Visual Studio Remote Linux Headers - linux

I'm trying to develop an IoT project. I'd like to remote compile on a machine with a bit more horse power so using a full fledge IDE is more responsive.
I was going to try Visual Studio, but the remote headers when I sync causes all headers to fail for intellisense. Even the default project with
#include <cstdio>
fails intellisense even though it will compile fine.
The files seem to be under usr/include/c++/7.3.0 but for some reason the downloader cuts off the '.3.0' and none of the files appear under that directory.
Any hints on getting it to work? I've tried updating the cache but for the machine, but that doesn't seem to work.

New method 'rsync_ssh' doesn't download all headers. You can use old method .zip via sftp_ssh.
1. Select your connection
Update from Tools->Options->Cross Platform->Connection Manager->Remote Headers Intellisense Manager.
Next click on Explore button.
2. C:\Users[YourUser]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Linux\HeaderCache\1.0[IdNumber]
Rename the HeaderCache settings.xml.unused file to settings.xml
3. In the settings.xml file Change the syncMethod to sftp_ssh.
4. Update headers cache from Tools->Options->Cross Platform->Connection Manager->Remote Headers Intellisense Manager.
5. Enjoy.
Tested on Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Preview 4.


Open Jint solution correctly

I need to open the Jint solution downloaded from here :
(i've downloaded the zip with all the files, later i decompressed them and then i try to open the solution's file using visual studio)
Visual Studio (both 2012 Express and 2013 Express) tell me that the main project is not compatibile, i have tried Microsoft Visual Studio Version Selector but still not working.
Anybody can tell me why this happen and how i can open and view that solution with all its projects properly loaded?
Here a screen of my situation :
This project targets the Portable Framework. You might need to install the Windows Phone SDK or some other component depending on your version of Visual Studio. Please refer to this page for more details.

How to get latest or commit with TFS server from Windows Explorer?

My need
Currently I have to open Visual Studio to make a get latest or a commit pending changes.
I want to do that the same way with TortoiseSVN right in Windows Explorer.
What I have tried
I made google research and comes down to using the tool called TFS 2012 Power Tools
Someone also mentioned about this issue here
Though after installed, I got nothing working as espected. Wondering did I do wrong then...
I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 Web Express.
How should I do to install it properly and get it work after all then?
Assuming that when you installed the power tools you enabled shell integration and then logged out/back in to active them, then you need to do a few things:
Do an initial 'get' from TFS using Visual Studio Team Explorer and make a note of your workspace folder.
In Windows Explorer, right click that workspace folder. You should see the context menu items appear.
Most people having trouble with the context menu appearing have forgotten that to log out and log back in, as Windows Explorer needs to be restarted to pick up the new shell extension.

Visual Studio 2012 "Extensions and Updates" "Unable to connect to the remote server"

This has been the case unfortunatly for the past couple of months. I can't install new or update packages from Tools ==> Extensions and Updates I tried everything, yet I am unable to find the reason.
I've tried :
Access NuGet and download packages from "Package Manager Console" Install-Package = SUCCESS
Access repositories using Web browsers, Visual studion internal browser = SUCCESS
Same window in Visual Studio 2010 = SUCCESS
Visual Studio 2012 - Doesn't work
Visual Studio 2010 - Works!
As it turns out for some reason -possibly due to an RC-, My registry settings were pointing to a different url that was getting redirected.
AND I changed
instead of
I changed
instead of
Remove the local cache of extensions and download them all again.
The easiest thing to do is to rename
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Visual Studio version\Extensions\
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Visual Studio version\Extensions.old\
and run visual studio, it will update recreate the folder.
WeSam Abdallah's hint worked perfectly for me! Just try to open the link provided in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0_Config\ExtensionManager\Repositories{0f45e408-7995-4375-9485-86b8db553dc9}(Default) in your browser and see what it is changed to automatically. For Visual Studio 2013 I had to change the URL from to
This answer is an update for Visual Studio 2015.
I tried the registry hack as well as renaming the Extensions folder, and neither solution worked.
However, in my case, the issue seems to have been because I'm behind a proxy at work. This worked for me:

