Can you remove NetSuite Bundles after installation - netsuite

I am working on a NetSuite instance that had custom(contractor/SuiteScript) work installed via a bundle, but it is not a third party product but made for this system. Now there are 2 listings in the dropdown for each file. In other words, if I am adding a file as a library, it shows up twice and I don't know which reference is the correct one to choose. I used search to find the duplicate file name is in the bundle install. Can I safely remove or delete the bundle? thanks any help is appreciated.

You cannot typically remove individual files from a bundle. If you do not need the functionality of the bundle anymore than you can remove it at your discretion by going to Customization>SuiteBundler>Search & Install Bundles>List, then under the action icon click 'Uninstall'.
I wouldn't try to delete a script library from a bundle folder. Even if you are uploading an identical library there may be references in the bundle scripts to the original library that will be broken when if you delete it.
If you are wondering which one you are selecting from the drop down one thing you could do is figure out the internal id of your library file then run a search on your script file that pulls in the library file id's and make sure that they match.


Errors when Trying to copy an existing screen and build it

In Acumatica v22R1, I'm trying to copy an existing screen (Business Accounts), give it a new screen ID and name, and modify it. After doing this, and changing the references in the .ASPX and code-behind to match the new screen ID, I add it to a customization project and try to publish it. The errors I get are related to an invalid path it's looking for in the .ASPX looking for *.inc files. For example:
<!--#include file="~\Pages\CR\Includes\"-->
First thing I try is to just remove this line from the .ASPX. When I publish, Acumatica puts this line back in and it fails again. The error is looking for files in a different path --
C:\Program Files\Acumatica ERP\Customization\<instance>\<instance>Validation\<instance>Website\Pages\AK
This path is apparently generated during publishing. The "AK" on the end is the screen id prefix we use for custom screens. After the validation errors are thrown, I look in this location, and indeed the files it's looking for aren't there. I also tried to copy them there manually from the CR path, but of course they get wiped out automatically when Acumatica publishes and regenerates these folders.
Any ideas what I can do to resolve or get around these errors?
I was able to resolve this by copying all of the referenced *.inc files from the CR pages folder to my custom AK pages folder, then include them in the customization project. And also modify the .ASPX to change the path of these .inc files to my custom folder. The publish then leaves it alone and I can now build without error.

How to skip certain files when running `cookiecutter --replay`?

If I make a change to my cookiecutter template I like to use cookiecutter --replay (or --replay-file) to update my existing projects with the new template changes. When doing this, how can I skip certain files?
For example one thing my template contains is a requirements/ directory containing Python requirements files:
It's useful for the template to output a starter set of requirements files when generating a new project. But the project will almost certainly modify these files whenever it adds or upgrades requirements so when replaying the template I would not want to overwrite the requirements files with the original starter ones. That would just delete any dependencies that've been added to the project since its inception.
I'm aware of --skip-if-file-exists but I don't want to skip all existing files, only the ones in the requirements/ dir.
The only solution that comes to mind immediately is to omit the requirements dir from the project template and use a post-generate hook to write out the starter requirements files only if they don't already exist.
But I wonder if there's a way to get cookiecutter to do this for me, without having to write it in Python myself?
For example is there some way to give cookiecutter --replay a list of files and directories to skip if they already exist?

Installshield: file duplicate because of merge module

I have an InstallShield (2018, also happens in IS 11) setup with a lot of 3th party libraries. Among other things a merge module. This merge module have a file (call F).
Now, there is an other library as a directory with a bunch of different files, sadly also a file with the name "F".
I can't add this file:
A work around is creating a new merge module just containing this file and adding it to the feature. But the drawback is: When updating the libary directory, the merge module has also to be updated. But do I remember at this moment to this? What if other persons are doing this? So I want to avoid this work around. Is there a better way?
what worked for me is i removed merge module from the project and re-added them after adding files to the project.

How to Remove Entity Completely in Liferay (include class in JAR file)

I am using Liferay 6.2 GA5 Community Edition.
Sample case I have 2 entities in my service.xml, let's say entity A & B.
When I run Service Builder then it will generate many JAVA files in my source code, and also generate JAR file located in
I open it with 7-zip, and I can see in package com.mycompany.myapp.model contains classes of entity A & B.
Then I try to remove entity A in service.xml, and I have removed the corresponding JAVA files generated in my source code, then I run Service Builder again, but inside my-app-service.jar, entity A is still exist.
How do I completely remove it from JAR file? because in my case, Service Builder will not remove it, although I have remove generated JAVA files manually.
ServiceBuilder is a code generator, thus it only generates new code.
If you want to get rid of the once generated code, there's a lot more than just the java classes to get rid of: Spring configuration, Hibernate configuration etc. are there as well for you to take care of. All of these will have to be deleted manually. And if the code still remains in the jar, good old ant clean (or whatever build environment you use) should get rid of the my-app-service.jar file (which you otherwise also can also just delete manually, so that it will be rebuilt next time a build process or ServiceBuilder runs)
I recommend searching for occurrences of A in all your project's files to see if you still find leftovers, because otherwise some component might complain at runtime that a declarated class can't be found.

how to add directory to SupportFiles in InstallShield

Is there a possibility to add directory (with sub directories) to SupportFiles section in installshield. I have dynamically created content (list of files changes constantly) that I use to support my installation.
Is there any other method to add dynamically whole directory to installation package. I need files from this directory only during installation process. At the end of the installation I want IS to remove these files automatically ?
The ISSetupFile table ( which drives the Support Files pattern ) only supports extracting files to a single directory. There is no way in the UI to tell it to be dynamic although you could have a build automation step that reflects the contents of a directory and wires it up to the table using the automation interface. This still couldn't do sub directories though.
What you probably want to do is creating a self-extracting zip of the files you need as part of your build and add that EXE to Support Files. Then write custom actions that call the EXE to extract the payload to Support Files and another CA to clean it up. Look for the custom action ISSetupFilesExtract and ISSetupFilesCleanup to figure out the best way to do this.
Although I'm late to the party: #BuvinJ mentioned in a comment that you can add directories to "Advanced Files" under "Disk1." In this case, they do appear in the temporary directory (support directory), eg. SUPPORTDIR\Disk1
SUPPORTDIR is a temporary location where the installer dumps files, and cleans them up afterward. An example is C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\{F6B9B2D6-2A5A-4146-9297-E80A199CB0CB}.
This could be a quicker/cheaper/faster solution to writing custom actions and/or packaging up files by hand in, say, a self-extracting zip file.
