How can we use ArangoDB with Grails Project - arangodb

I am having a cluster of Grails based application I am trying to use ArangoDB cant find any drivers.

If you can't find the drivers for your language / framework, you can always use Foxx on Arango and call it via HTTP or build your own API endpoint in a language / framework that is supported by ArangoDB, but it is recommended you use Foxx.


Akka (JVM) event-sourcing in Azure?

I am trying to deploy an Akka application on Azure, that uses the journal persistence plugin.
I cannot find a working combination when it comes to the persistence plugin I should use.
So far I looked into:
akka-persistence-mongo and Azure Document Store with Mongo driver: it does not work because akka-persistence-mongo is not compatible with the latest reactive-mongo version that supports SSL
akka-persistence-jdbc and an Azure SQL server: it seems the akka-persistence-jdbc is only compatible with Slick H2, Oracle and MySQL drivers
I do not have any strong performance requirements, this is why both solutions would have worked.
My best guess for the moment is akka-persistence-redis with Microsoft Azure Redis.
I am proposing a contribution to this plugin to make it compatible with Microsoft Azure Redis (authentication, as well as a strange error when calling zrangebyscore that I do not have with a local Redis).

What is best ORM framework to use with NodeJS and Informix DB. Also Support for Transaction management

Actually I'm planing to use NodeJS for web application development, my back-end DB is Informix, I'm looking for the ORM framework which best fit for Nodejs and also supports DB Transaction. Previously I used MyBatis with JAVA and Spring I'm wondering whether it supports or not.
Also it is very helpful if someone can provide an example/sample implementation fro CRUD operation using Informix, NodeJS (with or with out ORM)
I searched google with no luck. Appreciate your help. Thanks In advance
Here are some examples in multiple languages (java, javascript, python, etc) to help you get started with app development against Informix backend -
Web app development against Informix should be greatly simplified since REST APIs are available for accessing data in relational tables as well as collections. Here is a tutorial on the Informix REST APIs -

What is the best way to expose Cassandra REST API to web?

I would like to work with Cassandra from javascript web app using REST API.
REST should support basic commands working with DB - create table, select/add/update/remove items. Will be perfect to have something similar to odata protocol.
P.S. I'm looking for some library or component. Java is a most preferred.
Staash solution looks perfect for the task -
You can use DataStax drivers. I used it via Scala but you can use Java, a Session object is a long-lived object and it should not be used in a request/response short-lived fashion but it's up to you.
ref. rules when using datastax drivers
There is no "best" language for REST APIs, it depends on what you're comfortable using. Virtually all languages will be able to do this reasonable well, depending on your skill level.
The obvious choice is probably java, because cassandra's written in java, the java driver from Datastax is well supported, and because it's probably pretty easy to find some spring REST frameworks to do what you want. Second beyond that would be python - again, good driver support and REST frameworks with things like django or flask+potion. Ruby driver isn't bad, lots of ruby REST APIs out there, too.

Configuration between MongoDB,Cordova and Node.JS

How to integrate mongodb, nodejs and cordova in eclipse. As i am building hybrid mobile application.Basically i am looking for configuration between these three.
I am using similar technologies and discovered that MongoDB cannot be integrated directly on Android/Eclipse.
MongoDB is designed to run on a server with more resources than mobile typically offers, eg a lot of RAM with specialized memory mapping etc. I would not expect Cordova integration in the near future.
If the design is already set on Mongo/Node, you'll have to create your own persistent data layer. Check out this blog post and sample project (GIT):
An earlier post specifically for PhoneGap / Cordova:
If you are flexible on technologies, consider using CouchBase:
Basically, it takes care of much of developer plumbing and allows you
to focus on building your amazing app. There are three components to
Couchbase Lite – A standalone on-device lightweight embedded JSON database; you will use this to stow away data locally on the mobile
device with full CRUD (Create | Read | Update | Delete) features.
Sync Gateway – The bridge that allows you to securely synchronize on-device Couchbase Lite data with Couchbase Server backend.
Couchbase Server – A high performance scalable JSON database that serves as your backend in the cloud.
CouchBase is also compatible with NodeJS:
The Couchbase Node.js SDK allows you to connect to a Couchbase cluster
from Node.js. It is a native Node.js modules and uses Couchbase's high
performance C library to handle communicating to the cluster over
Couchbase’s binary protocols.

node.js sybase driver

I am developing an app using node.js express framework and would need to connect to sybase ASE database. I did enough search and couldn't find the sybase driver for node.js. doesn't node.js support sybase or should I use something like a generic driver?
An exhaustive list of database drivers is on the node.js wiki here:
But no Sybase so that leaves using an ODBC driver which, if on *nix, then you have the option of:
Alternatively, Sybase ASE has it's own web services engine which exposes SQL and stored procedures through a SOAP API. Your best option may be to just roll your own SOAP client in node against that API, perhaps using node-soap.
As of 2015, a non-odbc implementation based on Jconnect is available. It requires Java.
You can install it with
npm install sybase
More info:
I know it has been a while, but if you are still looking, try this:
node.js comes with no DB support at all.
DB connectors are out of the scope of the node.js distribution. But the cummunity fills the gap here e.g. for mysql there is node-mysql.
Problem here is that you want to use a DB without a big (open source) community, so, after some googeling, there is no node.js connector.
If you want to create a connector for sybase ASE you might have a look at node-mysql to get startet. But this is nothing you do in one weekend.