"generator.exe" exited with code "-1073741819"

I'am developing a android application in Visual Studio and the Xamarin c# monodroid development tools.
I have some external JAR files that i embed into my projects. Most of the project work fine but when i try to embed the JAR from Yocto (yocto android lib) and place the YoctoAPI.jar into a new android project and link it as "EmbeddedJar" the compiler fails with the exception "generator.exe" exited with code -1073741819.
This is a NULL pointer exception in the generator and searching the net i found some people who have the same problem and tells me that obfuscated code is not supported (that i understand). But how can i find the obfuscated code in the JAR file? Or is there a other problem that i'am not seeing.
If i need to post more project settings or envirioment/system parameters, please let me know
Such issues with Visual Studio can be fixed by repairing it.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".
I got same error while create binding project, in my case the problem is in resource file, you need to add the jar file and resource file like,
bin - contains all jar files,
res - contains all resource files,
and add the compressed 'bin' folder in your project and build works fine.

Visual Studio 2012 Windows service .vdproj project migration

I'm trying to move a solution I have over to Visual Studio 2012 and one of the project types is .vdproj.
According to this link this project type is not supported in Visual Studio 2012:
MSDN says they recommend that you use InstallShield Limited Edition for Visual Studio.
The problem is, when I open up my solution in VS2012 and try to add a new "Enable InstallShield Limited Edition" project to my solution, I get an error message saying:
Creating project 'test'...project creation failed.
Why might I not be able to add a project of this type to my solution?
If I make a new empty solution I can't make an InstallShield project it in either.
I'm going to try to download InstallShield limited edition and see if it does anything.
I tried out that InstallShield download, and it added two extra project types, but I'm unable to create either of them. I'm able to add normal website projects to my solutions just fine, but not deployment projects.
The installer was named the same, but this one prompted me to re-start. After re-starting I was able to add an InstallShield project, but it gets created in its own solution. So, it looks like now I have to figure out how to use it, and I'll be good to go.
It's looking like the limited edition doesn't have support to install Windows services.
This will probably be long and boring because there's lots of steps, but I'd like to write up how to move from a Windows service installer .vdproj to the new InstallShield LE that's available in Visual Studio 2012.
Step 1: Create a merge module (.msm)
Follow the steps of this guide.
You will need to install WiX 3.6 and isWiX
The latest release of IsWiX doesn't enable the Tools menu item in Visual Studio 2012. Edit the file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\AddIns\IsWiXAddin.Addin (XML) and clone the HostApplication element and update 10.0 to 11.0.
In step #8 of the guide, it references a code tab. This has been moved to the XML Editor item in the bottom of the left menu
I left the MergeRedirectFolder empty for my installation
Here is my isWix files view:
After you're done with the guide you should have an empty .wxs file that looks something like this:
Using the Component XML element pulled from here you should end up with a .wxs file that looks like this:
Hit build and you should now have a .msm file.
Step 2: Adding merge module to InstallShield
Go though the wizard to setup the basic install information like company and version information.
Find the redistributables view in ISLE. Right click the list and select browse for module. After your module is found and added, right click the modules and select properties. Set the destination folder drop down to INSTALLDIR. I had to set mine to the lowest level folder I created for my install path, so you might have to experiment a bit.
Build Project, and test on virtual machine
Redistributables Screen
If you're getting errors about the path being too long you might need to change the release location to something close to the root.
Here's a list of all the build errors for reference.
Now you should be able to run your installer and have it install/start a Windows service. A lot more work than .MSI files, we got it to generate in Visual Studio 2010, but overall it was not too bad.
While there is no easy or truly supported solution for Visual Studio 2012, Visual Studio 2013 users can get an extension from Microsoft in the Visual Studio Gallery.
I found this post which says you must download InstallShield first. It's a very confusing way to work. I suggest to vote up the post on the connect site and give them comments letting know how poor that is. They could at least give a more descriptive error
