Can I run "cd" in a different xterm process? - linux

RH6. Is it possible to issue, for example, a cd command in a running xterm process FROM a different process? I know the pid of the existing xterm proc. I actually want to "echo" a message first, and then cd. Something like...
echo "Your time in this workarea has expired. You are being sent home"
cd ~
It would be great if I could do this as a different user somehow (not the owner of the target proc) (I am not and cannot be root). But if that is not possible, perhaps having the target xterm owner create an executable which wraps these commands inside, and then setting the sticky bit on the executable might work when the 2nd proc goes to run it. Not sure if lint checking will catch this as some sort of foul.

I would just make this a comment, but I don't have enough reputation. But I think this might be on the right track:


How to log every single command executed from shell script

I am trying to find a way to record every single command that is executed by any user on the system.
Things that I have came across earlier.
It is possible to view shell commands executed from the terminal using ~/.bashrc_history file.
There is a catch here, It logs only those commands which were executed interactively from bash shell/terminal.
This solves one of my problems. But in addition to it, I would like to log those commands also which were executed as a part of the shell script.
Note: I don't have control over shell script. Therefore, adding verbose mode like #!/bin/bash -xe is not possible.
However, this can be assumed that I have root access as a system administrator.
Eg: I have another user that has access to the system. And he runs the following shell script using from his account.
and run as "$ sh"
Now, What I want is "nmap" command should be logged somewhere once this file is executed.
Thanks in advance. Even a small help is appreciated.
Edit: I would like to clarify that users are unaware that they are being monitored. So I need a solution something at system level(may be agent running with root). I cannot depend on user to log suspicious activity. Of-course everyone will avoid such tricks to put blame on someone else if they do something fishy or wrong
I am aware that you were asking for Bash and Shell scripting and tagged your question accordingly, but in respect to your requirements
Record every single command that is executed by any user on the system
Users are unaware that they are being monitored
A solution something at system level
I am under the assumption that you are looking for Audit Logging.
So you may take advantage from articles like
Log all commands run by Admins on production servers
Log every command executed by a User
You can run the script in this way:
execute bash (it will override the shebang)
ts to prefix every lines
logs both in terminal and files
bash -x |& ts | tee -a /tmp/$(date +%F).log
You may ask the other user to create an alias.
You may also add this into /etc/profile (sourced when users login)
exec > >(tee -a /tmp/$(date +%F).log)
Do it also for error output if needed. Keep it splited.

Find the reason of a file deletion

When I run in the terminal a script which compiles different things by running other scripts, it shows up an error, telling me that the file XXX doesn't exist. But it existed before I ran the script. Thus, I would like to find out what script/program/process deleted the file to fix the bug.
I looked at this but it didn't help me: I am looking for the program at the origin of the deletion, not the user. Additionally, auditctl and iwatch don't exist on the machine I am using.
Please note that I am not interested in what files are deleted (I perfectly know which).
Also, I can recreate XXX to run again the script.
How to simply find out what causes the deletion of XXX?
Two possibilities come to mind how to debug a shell script:
Use strace; the function call you're looking for is most probably unlink(). From the surrounding calls you should be able to deduct the context the deletion is called from.
Switch on command echo with set -x or the shebang #!/bin/bash -x (for Bash) and grep for rm and perhaps unlink. However the deletion may occur in some binary that's called somewhere, in that case you won't find anything this way.
Redirect the output to a file to make searching easier.

sudo inside of a script with a command that needs input (bash)

I want to make a script that changes screen brightness and, among others, need this command:
echo "$number" | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
The script asks me for my root password which i think is unnecessary for it only changes the brightness. I tried adding sudo -S and echo-ing the password but not only did i confuse myself with what input goes where, but the script writes out the [sudo] password for user: prompt which is anoying. How do i make the script runable by everyone (both from inside of the script and outside, i do this as an exercise to learn more)?
You might configure your system so that sudo does not ask for any password. I don't recommend doing this (put ALL=NOPASSWD: in your /etc/sudoers file at appropriate place), since it is a security hole.
But what you really want would be to make a setuid executable (BTW /usr/bin/sudo is itself a setuid executable). It is tricky to understand, and you can make huge mistakes (opening large security holes). Read also carefully execve(2) & Advanced Linux Programming. Spend several hours to understand the setuid thing (if you misunderstand it, you'll have security issues). See also credentials(7) & capabilities(7).
For security reasons, shell scripts cannot be made setuid. So you can code a tiny wrapper in C which would run the script thru execve after appropriate calls (e.g. to setresuid(2) and friends), compile that C program as a setuid executable (so chown root and chmod u+s your executable). In your particular case you don't even need to code a C program starting a shell command (you just should fopen the /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness pseudo-file then fprintf into it, and fclose it).
Actually, I don't believe that doing all that is necessary, because you should be able to configure your system to let your screen brightness be set by non root. I have no idea how to do that precisely (but that is a different question).

