What is the best way to expose Cassandra REST API to web? - cassandra

I would like to work with Cassandra from javascript web app using REST API.
REST should support basic commands working with DB - create table, select/add/update/remove items. Will be perfect to have something similar to odata protocol.
P.S. I'm looking for some library or component. Java is a most preferred.

Staash solution looks perfect for the task - https://github.com/Netflix/staash

You can use DataStax drivers. I used it via Scala but you can use Java, a Session object is a long-lived object and it should not be used in a request/response short-lived fashion but it's up to you.
ref. rules when using datastax drivers

There is no "best" language for REST APIs, it depends on what you're comfortable using. Virtually all languages will be able to do this reasonable well, depending on your skill level.
The obvious choice is probably java, because cassandra's written in java, the java driver from Datastax is well supported, and because it's probably pretty easy to find some spring REST frameworks to do what you want. Second beyond that would be python - again, good driver support and REST frameworks with things like django or flask+potion. Ruby driver isn't bad, lots of ruby REST APIs out there, too.


DataStax Graph Native API vs Fluent API

i have tried both the native api and fluent api for datastax graph in java.
i found fluent api more readable since it resembles java's OOP.
Native api has less readability in java since basically strings are being appended to create the entire gremlin script. but on the plus side a single call is made to execute the entire gremlin script
i wanted to know which is the best api to go with in case i need to add a large number of edges and vertices in one transaction and what are the performance issues which can occur in either case
Going forward I would recommend using the Fluent API over the String-based API. While we still support the string-based API in the DataStax drivers, most of our work and improvements will be using the fluent API.
The primary benefits of the Fluent API is that you can use the Apache TinkerPop library directly to form Traversals, it doesn't need to go through the groovy scripting engine (like the String-based API does).
In terms of loading multiple vertices/edges in one transaction, you can do that with Apache TinkerPop, and it will be much more effective than the String-based API because that all doesn't need to be evaluated through the gremlin-groovy engine. Also any future work around batching will likely be done in the Fluent API (via Apache TinkerPop), see JAVA-1311 for more details.

Exasol and ESRI's ArcGIS - anyone managed to link them up?

I'm looking to utilise the speed of Exasolution with the mapping capabilities of ArcGIS.
Exasolution is an extremely fast database. It has spatial support, but I'd like to be able to render spatial features inside a map. So it could be via some kind of API from Esri, or maybe a third party mapping engine and use WMS/WFS etc.
Anyone had any joy with these products?
You will likely have some joy with EXASolution's JDBC driver - EXASolution's Geospatial libraries are built on OpenGIS using the libGEOS libraries, so everything you can do with Postgres should be possible on EXASolution.
I did an introductory Geospatial-on-EXASOL video a while back which may be of interest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6Erp1WWLHw
I would say that your question would get a better response in EXASOL's community section where EXASOL customers and techies can answer specific EXASOL questions. Go to exasol.com/community for more details.
Good luck - and do let me know how you get on
Graham Mossman
Solution Engineer
I just finished a short knowledge base article which shows you how to connect to ESRI's ArcGIS from within an EXASolution database:
The approach is different from what Graham suggested, as it uses Esri's REST API in combination with Python scripts called from SQL. So, the database connects directly and in parallel to the REST API service, not involving the client at all when it comes to data enrichment.
Hope that helps,

What skill set is needed to set up Solr or ElasticSearch?

Two clients of mine are evaluating setting up a search server, either Solr or ElasticSearch. We're wondering what programming languages (if any) and development environments are necessary to get the search servers running. Can it be done by people mostly familiar with front end technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) or is more serious coding skill needed (e.g. understanding of multithreading/ advanced debugging/ other "pro-level" concepts)?
If only light programming skills are needed I'm playing with the thought of suggesting to set it up myself. I have very little Java knowledge but have basic understanding of C, ActionScript, Pascal and even Simula in addition to aforementioned front end technologies. I know basic search architecture from my time in FAST (an enterprise search vendor).
Best, Bjørn
Bit of a broad question but i'll try to give it a shot:
You don't need any programming language in particular. They're both stand alone servers which have API's which are addressable from any programming language.
ElasticSearch has a really nice API that's JSON/REST based.
SOLR's API is a lot more clunky, but also supports XML.
(If I have a choice I tend to go for ElasticSearch, unless there's a really specialized feature I need that's only in SOLR).
Getting up and running doesn't really require any knowledge of any programming language in particular.
The only time you NEED java is when you decide you end up needing custom plugins to SOLR/ElasticSearch itself.
You don't need any specific IDE's beyond those matching your programming language of choice.
When trying to figure out what's going on inside my elasitc search server I do like elastic search HEAD:
Hope this helps.
As pointed out already, this is quite a broad question, most likely get closed. But I'll give it a go too.
Both ElasticSearch and Solr are quite easy to get started with. They come as a zip/tar.gz archive that you can extract.
Both require JVM, so you need Java setup.
Once setup, playing with either is quite easy, you do not need any advanced programming skills to play around with it. Solr comes with an Admin UI page, that allows you to execute queries.
Elastic Search has clients as #Constantijin has pointed out. Elastic-head is an excellent choice.
You will need quite a detailed understanding of the Lucene ecosystem, its architecture, plugins etc. Given you have an understanding of another Search Engine, the concepts around indexing and text processing should be easy enough for you.
If you want to write something more advanced than the Admin UI, and you can use Javascript.
You can use AjaxSolr for making ajax requests to your Solr instance
For ElasticSearch, you can try using Elastic.js.
Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine built on top of Apache Lucene™, a full-text search-engine library. Lucene is arguably the most advanced, high-performance, and fully featured search engine library in existence today—both open source and proprietary.
However, Elasticsearch is much more than just Lucene and much more than “just” full-text search. It can also be described as follows:
A distributed real-time document store where every field is indexed and searchable
A distributed search engine with real-time analytics
Capable of scaling to hundreds of servers and petabytes of structured and
unstructured data
I would like add more details regarding how to used ElasticSearch in php language check out - http://www.multidots.com/what-is-elasticsearch
[How to integrate ElasticSearch with PHP?][1]
By using curl, you can use ElasticSearch with your favorite programming language. Here is the example of simple curl request with ElasticSearch.
- PHP Sample Script:
You can find PHP client api on github:
Check out Best Article on Elasticsearch - http://www.multidots.com/what-is-elasticsearch

derbyjs for REST API

First of all, I have seen this question: How to best create a RESTful API in Node.js and it has pointed me towards mers, which has been a great help.
But I have also been reading a lot of good things about derbyjs and it does look really interesting.
So my questions, does it make sense to use derbyjs for ceating a REST API (real-time features might be useful in the future, but not a 100% certain at this pont.)? And is it any better or worse than mers?
I am really grateful for any help.
If anyone is interested, decided now to use sails.js: http://sailsjs.org/
The strength of Derby is that the same views (i.e. rendering templates into HTML) can be executed on the client as well as on the server. So for building a webapp, you won't have to explicitly code a REST API and then use it from the client-side JavaScript, instead you just write your views and Derby does the rest.
So if you're looking into making a REST API only (as your question states) and no HTML, there is no advantage in using Derby. It's the wrong tool for the job.
It depends on what you're looking for exactly. Derby.js is built on top of Express.js which has excellent support for creating a REST API. This also means that anything you can do in Express, you could also do in Derby. If you want real-time features, and the ability to build out a REST API, Derby.js is an excellent choice. It's also one of the reasons that people recommend Derby over something like Meteor (currently Meteor does not have support for REST endpoints, but it will hopefully in the future so also something you might want to keep your eye on, if you're in the market for real-time framework). However, if you're not looking for a node framework with an emphasis on real-time functionality, Derby is not the right choice. I would however recommend looking into Express.js to build a REST API. We use it currently for that purpose and it works really well. There are also a number of libraries and packages that play nicely with Express, so in the future if your needs change, it's easy to find something that works well with Express.
Anyway, I would recommend checking out some basic tutorials for how to create a REST API in Express because once you're able to successfully do that, adding some of the real-time features of Derby.js is fairly straightforward.
Basic tutorial on creating a REST API in Express.

Is using Node.js or Ringojs safe for live websites?

As stated in the title, I would like to know if it's safe to develop a website using one of the actuals "omg" platforms that are Node.js and Ringo.js at their actual version.
Also, I would like to know if they support cookies/sessions and how do they deals with multi-fields post (fieldname[] in PHP).
Thank you
Thanks for all the links guys.
What can you tell me about Ringojs ?
Since I haven't figured which platform to start playing with. I must admit that the fact it can use Java seamlessly really impress me. The only available XSLT 2.0 library is in Java. I could use it as a templating system.
Is there anyone who had the chance to play with Ringojs?
From my experience using both, Ringo is more stable and "safer" for production use but you can comfortably deploy both. In addition to the ability to wrap existing Java libraries that you mention, you also get the benefit of being able to run it in an existing webapp container which manages the lifecycle of the application for you and ensures its availability.
That being said, it doesn't have to be an either or decision. By using my common-node package and assuming you don't use any Java libraries, it's perfectly feasible to maintain a project that runs on both without any changes to the code.
I've also included benchmarks that test the performance of Node.js vs. RingoJS the results of which you can find in the common-node/README.md. To summarize: RingoJS has slightly lower throughput than Node.js, but much lower variance in response times while using six times the RAM with default Java settings. The latter can be tweaked and brought down to as little as twice the memory usage of Node with e.g. my ringo-sunserver but at the expense of decreased performance.
Node.js is stable, so yes it's safe to use. Node.js is capable of handling cookies, sessions, and multiple fields but are not as easy to manage. Web frameworks solve this problem.
I recommend Express.js, it's an open-source web framework for Node.js which handles all of this and more.
You can download it here:
I hope this helped!
Examples of some of the bigger sites running Node.js
Yes. It is. https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Projects,-Applications,-and-Companies-Using-Node and https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules
cookies/sessions/forms etc http://expressjs.com/ makes it easier
Ringojs is a framework developed by Hannes Wallnöver and uses rhino as it's scripting framework. There are webframeworks, templating-engines, orm-packages and many many more things already available. Have a look at the tutorial featuring a good subset of packages you may use for a simple web-application. It's not too long and straightforward.
Even thought some of those packages used within the tutorial (e.g. ringo-sqlstore]) are marked as 0.8 and come with the hint "consider this being beta" they are already very stable and bugs - if you find one - get fixed or commented on very fast.
And the power of uncountable java-libraries out there is at your fingertips - so if you already have java-knowledge this knowledge isn't wasted. Rhino - the scripting-engine - even enables you to implement interfaces and extend classes. It is possible a little more advanced but i've done it and i know of packages taking advantage of such features (like ringo-ftpserver which is a wrapper around Apache FtpServer written in java)
Another pro for me is - because ringojs is based on java - it works fairly well with multithreading with ringo/worker for example.
