cucumber-js parse error when run on Jenkins - node.js

I am trying to setup a jenkins pipeline step to runs some test scenarios using cucumber-js but I am getting an error back from the build as follows:
Error: Parse error in 'e2e/definitions/login.js': (1:1): expected:
#EOF, #Language, #TagLine, #FeatureLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber');'
The command being run in the pipeline step is as follows:
cucumber-js e2e/features/**/*.feature --require e2e/**/*.js
The opening lines of the login.js file the error is referencing are:
const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber');
const { Selector } = require('testcafe');
I'm wondering if this has something to do with nodejs version differences, as I am running 8.11.2 on my machine and dont see these errors, on Jenkins we are running 10.5.0
Does anyone know what the problem could be and point me in the right direction please?

Likely you have this problem because the glob pattern specified after the --require pattern isn't resolved to real file names, but on your Jenkins it does. Try to wrap e2e/**/*.js in double quotes:
cucumber-js e2e/features/**/*.feature --require "e2e/**/*.js"

The error you're getting is a Gherkin parsing error, so I think cucumber is treating your step definition file as a Gherkin file (feature file). I would check which version of cucumber-js you're using locally versus the version that your using in CI. If the versions are different, your CI might be missing a bugfix or it might be using an different version of the CLI.
I also highly recommend setting up your local environment the same way as your CI (same version of node, pinned versions for your npm dependencies), it has saved me a lot of pain.


Error - ESLint: 7.32.0 ESLint couldn't find the config "standard" to extend from

We have a CircleCI Pipeline. We have a older version of eslint i.e. 5.10.0 which was around three years ago installed and now client wants to upgrade node version to 16 and upgrade related packages.
I have modified package.json file and changes eslint version from "eslint": "^5.10.0" to "eslint": "^7.10.0".
Now, while pushing changes on branch CircleCI test execution fails with the below error.:
Oops! Something went wrong! :(
ESLint: 7.32.0
ESLint couldn't find the config "standard" to extend from. Please check that the name of the config is correct.
The config "standard" was referenced from the config file in "/home/xxx/xxx/.eslintrc.yml".
I have googled for this issue but did not find the proper solution for this.
I have tried to
Removed .eslintrc.yml file by guessing that it can be created automatically.
Try to run the command yarn run eslint --init inside package.json under script tag
"scripts": {
"test": "yarn run eslint --init && yarn lint && yarn flow && yarn jest",
But here, CircleCI pipeline is used so eslint --init command will ask question
How would you like to use ESLint?
We don't have any provision in CircleCI during automated file and test execution to provide any answer.
I had a similar case, where this error was due to my eslint version being too new compared to the one required by standard.
Here are some steps you can try to verify whether that's the case for you as well:
Locally in your project, run npm init #eslint/config (will ask you some questions and generate a new .eslint.{js|yml|json} out of it)
When asked "Which style guide do you want to follow?" reply standard
at this point, you should see something on the line of
The style guide "standard" requires eslint#^7.12.1. You are currently using eslint#{version}
Do you want to downgrade?
choosing "No" will warn you as follow and cause the error you mentioned when trying to execute linting.
Note: it might not work since ESLint's version is mismatched with the standard config
In my case the eslint version was differing by major (8.11.0) which makes it more obvious, but it looks very similar to what you have too.
If by this point you figured that's indeed the issue, here are some alternatives that might help:
Downgrade eslint (easy one but won't work in the long run if you like your dependencies to be up-to-date)
Switch to another style guide which doesn't have this limitation with eslint version (eg. airbnb or google's are suggested by the config setup)
Switch to using standard directly instead of going through eslint
I am no expert in js world, so please feel free to point out anything I missed

Using cucumber with cypress

Can anyone help me getting Cucumber to work with Cypress? Absolutely every guide I can find has this step in the setup:
Add the relevant configurations to your Cypress environment files accordingly.
Under plugins/Index.JS file add the following:
const cucumber = require('cypress-cucumber-preprocessor').default
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('file:preprocessor', cucumber())
However, my project doesn't HAVE a cypress/plugins/index.js file. It DOES, however, have a cypress/plugins/index.ts file. I thought TypeScript was the going standard for Cypress, and not JavaScript?
The code above gives me errors on "require" (TS2591: Cannot find name 'require'), "module" (TS2591: Cannot find name 'module') and the parameters "on" and "config".
Apparently, the index.ts file WAS index.js once, since this is still included in the file:
// This example plugins/index.js can be used to load plugins
But obviously something is wrong here. But how come apparently no one else on the "entire internet" have had this problem? ( :-) )
To keep on trying, I skipped this part - also since I read some hints that it isn't longer necessary (not sure, though).
I also added this dependency to the project pom.xml:
Then did the npm installs, maven clean install, refresh etc. etc., and creted a test.feature file in the /integration folder.
It seems that IntelliJ reconizes the file as a Cucumber feature file, because I get the option to run both the feature and the test inside.
However, that just gives me the following error when the feature tries to run:
Error: Could not find or load main class cucumber.cli.Main
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cucumber.cli.Main
Figuring it was due to the cucumber.cli.Main missing in the run config, I opened it and saw that it wasn't. Nor was it working:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
(The "cucumber" part of the line is makred red in "Main class".)
Changing this to " io.cucumber.core.cli.main" (which I believe is newer?) didn't help.
The last step I've tried is installing the Cucumber Js plugin in the plugin browser. Didn't seem to do any difference.
I'm afraid to try much more, since in my experience messing around too much with maven is likely to ruin any project to the point of me just having to scratch it and start over again.
Have you looked at
It seems that you can use Cypress in Typescript but still define the plugins with JavaScript. That is you should convert your plugins.ts to plugins.js and everything should work as expected.
When you mentioned pom.xml, it must mean you are trying to set up Cypress and run in a Maven build.
You should first set up Cypress the node.js way first using npm install -D cypress#<an older version> because npm i -D cypress will install cypress 10 for you. Then after that, follow the steps in the link shared by # to set up Cucumber for the older versions of cypress but use this for the later version of cypress.
You can set the repo up in maven using this article in this answer.
For a comprehensive guide on how to use Cypress, you can checkout this youtube link

