Elastic search installation questions on RHEL - linux

I am working to install elastic search on a LINUX box. As I understand, there are couple of options like tar and RPM. I am not sure on difference between those two. I find tar very easy to download and unzip... Please help explain when you chose tar vs RPM or other options.
Also - I have multiple JRE versions on my servers. Is there a way to specify JRE path to Elastic configuration? At this point I exported JAVA_HOME and started Elastic Search?

tar is a compressed file containing the required binary / config / other files for your application.
RPM is a package manager which allows easier installation of the files which are contained in a tar or multiple tar files.
using a package manager is usually preferable as it can install dependencies and allow cleaner removal or updating of applications.

After installation, I was also facing "bootstrap checks failed" every time I tried to put network.host to M/C IP.
Below changes solved the problem -
http.port: 9200
transport.host: localhost
transport.tcp.port: 9300


Finding the log4j.jar installed by rpm at client site and adding it to the classpath rather than including it in our rpm

Our company produces an rpm on red-hat Linux and there is a thought that we should redistribute as little 3rd party code as possible in our package. We are using log4j.jar and want to stop including it in our rpm, but instead have the log4j rpm installed at the client site. However, that means that my java program needs to know where the file is located so that I can import the file. Without knowing where the client installed the file, in case they installed it in a non-standard location, I cannot be sure it is on the classpath. Is there a standard way to determine that? Do rpm or yum have a command so that I can see where a specific file was installed or do I need our customer to tell me where it is so I can set the classpath value correctly? I can't just use the find command on their system to search their files. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Installation bind from sources

I trying to install bind from sources on Fedora 24. I have a big problem. After installation, directory like /var/named or file named.conf does not exist. I was trying to create it manually but it didn't work too.
And my question is: where can i get that files? I know that if i install bind via yum, those files will be created properly, but then bind won't be in the newest version.

Does the Docker RPM require additional dependencies?

I couldn't find an answer online, help would be appreciated.
I have downloaded the Docker RPM for CentOS 7 from their site (http://docs.docker.com/v1.7/docker/installation/centos).
After installing the RPM, does Docker require any additional dependencies in order to run? Or is the standalone RPM enough?
I'm asking because it takes time to bring external files into my company's network. So I'd like to know in advance all of the dependencies (RPMs or other files) I need to bring into the network, along with the Docker RPM, so I can do it all at once.
It has a lot of dependencies.
You can use a tool call repotrack to download the Docker Engine RPM and all of it's dependencies.
repotrack docker-engine
There's a similar tool out there called yumdownloader, it won't work for your use case because it only downloads the rpms needed for the specific Centos/RHEL server that you run the command on. Repotrack downloads all, not taking into account what is already installed on the system.

Using linux mirror to host 3rd party RPMs

I'm trying to do something that seems simple in theory, but I can't find the magic search terms for the Google-machine to get any hits.
Basically, we are building a bunch of servers internally (no internet access) so I've created a VM and set up a mirror of our linux distro (Oracle Linux, which is essentially RHEL). The steps I are here for reference:
This is fine, but I'd also like to have access to a few other RPMs (e.g. Chrome, vsftpd etc) that aren't part of the standard distribution, but have to be separately downloaded.
The question is, is there any way to simply "include" these rpms with the mirror that I've already set up? Or do I have to mirror those repos separately? i.e. is there some place I can just drop an rpm and have it found when someone uses my mirror to do "yum install myprogram"
I hope I've explained this ok.
Thanks in advance.
What I'd do is make a separate folder, download the required packages and make a repository with the createrepo command.
Then you need to create a new repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d for your new repo just like in the referenced howto:
name=<Channel Description>
baseurl=http://<repository_server>/yum/<repository path>

How do I configure cygwin cyg-get mirror sites?

I installed cygwin via Chocolatey on Windows, got cyg-get package manager along with it to install packages.
Now that I want to install to packages like openssh, rsync. These are not getting downloaded since mirror site (mirror.kernel.org) is not responding and it's just paused on
downloading setup.bz2
So the question is can I select mirror sites or configure them in cyg-get just like cygwin GUI ?
Assuming that you've installed to the default location you should find the file in the following folder:
You will want to modify the file cyg-get.ps1
Look for the line containing:
$cygPackages -s ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin -P $package
and modify the URL ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/sourceware/cygwin to your preferred mirror
The newer cyg-get package, released last week, allows you to specify a source if you don't want to use the default.
Not even specifying the site worked for me, so what resolved was to open cygwinSetup executable and choose the mirror once. Then cyg-get auto selects my last mirror.
