Which Azure monitoring service to use for visualizing relationship between components? - azure

We are designing a monitoring solution for an Azure App Service web app application that is using the Application Insights SDK and Azure Blob storage and an Azure SQL Database instance. How do we visualize relationship between components? Figure 2 in this official post from Azure team show some of the things you can do with Activity log. But I'm not sure if we can visualize components using Azure Activity log?
To be more specific: Since our case is related to a Web Application, by visualizing components we mean visualizing application components

The right answer is the Application Map that is a part of Application Insights.
So, your answer on the exam should be Azure Application Insights :)

Azure Monitor does not provide any resource visualization services. Instead, it is the service whereby you can gain access to logs, metrics, and alerting capabilities for your Azure resources.
If you are wanting to visualize your resources and relationships to one another, then take a look at http://armviz.io. This will visualize your resources in a resource group and draw relationship lines between resources (when applicable).


Application Insights on a large SaaS

I have a large Multi-Tenant Saas running on Azure. Where I have individual deployments of our application for each tenant (Web App, SQL, and Storage). Would you create 1 Application Insight instance for ALL the tenants so you can consolidate your logs or would you have individual App Insights?
We have a lot of tenants so would this make sense?
You should take a look at this doc: Should I use single or multiple Application Insights resources?, here is the content:
Use a single resource for all the components or roles in a single
business system. Use separate resources for development, test, and
release versions, and for independent applications.
And if you have to use multi application insights instances, please don't worry, you can also use application insights cross-query for querying from multi application insights.
Hope it helps.

Alternative to using Azure Cloud service in a CSP subscription

I have a complete running cloud service application upgraded to latest Azure SDK version and unfortunately need to dump this into a CSP subscription. But I came to know that Azure CSP supports only the Azure Resource Manager model, the cloud service is a classic deployment model. So we cannot create a cloud service within a CSP subscription.
Is there any other alternative within Azure CSP to using "cloud service" so that we can migrate with minimal changes. Please help
Firstly, here are some good reads on Microsoft Docs to help comparing the options available and make decisions based on your requirements:
(I mean requirements like Hosting features, Service Limits, 3rd party software installation and RDP access is required or not, Network isolation to a separate VNET is required or not, Cost considerations, minimum SLA, Regions available, instant deployment and auto-scaling, state management etc.):
Azure App Service, Virtual Machines, Service Fabric, and Cloud Services comparison
Decision tree for Azure compute services (This one covers a big spectrum.. simple virtual machines, Batch, Functions, Containers, AKS, ServiceFabric)
Criteria for choosing an Azure Compute Service
Also know that when looking for alternatives, it's not uncommon to make use of multiple compute or other Azure service options by breaking up an older solution into parts at the time of such migration (for e.g. A serverless compute option like Azure Function + Service Fabric + something else if needed).
Generally speaking (and without knowing much about your application from your question currently), Azure App Service and Service Fabric could be considerations IMHO when migrating from an existing Cloud Service, but this is exactly where detailed requirements help you in decision making.
On a side note, here is a list of Azure Services available in CSP - Available Azure services in Azure CSP

Publish WebApp to Azure MarketPlace

My company has a direction to create web app to be published and sold on Azure Marketplace.
After reading up on the topic on https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/programs/certified/, I am confused that what is actually the right way to achieve what we want to do above.
Do we need to create a VM as a container for our webapp so that it can be sold on Market Place? In this method, are subscribers creating their own VM service from the image we publish? I wonder how are updates/fixes being pushed out to every subscriber.
I then came across AppSource. In this way, are we creating/hosting the app in our azure app service, and users are authorized into the app through AAD (it looks like we have to use AAD authentication?)? Are we able to segregate user data by say, organizations?
I really appreciate if someone can shed some light on this.
For point 1, you could look at this question: Publishing a web application on Azure
i think what you are looking for is the "solution template". it took me a while to get it, but if you look at the docs there is a comparison between "Virtual machine" and "Solution template".
From the docs:
VM example:
As an Azure publisher, you've created and validated a VM with an innovative database service. Other Azure subscribers want to procure and deploy this VM into their cloud service environments.
Solution template example
As an Azure publisher, you've bundled a set of services from across Azure that make it quick to deploy cloud services with load balancing, enhanced security, and high availability. Other Azure subscribers can save time by procuring the solution template that meets their objective. They don't have to manually locate, procure, deploy, and configure the same or similar Azure services.

How does an Azure Logic app compare to Workflow Foundation & WCF hosting in IIS to Service Fabric

To several developers on my team, they describe Azure Logic Apps as an evolution of Workflow Foundation.
In addition, WCF services hosted in IIS are more evolved on Service Fabric.
Are these analogies correct? Are better ones available?
Azure Logic Apps is a Platform as a Service offering to give you simple integration with a number of connectors (from SaaS to on-premises databases like DB2) out of the box. Optimized for cloud scale, simple deployments, and platform capabilities like retry policies and alerting.
It's a little challenging when drawing the comparison between Workflow Foundation and Azure Logic Apps. From a basic workflow perspective they both have similar capabilities that have control flow, scopes and call outs to actions/activities. WF is a framework so it gives you certain control over the host and storage configuration for persistence, and allows for interacting with MSDTC for local ACID transactional resources and closely coupled to WCF -- where Logic Apps is cloud hosted so you don’t need to be concerned with how to host or scale the Logic App.
Also it’s a cloud based service which relies on communication via REST for describing APIs and, as a cloud based service, relies on eventual consistency and idempotent calls instead of distributed transactions.
I guess in short I'd summarize in that yes, many scenarios that people would have historically used workflow foundation for could now use Logic Apps (and those scenarios get many advantages from the platform), but it's a different level of control and approach -- similar almost to an Azure Web Site vs. VM with IIS.

Azure application status page

I have an application running on the Azure cloud.
Currently this is deployed as an Azure web app.
Is there any way to monitor the website status and build a page like this or this?
As you can see in those examples both have:
a service global status
An historical status which is grouped in hour/day/months period
Does azure has an API that I can use to monitor my services?
Application Insights and the Azure portal will give you a rich monitoring and diagnostics experience for your web app. It is in preview at this time.
You can get very granular data points or high-level graphs and trends. The historical data can go back as far as 13 months for aggregated data points. You can read more about the data retention policy here.
The Azure portal (the new one at portal.azure.com) gives you a rich UI to interact with the telemetry data from your app. And if you want to customize a blade to view specific data for your app you can do that too.
Azure Web Apps also has built-in monitoring support that you can use. It won't give you the depth that Application Insights does but you should look at this too to see if it will give you the data you need. And of course, you can customize the monitoring blades in the Azure portal to suit your needs.
Azure does offer a robust RESTFul API for managing and monitoring your services. Essentially anything you can do through the Azure Management Portal is accessible via an API, including analytics. The portal itself often uses this same API.
You can also use MSFT authored .NET assemblies to create your own monitoring applications in Visual Studio. I find the monitoring and analytics features more robust via this model. These are available on GitHub:
