When using Access Tokens, how do you handle when a user first arrives to your page? (NodeJS, JWT) - node.js

I have set-up a basic site using nodejs and and jwt access tokens. Everything works fine but I'm having trouble working out the flow when a user first comes to the site. With cookies you already have that data stored in the browser so you can know if a user is logged in upon arrival and can route them accordingly. But with JWT tokens it's different. When someone types in URL and the request hits the server it doesn't have that access token until the page is returned and you retrieve the token.
I have some ideas of what I can do, but I want to make sure I'm doing it properly. What is the proper way to handle this? Is it simply to return the page, retrieve the accesstoken then make another ajax call to the server to verify the token and then route them accordingly? That seems like the logical solution, but maybe I'm wrong.


Login functionality from external API in React with Node.js

I’m having trouble figuring out how to get Node.js backend tokens into React.js frontend local storage. To login a user will use their credentials though an external websites API using the Oauth2 flow, this will be the only way to login into the application.
Currently, the user clicks a button which opens a new window in the authorization URL where the user will grant privilege. Once granted, the user is redirected to the backend endpoint which goes through passport.js and gets the required access and refresh tokens sent from the external API. This is then stored in a session on the backend database. What I want, instead, is to not store a session on a database but instead implement JWT and store the user’s data in local storage. With the current flow, its just not possible to do this and I haven’t found the right documentation to work it out.
There are many websites that implement it the exact way I want but tracking down the way they do it has appeared to be a challenge in on itself.
So instead of using passport.js, which was causing a plethora of issues, I decided to implement the Oauth2 flow myself. Instead of doing ALL the work in the backend, I broke the flow into different parts.
Originally, I sent the user to the backend where they would recieve an authorization token there. This turned out to be troublesome, instead, request an authorization code on the front end. For example, send the user to the Auth path and redirect the user back the the front end once privileges have been granted. Wait at the frontend callback for a code, once obtained, send a post request to the backend with that code and any other data in the body.
When obtained at the backend, trade that code for the access token and respond to the post requst with the neccassary token and any other data that needs to be sent back e.g. profile name, picture, date of birth. You can the implementn the JWT flow and no database is required to store any session or tokens, all can be stored client side securely.

Can anyone outside use my api to make requests?

I am currently learning full stack dev, and have made a simple application with React on the front end, and set up a very simple REST api on my express web server that handles certain routes.
For example api/users returns a list of users from my database and returns responses as JSON data. api/blogs can return a list of blogs in JSON with a get request, or post a blog with a post request.
I have learned and been able to implement very basic user tokenization with JWT, and so only logged in users with a valid token can make a post of a blog for example. This is done by adding their token with bearer as a Authentication header in the request, which the server verifies. This makes sense to me, however I am very confused on how the backend works or if I am doing something critically wrong.
If I go to my main page for my application, and type api/blogs it opens up a page displaying JSON data. Anyone can basically view this from my application by going to api/endpoint
I am also assuming anyone from outside can use something like Postman to send a post request to my database assuming they have the token which they got since my token is saved in storage.
This is incredibly weird to me Is this just how these things work? Or am I failing to understand something crucial?
if I wanted to progress forward and learn more about this, where or what do I do?
You have described how users authenticate to your application (with a bearer token), but what steps does your application take before issuing such a token?
Does your application keep a database of users and their passwords?
If yes, can anyone sign up by inventing a user name and password?
Do you verify an email address before admitting a new user?
Or does your application rely on an external OpenID Connect service (for example, login with your Google or Facebook account)?
If yes, can anyone with a Google or Facebook account sign up for your application?
Or must an application admin (that is, you) put the user on an "allow-list"?
To summarize: Unless you take special precautions, anyone from outside can sign up to your application and subsequently use it.

Steam authentication API, passing data back to Angular

I have this problem with Express(NodeJS)/Angular web app where I rely on Steam's login authentication. Essentially when the user clicks "Login" he's redirected to the Steam authentication(Steam's website), once logged in the user is redirected back to a specific route on my backend called /verify. Once the user hits /verify there are session variables containing necessary user data to access. Therefore I use JWT to generate a token with this data to send back to the client(Angular in this case).
The problem is sending this token back to the frontend(the client) to save in local storage.
Any help is highly appreciated! Currently, I pass the token via a query string with a redirect back to the frontend, but this doesn't seem like a good solution.
Maybe I should stick to server-side sessions and write HTTP routes to GET user data. The problem with this approach is once again the client is completely unaware when the user authenticates himself on the backend, since the only callback is triggered is on the backend.
Tried another approach, however once again unsure of it's the right way to go both code-wise and security-wise.
Redirect the user to the Steam authentication page.
Wait for the authentication callback on server side, in my case it hits the route '/verify'.
Once at /verify the session cookie is already set, therefore I redirect the user back to my Angular app to a specific route called '/login'.
On /login the user requests a token based on the session cookie on the server, the token in my case is a JSON Web Token(JWT).
Once the token is saved in local storage I simply redirect the user to any page in my Angular app.
If this is the wrong way to do it, please let me know!

How do you handle navigation in a token-secured web application?

I have a rather conceptual question, I'm sure it's fairly stupid, but I can't figure it out.
So I am building a simple node.js app to learn, I want to make a web app which is has a set of REST web APIs for everything (including authentication), and then the presentation.
For authentication I am using token-based auth with PassportJS.
So when a user wants to access the site, he'll obtain a token from the authentication API, in turn he'll need to pass this token in a HTTP Header on each request to the app.
My question is, how is this handled in the code? When the app gets the token (for example from a login page which hits the auth API), should it attempt to store it in the local machine (for example LocalStorage, or Cookie) and then on each new page fetch it and use it in a Header? Should each page's javascript attempt to load the token from the local storage automatically? I tried looking for an example, but haven't found a complete one that deals with how you handle navigation when you're depending on sending a header on every single request (that you want authenticated).
Once the user is authenticated return a secure session cookie which will be stored by the user's browser. Now on every request, this cookie will be sent by the browser to your application automatically, which you can check in your backend code (typically controller) to verify the existence of user session.

Where do I persist the Spotify access token?

So I have got all my auth working in my MVC web site but I want to ask: What is the recommended way to pass the access token around in my application?
So, I click login, a dialog pops up and I log in. My parent window receives the access token and I get some playlists. But what if I go to another page, which would be a completely new request? Do I pass it around on the query string, or in session, or maybe a cookie? I have searched the API documentation for this, but cant find anything about it.
I would say you should store it in the side from which you are making the requests. If the requests are done client-side, then keep the access token client-side. You can persist it using localStorage, as done in the web api player example. That way you can read from localStorage when you need to make a request and use it until it expires.
Then, if you have used the authorization code flow you will want to refresh it, so the user doesn't need to log in every 60 minutes. For this, you will need to make a request from your server, since the refresh process involves sending a secret that you don't want to make available in the browser. You can store the refresh token in the server (e.g. in a database table storing user <-> refresh token) or in the browser's localStorage too, sending it to the server when you want to refresh it.
You could also store it as a cookie, but if the server doesn't need to know about it, localStorage is better.
I think the Identity will be holding all the details about the logged in User. If anything we want extra , we can extend it.
Below link may help :