execute a gui application from the command line and send it to the background

Is there a command line utility that I can use for executing X based applications that will detach my applications from the terminal so they aren't closed if the terminal is closed?
I guess such a app could be called something like gnome-run if it existed.
I have tried dtach, but it seems that you have to provide a socket file which is a bit clunky to type. I have also tried nohup, but found that also to be a bit clunky to type by the time std out and err are redirected to /dev/null.
I guess I'm looking for a simple program that will do something similar to this:
nohup $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Yes, there is a way to do it: first you need to run your GUI app and send it to background, then you (probably) want to detach it from Bash task management. For example if I wanted to run gedit this way:
gedit &
disown %1
After that you can close your terminal window and gedit will not be killed. Enjoy!
You already wrote your program, it is called a shell script and you give it the name you like and put it somewhere. Then you either add that directory to your $PATH or in your bashrc you set:
alias gnome-run=<path>/
Why waste earth's resources on a program?
If you want to run an application (say, gedit) as if it was run from the GUI, use:
xdg-open /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop
See this answer on superuser.

Automatically invoking gksudo like UAC

This is about me being stressed by playing the game "type a command and remember to prepend sudo or your fingers will get slapped".
I am wondering if it is possible somehow to configure my Linux system or shell such that when I forget to type e.g. "sudo apt-get install emacs", instead of just telling me that I did something wrong, gksudo would get launched, allowing me to acknowledge my credentials and get on moving. Just like UAC does on windows.
Googling hasn't helped me yet..
So is this possible? Did I miss something? Or am I asking for a square circle?
Edit 2010 July 25th: Thanks everyone for your interrest. Unfortunately, Daenyth and bmargulies answers and explanations are what I anticipated/feared since it was impossible for me to google-up a solution prior to submitting this question. I hope that some nice person will someday provide an effective solution for this.
Linux doesn't allow for this. Unlike Windows, where any program can launch a dialog box, and UAC is in the kernel, Linux programs aren't necessarily GUI-capable, and sudo is not, in this sense, in the kernel. A program cannot make a call to elevate privilege (unless it was launched with privilege to begin with and intentionally setuid'd down). sudo is a separate executable with setuid privilege, which checks for permission. If it likes what it sees, it forks the shell to execute the command line. This can't be turned inside out.
As suggested in other posts, you may be able to come up with some 'shell game' to arrange to run sudo for you for some enumerated list of commands, but that's all you are going to get.
You can do what you want with a preexec hook function, similar to the command-not-found package.
There's no way to do this given the current linux software stack. Additionally, MS has a patent on this behavior -- present a user interface identifying an account having a right to permit a task in response to the task being prohibited based on a user's current account not having that right.
I don't think this really works in a general way (automatically deciding which application needs admin rights). However you could make aliases like this for every application:
alias alias apt-get='gksudo apt-get'
If you now enter apt-get install firefox the gnome asks for the admin password. You can store the commands in ~./bashrc
You could use a shell script like the following:
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
sudo $# # or "gksudo $#"
This will run a command given in the arguments with a sudo prefix if the command came back with a non-zero return code (i.e. if it failed).
Use it as in "SCRIPT_NAME apt-get install emacs" for example. You may save it somewhere in your $PATH and set it as an alias like this (if you saved it as do_sudo):
alias apt-get='do_sudo apt-get'
Edit: That does not work for programs like synaptic which do work for non-root users but will give them less privileges. However, if the application fails when invoked without root privileges (like apt-get does) this works fine.
In the case where you want to always run a command as root but might already be root, you can solve this by wrapping a little bash script around it:
if [ $EUID = 0 ]; then
gksudo "$#"
If you call this something like alwaysroot.bash and place it in the right spot on your PATH, then you can call your other program like this:
alwaysroot.bash otherprogram -arguments...
It even handles arguments with spaces in correctly.
