Where do I persist the Spotify access token? - spotify

So I have got all my auth working in my MVC web site but I want to ask: What is the recommended way to pass the access token around in my application?
So, I click login, a dialog pops up and I log in. My parent window receives the access token and I get some playlists. But what if I go to another page, which would be a completely new request? Do I pass it around on the query string, or in session, or maybe a cookie? I have searched the API documentation for this, but cant find anything about it.

I would say you should store it in the side from which you are making the requests. If the requests are done client-side, then keep the access token client-side. You can persist it using localStorage, as done in the web api player example. That way you can read from localStorage when you need to make a request and use it until it expires.
Then, if you have used the authorization code flow you will want to refresh it, so the user doesn't need to log in every 60 minutes. For this, you will need to make a request from your server, since the refresh process involves sending a secret that you don't want to make available in the browser. You can store the refresh token in the server (e.g. in a database table storing user <-> refresh token) or in the browser's localStorage too, sending it to the server when you want to refresh it.
You could also store it as a cookie, but if the server doesn't need to know about it, localStorage is better.

I think the Identity will be holding all the details about the logged in User. If anything we want extra , we can extend it.
Below link may help :


When using Access Tokens, how do you handle when a user first arrives to your page? (NodeJS, JWT)

I have set-up a basic site using nodejs and and jwt access tokens. Everything works fine but I'm having trouble working out the flow when a user first comes to the site. With cookies you already have that data stored in the browser so you can know if a user is logged in upon arrival and can route them accordingly. But with JWT tokens it's different. When someone types in URL and the request hits the server it doesn't have that access token until the page is returned and you retrieve the token.
I have some ideas of what I can do, but I want to make sure I'm doing it properly. What is the proper way to handle this? Is it simply to return the page, retrieve the accesstoken then make another ajax call to the server to verify the token and then route them accordingly? That seems like the logical solution, but maybe I'm wrong.

Get Spotify Access Token without logging in and without a server-side

I am making an app that returns a music playlist based on a user’s age. The user does not need need to log in to their account; they only need to provide their age. I also have no need for a database, so I decided that I want to make the application front-end only.
In order to make requests to Spotify’s API, I need an access token which I get via client credentials, because the user doesn't need to login using that flow. However, the script I used to get the access token must be run from the server-side, which I discovered here: Access-Control-Allow-Origin denied spotify api.
The alternative solution is to use the implicit grant flow, which will allow the script to be run client-side but will require a user to log in. So, both the client-credentials and implicit grant flow don't solve my problem.
How can my web app get an access token so that I don't need to implement a server-side or have the user log in?
Although the idea is different, I want to do something like this person is doing # http://sixdegreesofkanyewest.com/. No one logs in, yet he is able to get an access token and send api requests on their behalf. And I don't really see why that website would require a database either.
If I do end up having to develop a back-end, then I would be able to use client-credential flow. But, how would my back-end send the access token to my front-end without a DB?
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Implicit grant is recommended for javascript based application, who can not keep secrets safe. So you may have to strike out this option.
Having a server page, (hope the credentials kept safe in your server), then server app sending the request for token and rendering the page..
I guess that is what the http://sixdegreesofkanyewest.com/ will be doing.
So your option is server pages application. or an intermediate API call to get the access token for you and continue your application logics

How do you handle navigation in a token-secured web application?

I have a rather conceptual question, I'm sure it's fairly stupid, but I can't figure it out.
So I am building a simple node.js app to learn, I want to make a web app which is has a set of REST web APIs for everything (including authentication), and then the presentation.
For authentication I am using token-based auth with PassportJS.
So when a user wants to access the site, he'll obtain a token from the authentication API, in turn he'll need to pass this token in a HTTP Header on each request to the app.
My question is, how is this handled in the code? When the app gets the token (for example from a login page which hits the auth API), should it attempt to store it in the local machine (for example LocalStorage, or Cookie) and then on each new page fetch it and use it in a Header? Should each page's javascript attempt to load the token from the local storage automatically? I tried looking for an example, but haven't found a complete one that deals with how you handle navigation when you're depending on sending a header on every single request (that you want authenticated).
Once the user is authenticated return a secure session cookie which will be stored by the user's browser. Now on every request, this cookie will be sent by the browser to your application automatically, which you can check in your backend code (typically controller) to verify the existence of user session.

Servicestack authentication process on each request

I have been through much of the documentation and examples provided, but Im looking for some inputs for my setup from other users.
I have a some clients (website, iOs/Android apps). These only serves as a shelves and its content will be requested through servicestack, which makes servicestack a central point of my setup.
The client will login through servicestack and get a sessionid.
My question here is, how should i setup servicestack to make sure that the user is validated on each request?
I was thinking after login, i save the user in the cache and make sure this expires after some time (unless persisted). Then on each request based on the session id, i check the cache to see if the user exists. If the user exists, the request i authenticated, and if not the user have to login again.
Am i on the right track here, or is there an easier way in servicestack, to support this?
I was thinking after login, i save the user in the cache and make sure this expires after some time (unless persisted).
It sounds like you can just use the Authentication/Authorization plugin. Once a user is authenticated (using any of the 'Providers') the user's session is stored in the cache using the key 'urn:iauthsession:[sessionId]' and contains a bool property isAuthenticated. For any Service the requires Authentication you can use the Authenticate attribute.

Marionette fetch User on login from node.js

I have a tricky problem, i have got a Marionette Application based on a node.js backend which uses express-resource to access the database.
I use a middleware to ensure a logged-in user, if not the user is redirected to a login page which is served by node directly. After login the user has got a session cookie and is forwarded to the Marionette App.
The application doesnt know the user. In order to get the user i wil have to get it via an ajax call. The problem is, i don't know the users id because the session token doesnt contain this information.
My solution is: There are two resources in the api, one to get accounts in general and one to get only the current user. This is a kind of duplication of resources i want to avoid.
How to do this properly?
you can simply add the user id to the session cookie..
btw - make sure your backend accesses only the authenticated user's resources (according to the session) and that you don't have to provide the user id to AJAX calls. maybe you can actually avoid knowing the user id ?
