After migration/refactor to AndroidX (using the migration tool in Android Studio 3.2 RC2), I get a huge set of the following type of Lint errors:
participant_menu.xml:9: Error: Should use android:showAsAction when not using the appcompat library [AppCompatResource]
app:showAsAction="never" />
I'm confused; I guess this is an error in Lint related to the migration to AndroidX. Am I correct, or should I switch back to the android namespace?
Note: my minSDK is set to API 16.
Should use android:showAsAction when not using the appcompat library
If you are not using Appcompat library, I believe you should use:
(As documentation says)
Also, it seems like there are still some issues in Androidx which needs a documentation or a direct guide for that since I've seen some people had problems with this or with the SearchView or etc.
unfortunately this question was closed however it is spot on. Let me go through the steps as I am reproducing a legacy app issue that uses httpclient so switching is not an option YET (6 months out maybe).
create android studio app
try to use Httpclient and as he shows in the post above it is in red
I try to add this line in build.gradle to bring it in as a work around(even though core android also brings it in)
implementation 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13'
Then I get this error in android studio
`httpclient` defines classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android. Solutions include finding newer versions or alternative libraries that don't have the same problem (for example, for `httpclient` use `HttpUrlConnection` or `okhttp` instead), or repackaging the library using something like `jarjar`.
Ok, so I am using the wrong version so I run build scan and I see this so I bring this one in instead of the other version (android studio now sees HttpClient and can import it at this point)
I still get the same error though about conflicting android libs.
QUESTION: How do I fix the red in my legacy project and not have this error either?
My best bet seems to ignore the error. Will I have issues that I am not seeing though in the future?
I am using Android Studio 3.0 with the updated gradle plugin.
I need to use the releaseImplementation keyword in my build.gradle file as I only want the library specified (ACRA) to be built in release. The reason I only want to build ACRA in release is that I've read that Android Studio instant run does not work well with ACRA.
releaseImplementation 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
The problem is, however, that it's a library so I also need to use the api key so I can transitively export in apis to the modules using the library.
api 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
Is it possible to use both keywords or is there a composite keyword to use?
releaseImplementation 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
api 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
In Android Studio 3.0 and newer, the Android Gradle Plugin supports the new Java Library plugin configurations that allow more granular control of dependencies.
As described here, the new Gradle Dependency configurations are available for flavor- or build-type-specific dependencies.
If you wish to use the api dependency configuration for the release build Type, you would add the following:
releaseApi 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
This is the "composite keyword" that you are describing. No additional dependency needs to be specified.
I've tried building a basic node.js ES6 module test project in Visual Studio 2015. But I get build errors and cannot run or debug the application in VS.
Have I just came to the party too early?
If it's worth anything I have tried opening and building the project in both VS2013 (Update 3) and VS2015 RC.
I have installed:
Node.js 0.12.2
Node.js Tools 1.0 for VS2013
Node.js Tools 1.1 Beta for VS2015
Additionally, I have added Robert Penners () node.d.ts gist to get over the import syntax errors.
I have uploaded the project for others to try:
Node Tools dev here. Thanks for reporting this. Indeed, we support the ES6 typescript target type.
That said, I'm running into issues running your app in the command line altogether with the latest versions of both node and io.js, so this may be a level of ES6 support mismatch between all the components at play here... Have you managed to successfully run your app in the command line (without the debugger)? Otherwise it may be related to this discussion:
Once you figure that out, be sure to set up your project with the right node.exe arguments (harmony flag and whatnot) in project properties, so Visual Studio knows how to run it too.
Hope that helps!
P.S. just an fyi - we've moved to GitHub now, so please post issues there (rather than on CodePlex) for the quickest responses.
The android ecosystem, particularly Android Studio, has been changing a lot over the last year or so. I've found many sets of instructions for incorporating robolectric into a project, written at many points during that period. And I haven't yet made one work on my project.
Which commands do I need to add to my app build.gradle?
Which commands do I need to add to my project build.gradle?
Do I need to use Junit 4 in order to use robolectric?
Are there other libraries needed? What versions?
Do my tests need to be in src/test rather than src/androidTest?
What other information do I need?
I'm using:
Android Studio 1.1.0
gradle 1.1.0
junit 4.12
hamcrest-library 1.3
mockito-core 1.10.19
dexmaker 1.0
dexmaker-mockito 1.0
I suppose that you expect to run tests from Android Studio in addition to be able run them from command line only.
I think the most up to date example of usage Robolectric with latest android gradle plugin is this.
One note: I see dependencies to dexmaker and dexmaker-mockito that gives me assumption that you use Instrumental tests instead of plain junit tests.
It is quite dumb answer with just reference but I can not be more specific until you have specific issue
When updating a project to use current Catel version (4.0) I am getting this warning:
All projects referencing MyInfrastructureProject.csproj must install nuget package Microsoft.Bcl.Build. For more information, see
The error is reported for projects that references MyInfrastructureProject.csproj.
I find it odd that I need to add additional libraries to other project especially when it is concerned with nuget (if I am getting the picture correctly) and not with actual functionality of my code (or maybe even Catel). But in any case, I don't really understand the issue.
I searched a little for this issue but didn't find relevant details or explanations.
Should I go ahead and add the Microsoft.Bcl.Build reference everywhere in my project?
If you don't know what is Microsoft.Bcl.Async you should study it.
Catel uses this feature pack so as to use async/await on .NET 4 and Silverlight 5. So if you use Catel in a .NET 4 project, you inherit the same dependencies, which is what the warning says.
Thus, yes, please go ahead and add the NuGet package to the necessary projects, or simply upgrade your projects to .NET 4.5 and reapply the NuGet packages.