Uninstalling a module in Orchard - orchardcms

I am trying to uninstall the Designer Tools, but, when I Uninstall, I get a 404 on /Packaging/PackagingServices/UninstallModule. Is there a way to get that UninstallModule?

In Orchard 1.x, uninstalling a module is as simple as deleting its folder under the modules directory. Before you do that, however, disable it just to check the site still runs without it, and also check in the modules admin page what other modules depend on it. In the case of designer tools you should be fine.
Another solution if you want to keep the convenience of debugging easily on your dev boxes but keep your deployed version secure is to modify your deployment procedure to exclude specific modules.


How to deal with node_modules in PhpStorm

I have been setting up my development environment for my Laravel/AngularJS project. My IDE is JetBrains PhpStorm. I am wondering what are the best practices for configuring the IDE to deal with the node_modules (or bower_components or vendor for my PHP) folder, so that:
It is not included in the code inspection as far as the modules' internal code is concerned.
It is included in the code inspection as far as references in my own code to the modules is concerned.
It is included in Autocomplete or Code Navigation (Ctrl+click on methods)
To make it more clear: I want to be able to Ctrl+click on methods of my node modules and be redirected to the source code of these modules. I also want to be warned if I write a node module method wrong, or if it does not exist. Also autocomplete a method, when I press Ctrl+Space. But I don't want the internal code of my node modules to be included in code inspection, because it takes a lot of time to inspect all the modules, and they are supposed to be ok, so I don't need to inspect them.
I already tried two solutions:
Marking the folders as excluded: This does not work because the folders are totally excluded from the project and redirection and inspection does not work at all
Creating a specific Scope (in PhpStorm Settings), that includes all files except the node_modules folder, to use when I manually run Code Inspection: It is impossible to exclude the node_modules folder, because my IDE recognizes it as a module "I think" (it has [webapp] next to it in the Project explorer). I could however exclude bower_components and vendor.
Regardless my tries, what is the best way to deal with it?
As it's mentioned in help, PhpStorm auto-excludes node_modules folder from indexing for better performance, adding the direct dependencies listed in package.json to javascript libraries for completion, etc. So the best way to handle node_modules is relying on the IDE default procedures

"Fody not properly installed" error exception. (Xamarin.forms)

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project)
Today, I added new three solution packages named SVG.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions, SVG.Forms.Plugin.iOS, SVG.Forms.Plugin.Android on workspace that downloaded from github.
I have used realm for Xamarin.
But After I added new packages, "Realms.RealmException has been thrown".
Message is "Fody not properly installed. allbX.Baby is a RealmObject but has not been woven."
Is it Fody's problem or Realm's or new packages'(SGV Control)?
And could you let me know how to solve it?
Better Answer
The check which is delivering that message is because Fody is not running.
So, they may have a RealmObject in their component but Fody doesn't get run building in your solution so weaving doesn't occur.
The easiest fix is to just use NuGet to add Fody to your main application project. That should install it in the right place for the solution.
NuGet manages dependencies so if a package relies on Realm, it will go on in turn and install Realm. Realm itself relies on Fody, for example, so will in turn trigger a Fody installation.
You can manually install Realm but it is a little fiddly, having to add a couple of lines to your csproj to specify imports. We have chosen to only document installation via NuGet at this stage.
If you want to manually add Realm to another solution without using NuGet, I suggest you take a new clean solution, save a copy, and diff with the changes made to that solution by adding Realm via NuGet. You will then see the lines to copy into your existing solution.

Add module to Orchard

I am working on orchard CMS (version 1.8.1) sites with multiple language, I found this one (https://github.com/qt1/orchard_contrib-RM.Localization) is useful, and I would like to add this to my site, but failed to work (I just copied it into, but picker widget cannot be found in dashboard), may someone know how to do and give me some advice?
If you want to use this module in you Orchard app, you need to add it the the Orchard.sln and compile the application - then the module will be visible in Modules section of the dashboard.
You can also try using an existing package from the Orchard Gallery
Download a package
Go to Modules, and enable Packaging module
Go to Modules -> Installed and click Install a module from your computer
Browse the package and click Install
Now enable the installed module

Publish only Module in Orchard

I'm working in Orchard project & i want to implement WebApi in my project so that I plan to create one WebApi related separate module which handles all the database related code & returns the result to the other modules as well third party calls.
But for implementing like this, how can i publish my rest of the application at one place & the WebApi related module at another place.
You cannot run Orchard Modules without Orchard. If you want to separate site publishing from module publishing, you can update single modules. To do this you need to package you module and then upload and install it to the site. Either by Admin Dashboard or Orchard Command-line.
On how to package a module and install it with Orchard Command-line check the Orchard Doc's here
You can also upload the module package via Orchards Admin Dashboard. Check this Orchard Doc to accomplish this.
Important! Remember to update your module's version in Module.txt manifest file. Otherwise the update won't work.

Setting up Umbraco project with nuget in vs 2012 error

I'm trying to set up a development project in vs 2012 with nuget and Umbraco. I am aware of the several recipe's, amongst the better Umbraco for beginners: Setup Umbraco on localhost together with VS 2012 and uSiteBuilder.
When I am using this procedure I install Umbraco with nuget and build it without problems, but when I hit F5 I get the same error continously: "Could not load type Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication" which global.asax inherits from!
What is wrong, what am I missing here...? Thanks in advance /Finn
A bit late, but I had the same problem and the reason for that are missing dll's. Referenced libraries weren't copied to bin folder.
It is not the best or easiest way of setting the project up.
Instead of creating a WebForm project, create an empty MVC4 project and then install the Umbraco CMS from NuGet. This way you won't have to remove anything. It will also by default use IIS Express, so there is no need to change the project properties.
You don't even have to use the NuGet console. You can use the package manager and just search for Umbraco.
Well it seems like an unprofessional oversight from my point! I just forgot to give security access to the relevant folders to network service.
You might have to build and clean the solution a couple of times if you get exposed to the YSOD error: "Cannot create/shadow copy 'filename' when that file already exists" when you hit F5! This error might occur if you hit F5 too quickly after a build, in this case asp.net is probably not finished with whatever it has to complete, and the file is locked.
#Digbyswift: I do not agree with you! Whether you set up your project as an MVC or Webforms application, it doesn't matter. What is important though, is that you use empty applications, as if you don't there will probably be some references/dependencies that you have to delete in order to get the application running! And default server will be the vs dev server, which in my opinion is by far the best and easiest to use untill you are ready to deploy your application. I agree thouhg that using the package-manager from visual studio is the easiest way to come around installing Umbraco.
Following these steps and hints you should use no more than a couple of minutes from installing Umbraco untill you have the wellcome screen and is ready to set up db etc...
Cheers Finn...