Cucumber Js - How to run the features [Windows]

I'm trying to learn cucumber and so far got a grip on installing nodejs, cucumber, creating package.json, storing features files and steps. But when I'm trying to run using windows command prompt, I'm getting the below shown error.
project structure
- example.feature
- step_definitions
- steps.js
- support (nothing here yet)
node_modules (cucumber installed locally)
I started executing commands from the bin folder to ensure cucumberjs works and it echo'd out the version number 3.1.0
C:\Test Project\node_modules\.bin>cucumberjs -v
and then began to run the feature file
C:\Test Project\node_modules\.bin>cucumberjs "C:\Test Project\features\example.feature"
and it errors here
Note: If i install the cucumber globally then it works, this error happens when I install cucumber locally
Any help pointing out where I'm going wrong will be much appreciated
I haven't figured out what's the reason behind the error but managed to run the features files by adding the following to the project package.json and running cli npm run cucumber
"scripts": {
"cucumber": "cucumberjs ./features"

npm test unexpected behaviour on CircleCI

Posting an issue I faced along with the answer, as aided by CircleCI's support.
I had setup tests and when run locally, they all ran and passed.
However when CircleCI was running them, there were errors.
The first was that usage of let and const are not allowed outside of 'use strict' mode.
I amended the culprit files, then re-built.
Then I got a weird error:
Unexpected token {
I could find nothing wrong with the code itself.
See below for the answer.
CircleCI's support pointed me in the right direction.
It was due to mismatch between node version that CircleCI was using and the node version I was using locally (v8.1.0).
I solved it by creating a circle.yml file and inserting below code:
version: 8.1.0

Exporting the same object that is required confuses mocha

I'm working on a node app that uses mocha to run unit tests.
When I run this command:
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script --reporter spec ./test/unit/*
I get this error:
ERROR: Unknown option --compilers
It seems mocha is confused, because it definitely has a compilers option. This error started happening when I added a new file to the project. It's the only output I can get mocha to generate. --debug does nothing.
Let's say I have a package called person installed. I want to configure this package globally so that I can import the configured object anywhere in my project. To do that, I import person, configure it as a driver, and then export it again.
However, when I import it (either in or, mocha fails with the above error.
driver = require 'person'
driver.setSkill "Drive"
module.exports = driver
driver = require './driver'
driver = require '../../src/driver'
Note that this works fine if I'm just compiling with coffee and running the node project. There's no issue importing it there. But when I run with mocha, it fails if I import the file.
I can't really pinpoint the error. It seems just like a bug in mocha, but maybe I'm doing something "bad" by exporting the same object that I import, and node is just more forgiving?
I'm using the latest version of mocha (1.13.0). Thanks!
This doesn't fix the error, and is not ideal syntax-wise:
person = require 'person'
class driver
constructor: ->
person.setSkill "Drive"
#person = person
module.exports = driver
Note that simply wrapping it in a plain object doesn't work.
Edit 2:
Here's something else that doesn't work:
configureDriver = (person) ->
person.setSkill "Drive"
module.exports = configureDriver
driver = require('./configure-driver')(require 'person')
Mocha throws the same error as before.
Maybe a little late but hopefully it will help someone (I just spent an hour paging through mocha's source code to track this down).
Try that command instead (the important bit is the equal sign after --compilers):
mocha --compilers=coffee:coffee-script --reporter spec ./test/unit/*
I ran into that bug while trying to create a new grunt test taks using grunt-mocha-istanbul and coffeescript test definitions. Strangely, if I ran the command directly in my shell it worked but using the grunt task I got the same error as you did.
It seems Mocha uses commander and it's global. In my case I had a script under the test directory that uses commander. It looks like Mocha executes the test scripts, parses mocha.opts, and then executes the specs. To fix it I just moved the scripts using commander out of the test dir and all was good.
