Foundation for Emails: Small View Port in Gmail app - gmail

I am trying to build 2 responsive columns using Foundation for Emails like the example below.
<columns small="12" large="6">First Column</columns>
<columns small="12" large="6">Second Column</columns>
It works default Android Email app, but it doesn't on the Gmail app for Android. Gmail app seems to render the Large View Port shrank.

Gmail App for Androids does not render Small Viewport. It shrinks Large Viewport into the screen.


How to open app in the Enterprise Browser?

I have a website with a payment link like this: sumupmerchant://pay/1.0?affiliate-key=aa&app-id=bb&total=0&currency=EUR&title=cc and when i open this URL in Google Chrome on my android device, it opens the app which is installed on the device. The Enterprise Browser doesn't open it (it shows a webpage not available error). Is there anyone who knows if it's possible to open another app from within the enterprise browser?
If it was possible to use the Chrome browser then i would but it's not possible since we have a webapp which needs this browser to make a connection with a Zebra printer.
Thank you in advance.
Is this Zebra's Enterprise Browser? If so, although you can't open apps by clicking on links there is an Intent API available and you could say something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ebapi-modules.js"></script>
var params = {
intentType: EB.Intent.START_ACTIVITY,
action: 'pay',
appName: '',
data: {"afilliate_key":"aa", "app-id":"bb","total":"0","currency":"EUR","title":"cc"}
I'm not sure exactly how to launch your app via Intent, the above is just a guess. More on the Intent API at

Xamarin HybridWebView always opens in Browser with xamarin.iOS when using Appcues script

When i check in the script from Appcues then i see it trieds to embed an iframe to my body element.
I can see that adding an iframe with <iframe src=""></iframe> in my website. That iOS apps opens to the native browser to google immediately. The same result when adding an Appcues script.
I can ignore the navigate to google url but if i do that for Appcues. Appcues doesn't get shown in my app. This works fine on Xamarin.Android

Chat bot-Can I display html content using node.js in Microsoft bot framework & bot builder

I'm developing a chatbot on azure using node.js. It's a data visualization bot which generates chart in html format using d3 library and display to user.
It seems that Microsoft bot builder doesn't support html format. But I have looked through this link:
It says that there is a way to enable html content:
"If HTML rendering in Web Chat is a critical feature for your applications, you can clone or fork a copy of the Web Chat source code from GitHub, and enable it (on your own custom Web Chat client)."
I tried to clone the file and changed ‘html : false’ to ‘html : true’. But it's not working.
Can anyone tell me what I can do? Really appreciate it!!!
Depending on what data you are attempting to visualize, you might be able to use a service like Google Image Charts:
Using this service, with the following code:
// attach the card to the reply message
var msg = new builder.Message(session).addAttachment(createHeroCard(session));
function createHeroCard(session) {
return new builder.HeroCard(session)
.title('Months with Numbers Bar Chart')
.subtitle('Using a Chart as Image service...')
.text('Build and connect intelligent bots that have charts rendered as images.')
builder.CardImage.create(session, ',y&chxl=0:|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul')
builder.CardAction.openUrl(session, '', 'Get Started')
Produces this hero card:

Unable to sign in to Game Center sandbox - GKErrorDomain Code=15

I can't sign in to sandbox game-center on iOS 8. Just keep on getting error, and no view controller in the response to authenticateHandler. Error is GKErrorDomain, and code is 15.
Just reporting #jonny's comment, you have explicity enable sandbox for GameCenter in iOS8 - Settings app, Game Center, scroll to bottom.

How to customize the title link of an object when publishing a open graph action?

I have successful published an action with an object on FB Open Graph. The object includes picture, title (is a link) and description. When I click the title link, it goes to the page from my web server which hosts the data of all the meta tags.
My question is how I can customize this link to open my facebook app instead of opening the object web page.
I have seen many open graph contents. When I click the object title, it asks me to install the app. I just want to do the same thing.
Just began to do facebook integration. It might be a too easy question, but I really appreciate if you can help.
Go to your Facebook App Dashboard:
If your app is iOS, fill out the Native iOS App settings:
Bundle ID: Your bundle ID
Facebook Login: Enabled
Deep Linking: Enabled
For more details, see:
If your app is Android, fill out the Native Android App settings:
Package Name: Your launching activity's package
Class Name: Your launching activity's class (full class name)
Facebook Login: Enabled
Deep Linking: Enabled
For more details, see:
