Azure Function - Event Hub Trigger stopped - azure

I've got an Azure Function app in production on an event hub trigger, it's low throughput with the function typically only being triggered once daily. It's running on an S1 plan at the moment and has a few other functions such as timer triggered and HTTP triggered.
It's been running fine but today it stopped being triggered by new messages until I restarted the app. All other functions were working just fine and responding to their associated triggers.
I've look through App Insights and there are no reported errors or issues, it's just not doing anything.
Has anyone else had this issue or know of what may be causing it?

First of all - is your App Service has Always On enabled?
Second thing - have you tried to test your trigger locally, so you can be sure, that there are no issues with your Event Hub?
Personally, I faced such issues when Event Host Processor implemented in EventHubTrigger was losing a lease because of additional processor introduced. It is also possible, that since it faces a low throughput, it lost a lease and for some reason was not able to renew it:
As an instance of EventProcessorHost starts it will acquire as many
leases as possible and begin reading events. As the leases draw near
expiration EventProcessorHost will attempt to renew them by placing a
reservation. If the lease is available for renewal the processor
continues reading, but if it is not the reader is closed and
CloseAsync is called - this is a good time to perform any final
cleanup for that partition.
Nonetheless, it is worth to contact the support to make sure there were no other issues.


Delay in Azure function triggering off IOThub

I have data going from my system to an azure iot. I timestamp the data packet when I send it.Then I have an azure function that is triggered by the iothub. In the azure function I get the message and get the timestamp and record how long it took the data to get to the function. I also have another program running on my system that listens for data on the iothub and records that time too.
So most of the time, the time in the azure function is in millisecs, but sometimes, I see a large time for the azure function to be triggered(I conclude it is this because the program that reads from the iot hub shows that the data reached the iot hub quickly and there was no delay).
Would anybody know the reasons for why azure function might be triggering late
Is this the same question that was asked here?
I'll copy/paste my answer for others to see:
Based on what I see in the logs and your description, I think the latency can be explained as being caused by a cold-start of your function app process. If a function app goes idle for approximately 20 minutes, then it is unloaded from memory and any subsequent trigger will initiate a cold start.
Basically, the following sequence of events takes place:
The function app goes idle and is unloaded (this happened about 5 minutes before the trigger you mentioned).
You send the new event.
The event eventually gets noticed by our scale controller, which polls for events on a 10 second interval.
Our scale controller initiates a cold-start of your function app. This can add a few more seconds depending on the content of your function app (it was about 6 seconds in this case).
So unfortunately this is a known behavior with the consumption plan. You can read up on this issue here: The blog post also discusses some ways you can work around this if it's problematic for your scenario.

Azure Functions: Application freezes - without any error message

I have an Azure Functions application which once in a while "freezes" and stops processing messages and timed events.
When this happens I do not see anything in the logs (AppInsight), neither exceptions nor any kind of unfamiliar traces.
The application has following functions:
One processing messages from a Service Bus topic subscription (belonging to another application)
One processing from an internal storage queue
One timer based function triggered every half hour
Four HTTP endpoints
Our production app runs fine. This is due to an internal dashboard (on big screen in the office), which polls one of the HTTP endpoints every 5 minutes, there by keeping it alive.
Our test, stage and preproduction apps stop after a while, stopping to process messages and timer events.
This question is more or less the same as my previous question, but the without error message that was in focus then. Much fewer error messages now, as our deployment has been fixed.
A more detailed analysis can be found in the GitHub issue.
On a consumption plan, all triggers are registered in the host, so that these can be handled, leading to my functions being called at the right time. This part of the host also handles scalability.
I had two bugs:
Wrong deployment. Do zip based deployment as described in the Docs.
Malformed host.json. Comments in JSON are not right, although it does work in most circumstances in Azure Functions. But not all.
The sites now works as expected, both concerning availability and scalability.
Thanks to the people in the Azure Functions team (Ling Toh, Fabio Cavalcante, David Ebbo) for helping me out with this.

Azure Function Event Hub Trigger reliability

I'm a bit confused regarding the EventHubTrigger for Azure functions.
I've got an IoT Hub, and am using its eventhub-compatible endpoint to trigger an Azure function that is going to process and store the received data.
However, if my function fails (= throws an exception), that message (or messages) being processed during that function call will get lost. I actually would expect the Azure function runtime to process the messages at a later time again. Specifically, I would expect this behavior because the EventHubTrigger is keeping checkpoints in the Function Apps storage account in order to keep track of where in the event stream it has to continue.
The documention of the EventHubTrigger even states that
If all function executions succeed without errors, checkpoints are added to the associated storage account
But still, even when I deliberately throw exceptions in my function, the checkpoints will get updated and the messages will not get received again.
Is my understanding of the EventHubTriggers documentation wrong, or is the EventHubTriggers implementation (or its documentation) wrong?
This piece of documentation seems confusing indeed. I guess they mean the errors of Function App host itself, not of your code. An exception inside function execution doesn't stop the processing and checkpointing progress.
The fact is that Event Hubs are not designed for individual message retries. The processor works in batches, and it can either mark the whole batch as processed (i.e. create a checkpoint after it), or retry the whole batch (e.g. if the process crashed).
See this forum question and answer.
If you still need to re-process failed events from Event Hub (and errors don't happen too often), you could implement such mechanism yourself. E.g.
Add an output Queue binding to your Azure Function.
Add try-catch around processing code.
If exception is thrown, add the problematic event to the Queue.
Have another Function with Queue trigger to process those events.
Note that the downside of this is that you will loose ordering guarantee provided by Event Hubs (since Queue message will be processed later than its neighbors).
Quick fix. As retry policy would not work if down system is down for few hours. You can call Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); in exception handling. This would stop the checkpoint moving forward. I have tested this with consumption based function app. You will not see anything in logs but i added email to notify that something went wrong and to avoid data loss i have killed the function instance.
Hope this helps.
Would put an blog over it and other part of workflow where I stop function in case of continuous failure on down system using logic app.

Azure Function app periodically not firing on trigger or timer

I have an Azure Function app with 4 functions
one triggered on a timer every 24 hours
one triggered on events from IoT Hub
two others triggered on events from Service Bus as a result of the previous function
All functions work as expected when first deployed but after a period of time the functions stop running and the app appears to be scaled down with no servers online. At this point the functions are never triggered again unless I either restart the app, or drill into a function and view details of it (supposedly, forcing the function to start up).
I have the exact same code deployed to a different environment and it runs perfectly and has never encountered this issue. I've checked all the settings and configuration and can't see any material differences between the two.
This is really frustrating and is becoming a big issue. Any help would be much appreciated.
Function App is hosted in Australia Southeast.
This is the last execution (as of now)
10:45 PM UTC - Function started (Id=4d29555b-d3af-43d7-95e9-1a4a2d43dc46)
The event triggered function should run every few minutes as the IoT Hub it's triggering from has a steady stream of events coming in. When I prod the function (or restart it) and it comes to life it quickly churns through a backlog of messages queued in the IoT Hub.
I see the problem: you have comments in your host.json, which makes it invalid and throws off the parser at the scale controller level.
Admittedly, the error handling is quite poor here. But anyway, remove the commented out logger, and it should all work.

Can Azure WebJobs poll queues on demand?

I have a WebJob which gets triggered when a user uploads a file to the blob storage - it is triggered by a queue storage message which is created once the upload is complete.
Depending on the purpose of the file, it will post messages to other queues to trigger processing jobs.
Some of these jobs are time critical, and run relatively quickly. In one case the processing takes about three seconds, and the user is waiting for the result.
However, because the minimum queue polling interval is 2 seconds, the time the user must wait for the two WebJobs to be invoked is generally doubling their wait time.
I tried combining the two WebJobs into one, hoping that when the first handler posts a queue message the corresponding processing handler would be immediately triggered, but in fact it consistently waits two seconds before picking up the message.
My question is, is there a way for me to tell my WebJob to check the queue triggers immediately from within the same WebJob if I know there is a message waiting? Or even better configure it to immediately check the queue triggers if I post to a queue from inside the WebJob?
Or would switching to a service bus queue improve the responsiveness to new messages?
In the docs about using blob triggers, it says:
There is an exception for blobs that you create by using the Blob attribute. When the WebJobs SDK creates a new blob, it passes the new blob immediately to any matching BlobTrigger functions. Therefore if you have a chain of blob inputs and outputs, the SDK can process them efficiently. But if you want low latency running your blob processing functions for blobs that are created or updated by other means, we recommend using QueueTrigger rather than BlobTrigger.
However there is no mention of anything similar for queues. Meaning if you need really low latency in this scenario then blobs are the better than queues, which seems wrong.
Update 2
I ended up working around this by pulling the orchestrating code out of the first WebJob and into the service layer of the application and removing the WebJob.. it was fast running anyway so perhaps separating it into its own WebJob was an overkill. This means only the processing WebJob has to be triggered after the file upload.
Currently 2 sec is the minimum time it will take for the SDK to poll for the new message. The SDK does an exponential back off polling so you can configure the MaxPollingInterval to be 2 sec always.
config.Queues.MaxPollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
For more details please see
