Application Insights on a large SaaS - azure

I have a large Multi-Tenant Saas running on Azure. Where I have individual deployments of our application for each tenant (Web App, SQL, and Storage). Would you create 1 Application Insight instance for ALL the tenants so you can consolidate your logs or would you have individual App Insights?
We have a lot of tenants so would this make sense?

You should take a look at this doc: Should I use single or multiple Application Insights resources?, here is the content:
Use a single resource for all the components or roles in a single
business system. Use separate resources for development, test, and
release versions, and for independent applications.
And if you have to use multi application insights instances, please don't worry, you can also use application insights cross-query for querying from multi application insights.
Hope it helps.


How many custom roles can we create for an enterprise Azure app?

I would like to understand if I can use Azure AD authentication for our enterprise application. Basically we have a service that manages component data for several thousand product teams in my company. The requirement is team A can only view their data. According to, we can create custom roles in an Azure app and assign them to different client apps. My concern is that is there a limit on how many roles we can create in the app? We have several thousand product teams to support. Also, is there any performance impact on large number of custom roles in an app?
The bigger question is if we should utilize Azure OIDC to do this authorization. Is this something that we are better off writing our own authorization logic?
Confirmed that by default, it is 5000.

Which Azure monitoring service to use for visualizing relationship between components?

We are designing a monitoring solution for an Azure App Service web app application that is using the Application Insights SDK and Azure Blob storage and an Azure SQL Database instance. How do we visualize relationship between components? Figure 2 in this official post from Azure team show some of the things you can do with Activity log. But I'm not sure if we can visualize components using Azure Activity log?
To be more specific: Since our case is related to a Web Application, by visualizing components we mean visualizing application components
The right answer is the Application Map that is a part of Application Insights.
So, your answer on the exam should be Azure Application Insights :)
Azure Monitor does not provide any resource visualization services. Instead, it is the service whereby you can gain access to logs, metrics, and alerting capabilities for your Azure resources.
If you are wanting to visualize your resources and relationships to one another, then take a look at This will visualize your resources in a resource group and draw relationship lines between resources (when applicable).

Is it safe to delete unused Application Insights resources from the Azure Portal?

We have a number of Application Insights resources, most of which were created automatically when App Services were created. Most of them are not being used. Is it safe to delete the Application Insights resources without affecting the rest of the application?
Yes it is, app insights resources are separate services in their own right, and only tied to your application by the application Id (or "key") that's published in the app insights resource blade.
Check that no application is linked to it and if yes, you can remove it safely without any issues.

Need detail understanding about "Application is MultiTenant" in azure

will setting "Application is Multitenat" make my application work with other tenants which are not registered in my azure subscription. which are not part of my active directory. will setting this option work with any the image you see is from azure active directory web app page. i have register my web application to consume the office 365 api as describe in page
In context of Azure AD:
A single tenant application is only available to users of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) where this is created.
A multi tenant application is not only available to users of Azure AD where it is created but it also available in other Azure ADs. Users in other Azure ADs have to explicitly grant consent to the application in their Azure AD. When an application is added to another Azure AD, that application essentially becomes a user in that Azure AD as a Service Principal.
A single tenant application means application is hosted specific for a single client. Reasons may be specific business needs OR regulatory compliance OR they can be n numbers of real scenarios you can imagine.
In multi tenant application is available to group of clients. Reasons here can be common business needs, no regulatory compulsion, less cost in supporting maintenance & usage as same application is used for multiple clients.
Practical Example is below (Directly taken as it is from MSDN):
One of the first architectural decisions that the team at Tailspin had to make about how the Surveys application could best support multiple subscribers was whether it should be a single-tenant or multi-tenant application. Figure 1 shows the difference between these approaches at a high-level. The single-tenant model has a separate physical instance of the application for each subscriber, while the multi-tenant model has a single physical instance of the application shared by many subscribers.
It’s important to note that the multi-tenant model still offers separate views of the application’s data to its users. In the Surveys application, Client B must not be able to see or modify Client A’s surveys or data. Tailspin, as the owner of the application, will have full access to all the data stored in the application.
For more details : refer Hosting a Multi-Tenant Application on Windows Azure

Multiple azure cloud services in a single solution

I'm in the process of implementing a series of web api services that must be separated and isolated from each other when running. For this, each service is a different Asp.NET Web Api project, but for simplicity and cohesion, we have it all in the same solution.
We plan on deploying the services using Azure Cloud Services but I can't find a way to set up the projects so each one is published on a different CloudService.
