Spotfire - Need to get the latest coverage code based on the cost center and period - spotfire

I am struggling to fix a formula where i need to get the coverage code such as (zone, global, local or cluster) of the respective cost center based on the period. In simple, i need to get the coverage code which is assigned to the respective cost center for the latest period. For example for the cost center IN0201001 the coverage code is Local and it has been changed to Zone during June month, from the latest period such as June month, the coverage code should be fixed as Zone in the calculated columns. Could you any one help me on this?


Boomi / Groovy - Calculate YTD hours based on custom date

Using Dell Boomi, I'm pulling in a report for an integration I'm working on. This integration requires YTD hours, but starting on July 1st.
In order to do this, I know that I need to pull in all the data (to be safe) for current and previous year in order to have the full data set, but am unsure of what I need to do in order to calculate the hours and that the hours reset every July 1st automatically. I'm assuming that I will need either a custom map function to do many things or use a groovy script.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Is there a recent or known issue with the #flurry Dashboard?

Our #flurry App Activity dashboard appears bugged. It only queries data from the first of every month, independent of the date range requested. Is this a known issue or recent bug? Everything was working fine just five days ago, and we haven't changed anything on the code side. Image of the current dashboard below:
Bugged App Activity Dashboard
Since you are looking at monthly data, Flurry pulls the whole month for any dates in your date range. Here it is showing all of August and September to date. If you want only September, you can change your dates to start September 1st. (Note that there is a time zone issue that can impact date selection, so you may need to change the first date to September 2nd in the date selector.) Alternatively, you could change your time grain to weekly or daily. Feel free to contact if you'd like more assistance.

Dynamic Sales Summary Depending on Month (can't use MAXIF/MINIF)

I have a student license of Office Pro 2016, but somehow it doesn't have the IFS, MINIF/MINIFS, MAXIF/MAXIFS functions that would make my life so much easier. I tried to illustrate what I'm doing in the image below:
My actual data is much more complicated and long, but the idea is that I will periodically manually update data within the DATATABLE, and I want the SUMMARYTABLE to reflect the total pending sales by month. There are never more than two months pending at a time, and if only sales from one particular month are pending, I don't want the second row to appear.
I've already found a way to display the month in this case using regular MAX and MIN functions, but now I'm stumped as to how to display the sum total of sales within those months. Specifically, I don't know how to make a reference to a particular month in my criteria.
I've tried this formula:
If this worked it would have been perfect, but the month portion isn't recognized as a proper range.

Access DB: Daily cumulative count and daily number on assignment

I have a table that tracks the dispatching of personnel. The table has the employee name and the date the person went out and the date they returned.
The table has hundreds of entries from 1988 to current.
In Excel I track the cumulative count per day (of the year) of how many people have been sent out, and I also track the number of people out on any given day. The table lists the Month & Day in the first column (every day of the year, including leap days) and the years on the first row. There is data for every date (a zero is entered until the first person is sent out that year, then starts counting up as there are more dispatches, or in the case of the number of people out each day, it will show zero if no one is out that day or if there were, say 5 people out, it would show "5" for that day). I then use the data in Excel to construct a graph that shows the number of dispatches on the y axis and the day of the year on the x axis (along with the current year’s number, the average number and the max over the 27 year history). Currently I just track this manually (I just keep a running count of each and enter it in manually in Excel.) I would like to build a query of my Access data that would return the same information that I could import into my Excel spreadsheet. One query that would show the day & month in the first column and the years along the top row and for each day show a cumulative count for that year of how many people have been sent out. Another query that has the day & month in the first column and the years along the top and a count of how many people were out for that particular day for that particular year. There shouldn't be any gaps (every day has data, even if it is "0"). I would then import those queries into Excel to replace my manual tracking that I am doing now.
I know how to construct the Excel stuff (I have that running already), and how to import info from Access to Excel, what I need to know is how to construct these 2 Access queries.
Any help/ideas on how to construct those 2 queries would be greatly appreciated!
I'd recommend that you migrate this app to a web based solution that uses a real database - SQL Server or MySQL, not Access.
"Desk drawer software" is what I call homegrown apps that someone creates for themselves to perform some small task that eventually become integral to running a business and grow out of hand. Your truck factor is 1: if anything happened to you, no one would know how to do this function. The software may not be backed up or checked into a source code management system. There's no QA. There's no way to migrate new features to production: if you alter the app, then that is what you have.
I'd recommend a web app to mitigate all the risks I've described:
You have to deploy a web app to a server, which takes it off your desktop and puts it in a central place where anyone who's authorized can access it.
Separates database from display issues.
Makes you think about how to archive historical data. Partitioning by year makes sense.
Likely you'll put this in a source code management system like Subversion or Git.

How do I use Goalseek function in excel to generate a series?

am struggling with the application of goal seek function in excel. Am forecasting production for an oil well however we have a target cumulative production expected after say 20 years of production. I have produced table columns of monthly production rate and cumulative production. I would like to play (create sensitivity scenarios) with my expected cumulative production.
Can i use goal seek to change the production forecast profile per month by just changing the cumulative production at the end.
Also advise alternative functions should goal seek not be the right function for this task.
Appreciate your support
This is really just an example of what #DanK has already mentioned. Say ColumnB figures are actual production (in black) and estimates (in blue). The estimates in this case computed as number of days in the month times the factor in D1 ("daily production"). To ramp up production so that the total cumulative production (in the example below, for 1-1/2 years, rather than all 20 as in the example above), presently estimated to be 115,620 units is instead 150,000 then Goal Seek might be applied so:
whereupon the D1 value (200) should change to 287 (and the total in B19 to 150,000, and all the blue values change also). The principle should work if, say, June 2015 were calculated as 16*D1 rather than 30*D1 to allow for planned suspension of production. If that fortnight were an intervention to add production from another reservoir anticipated to be 100 per day then Goal Seek would not adjust "100 per day" but would adjust a new daily rate of 1.5*D1.
