npm test unexpected behaviour on CircleCI - node.js

Posting an issue I faced along with the answer, as aided by CircleCI's support.
I had setup tests and when run locally, they all ran and passed.
However when CircleCI was running them, there were errors.
The first was that usage of let and const are not allowed outside of 'use strict' mode.
I amended the culprit files, then re-built.
Then I got a weird error:
Unexpected token {
I could find nothing wrong with the code itself.
See below for the answer.

CircleCI's support pointed me in the right direction.
It was due to mismatch between node version that CircleCI was using and the node version I was using locally (v8.1.0).
I solved it by creating a circle.yml file and inserting below code:
version: 8.1.0


Getting The error like "env: node\r: No such file or directory" when i am trying to run the MIgrations scripts in Node js Project

Command I tried:
npx knex migrate:latest
Error Message:
"env: node\r: No such file or directory"
KnexPackage version : v2.4.0
When I am using lower version of knex (1.0.7) it's working as expected, but the latest version is not working as expected
This should've been fixed in the 2.4.2 release. Maybe next time it might be better to open an issue directly in the repo in case of an issue like this one :)

Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'

Hi so we have something interesting happening in our builds.
Nothing regarding the gulp build script changed from our side for one of our projects. But suddenly today when we try to do a pipeline build on one of our repositories we get the following stacktrace error:
Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:128:35
at load (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:147:43)
at onex (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:172:17)
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:13:69
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:152:21)
Has anyone come accross this before? (we are using node 10.17 for our builds)
We tested the same code from our local builds and get the exact same issue. It seems that something in the aws-sdk package changed?
Since this error suddenly appeared this morning, we looked at our aws-sdk package and updated it to the latest version (2.643.0), but we still get the same error. No code that uses the aws-sdk package has changed.
Also seeing this as of this morning. I find this somewhat sus (adding dist-tools to npmignore).
I wonder if pulling the package directly from GH would resolve.
I've got a convo going on over here about this
We downgraded to the previous version and our issue went away.

cucumber-js parse error when run on Jenkins

I am trying to setup a jenkins pipeline step to runs some test scenarios using cucumber-js but I am getting an error back from the build as follows:
Error: Parse error in 'e2e/definitions/login.js': (1:1): expected:
#EOF, #Language, #TagLine, #FeatureLine, #Comment, #Empty, got 'const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber');'
The command being run in the pipeline step is as follows:
cucumber-js e2e/features/**/*.feature --require e2e/**/*.js
The opening lines of the login.js file the error is referencing are:
const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber');
const { Selector } = require('testcafe');
I'm wondering if this has something to do with nodejs version differences, as I am running 8.11.2 on my machine and dont see these errors, on Jenkins we are running 10.5.0
Does anyone know what the problem could be and point me in the right direction please?
Likely you have this problem because the glob pattern specified after the --require pattern isn't resolved to real file names, but on your Jenkins it does. Try to wrap e2e/**/*.js in double quotes:
cucumber-js e2e/features/**/*.feature --require "e2e/**/*.js"
The error you're getting is a Gherkin parsing error, so I think cucumber is treating your step definition file as a Gherkin file (feature file). I would check which version of cucumber-js you're using locally versus the version that your using in CI. If the versions are different, your CI might be missing a bugfix or it might be using an different version of the CLI.
I also highly recommend setting up your local environment the same way as your CI (same version of node, pinned versions for your npm dependencies), it has saved me a lot of pain.

dyld: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register

Had my node working with the VS Code debugger last night no problem. I haven't touched anything besides install the npm mysql package.
I come back tonight and its throwing this error:
Debugger listening on [::]:49952
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register
Referenced from: /Users/adamsawyers/node_modules/bufferutil/prebuilds/darwin-
Expected in: flat namespace
dyld: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register
Referenced from: /Users/myusername/node_modules/bufferutil/prebuilds/darwin-
Expected in: flat namespace
Apparently my installation of n (a node version handling package in npm) is busted somehow. My research told me that napi_module_register is part of the n package, but I'm not sure how this got messed up especially since I had it working last night.
I tried reinstalling my node packages, reinstalling n, rebuilding the project file structure, even restarting my computer. Nothing has worked so far.
Any suggestions?
Apparently VS code doesn't like v6.10.3 of nodejs which I am running to create lambda functions in AWS (that is the version specified by AWS)
I use the N package to manage my node version. After switching to the latest version 10.7.0 as of 07/25/2018 (command: sudo n latest) and rerunning the debugger in VS code, it worked perfectly
I'm still unsure as the the cause, but hopefully others find this solution helpful
This exact error happened to me because:
I needed to run on Node
Which in turn needs ws (websockets on Node)
Also, I needed to run this on an outdated Node version (Node 7) for a very good reason (believe me, I would not want to do this if I wouldn't have to)
However, trying to use it on that old version causes above error message.
This is a terrible solution, but at least I got it to work.
After some researching, I found no good solution to this. However, a close look at the source code shows that there is a fallback.js next to index.js which implements the same functionality as the native build but without needing a build. This will probably slow things down significantly, but at least it works:
yarn add module-alias
prefix your actual code with this (e.g. via node -r fallbacks.js):
// fallbacks.js
const moduleAlias = require('module-alias');
const dependencyRoot = getDependencyRoot(); // whatever is your root folder, maybe __dirname + '..'
moduleAlias.addAlias('bufferutil', dependencyRoot + '/node_modules/bufferutil/fallback.js');
moduleAlias.addAlias('utf-8-validate', dependencyRoot + '/node_modules/utf-8-validate/fallback.js');
// run actual code here...
PS: In my case, in order to allow ws to run on Node 7, I also had to babel it, since its using modern synytax.

Travis-CI run failed, but passed locally

I'm learning Yeoman & I've made a generator for ionic-framework
Source Code Here
When I run $ npm test, It works fine locally.
But when I pushed it to GitHub, the Travis-CI always failed.
I try to set timeout of gulp-mocha to 20000ms, but it still doesn't work.
Is there anyone knows the reason why? Thx.
Finally, I found the reason.
It's version of node. 5.10.1 works
