token in python3

I am a CS major at the University of Alabama, we have a project in our python class and I am stuck...probably for some stupid reason, but I cant seem to find the answer.
here is the link to the project, as it would be a pain to try and explain on here.
here is my code:
import sys
from scanner import scan
def clInput():
#Gets command line input
log1 = sys.argv[1]
log2 = sys.argv[2]
name = sys.argv[3]
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print('Incorrect number of arguments, should be 3')
return log1,log2,name
def openFiles(log1,log2):
#Opens sys.argv[1]&[2] for reading
f1 = open(log1, 'r')
f2 = open(log2, 'r')
return f1, f2
def merge(log1,log2):
#Merges parsed logs into list without '---'
log1Parse = [[]]
log2Parse = [[]]
log1Count = 0
log2Count = 0
for i in log1:
if i != ['---']:
log1Count += 1
for i in log2:
if i != ['---']:
log2Count += 1
return(log1Parse[0] + log2Parse[0] + log1Parse[1] + log2Parse[1])
def searchMerge(name,merged):
#Searches Merged list for sys.argv[3]
for i in range(len(merged)):
if (merged[i][1] == name):
print(merged[i][0],merged[i][1]," ".join(merged[i][2:]))
def main():
log1,log2,name = clInput()
f1,f2 = openFiles(log1,log2)
#Sets the contents of the two scanned files to variables
tokens1 = scan(f1)
tokens2 = scan(f2)
#Call to merge and search
merged = merge(tokens1,tokens2)
ok. so heres the problem. We are to merge two lists together into a sorted master list, delimited at the ---'s
my two log files match the ones posted on the website i linked to above. This code works, however if there are more than two instances of the ---'s in each list, it will not jump to the next list to get the other tokens, and so forth. I have it working for two with the merge function. at the end of that function i return
return(log1Parse[0] + log2Parse[0] + log1Parse[1] + log2Parse[1])
but this only works for two instances of ---. Is there anyway i can change my return to look at all of the indexes instead of having to manually put in [0],[1],[2], etc.? I need it to delimit and merge for an arbitrary amount. Please help!!
p.s. disregard the a novice, we all gotta start somewhere
p.p.s. - the from scanner import scan is a scanner i wrote to take in all of the tokens in a given list
import sys
def main():
# check and load command line arguments
# your code
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print('Incorrect number of arguments, should be 3')
# open files using file io
# your code
f1 = open(log1, 'r')
f2 = open(log2, 'r')
# list comprehension to process and filter log files
l1 = [ x.strip().split(" ",2) for x in f1.readlines() if x.strip() != "---" ]
l2 = [ x.strip().split(" ",2) for x in f2.readlines() if x.strip() != "---" ]
sorted_merged_lists = sorted(l1 + l2)
results = [ x for x in sorted_merged_lists if x[1] == name ]
for result in results:
print result
$ python log1.txt log2.txt Matt
['12:06:12', 'Matt', 'Logged In']
['13:30:07', 'Matt', 'Opened Terminal']
['15:02:00', 'Matt', 'Opened Evolution']
['15:31:16', 'Matt', 'Logged Out']
