Is there any workaround to input data directly through PBI in published report? I would like the users to input comments to the graphs. It would be fantastic if the user could do that directly in PBI report, below the chart.
I can see on official PBI Ideas For Improvement page that these features are developers' dreams to be voted:
Maybe there is some hidden workaround to that which slips out beyond the attention of Microsoft team? Maybe there is some visual, or script in R which allows sending data anywhere where it can be stored - SQL Server, Sharepoint?
Here is very inspiring hint example of IO made in R - passing clicks coordinates done in PBI to SQL and then back to Power BI:
Yes, it's entirely possible.
You can create a PowerApps (which basically allows you to connect to any (or most) data sources) and then embed the app in Power BI with PowerApps custom visual. It may take some effort but the use case is unlimited.
The following shows a simple example on how to save and show user input in PowerApps:
The TextInput1 accepts user input, the save icon1 have OnSelect set to Set(comment, TextInput1.Text) to save the text from the text input to the variable comment; and the Label1 shows the comment value.
When you edit the Power BI report on Power BI Web, add the PowerApps Custom Visual from the marketplace, and choose the app you just created, this is what will happen:
Note that this is just an example and it won't persist user input upon refresh. If you want to save the comment to show it to other users, you'll have to modify the app and connect it to a data source, create a table to store the comment, update its value with user input, etc..
I would like to create a script in Excel to look at my IBM Personal Communications Screen or data source(preferred) and then to parse that screen text into cells.
Any ideas on where to even begin?
Example of Screen
I would handle this using SQL inside of Excel. This technique will not grab data from your display file. It will instead use your second option of getting it from the underlying database tables.
Create an .odc file with connection information to get to the IBM i DB2 database. On my PC, ODBC and OLE DB drivers were installed along with the emulator so that you can connect to the IBM i using Microsoft protocols.
In Excel, choose "Data, Connections". In that dialog box pick "Add" and choose your connection file. It may ask you for a specific table to select from, but you can pick whichever because we are going to change it in just a minute.
A new data connection is now on the list in the dialog box. Choose "Properties" to edit it.
Replace the autogenerated SQL on the "Definition" tab "Command Text" field with SQL that actually selects the data relevant to you from the tables you are interested in. You can get as fancy as you want with this SELECT statement: joins, CTE's, sub-queries, anything that is well-formed DB2 for i SQL.
Close these windows, saving changes. The connection is now independent of the original .odc source.
Choose "Exisiting Connections" to run the query and to have Excel populate a worksheet table with the data. If you have SQL errors, you will get them at this point when the query is actually sent to the IBM i.
Edit the SQL until you are happy with the data you are returning. You can also use "Refresh" to re-run it and get the latest data whenever you want.
Is there any way through which we can get the event details in a tabular format like if I want to see what action the users performing frequently, any specific user data for the user journey etc. rather than viewing each events separately? #flurry
Means rather then viewing in Node view looking for table view
Example- add one image where we can see Events in node view
then we can convert into table format view where we can get all data in one view possible.
SSRS Version 2008 (Not R2)
Hi all.
I am trying to implement custom security within a report being used for call center managers and agents. Here are my requirements:
Agents can see their own stats and no one else's stats.
Managers can see anyone's stats
I have a report that shows basic call center stats like # of dropped calls, on hold time, etc. The report has two parameters. One for #Date and one for #AgentID. We want to make sure the managers can view this report for any agent and the agents can see their stats and only their stats. I have tried a few techniques and would like to accomplish this within the report logic (stored procedure). My latest attempt involved capturing the current user's login (SELECT CURRENT_USER) and then bumping that up against a WHERE clause in the report's main SELECT statement. This seems to work fine in SQL/SSMS but does not seem to catch on when deployed as an SSRS report.
-- Sample user table
,'Manager' AS LEVEL
From dbo.AgentTable
From dbo.AgentTable
,'My Name'
-- Then i have my simple SELECT statement that is inside a stored procedure and called by the report.
select top 1000 *
from dbo.CallCenterReportTable
The interesting thing is that i can do testing fine in SSMS, and i can even test it successfully in my local BIDS, but it only works in BIDS if i slightly adjust anything inside the report like page size, etc. Anything that would require a re-save of the RDL seems to make the security function as it should when viewing locally. That being said, the security will not work once deployed to the SSRS server. Even if I change the RDL slightly and redeploy, it does not work.
My last resort would be to create two reports that are almost identical. One would restrict use to only call center managers by AD role. The other would be open to agents and would utilize the USERID internal parameter in SSRS (WHERE USERID=#AgentID). I would really like to avoid having two reports if at all possible.
I am having a page with documents loaded in SharePoint 2010. I have three buttons below each documents in the page and they are 'Like','Unlike' and 'Comment'. So whenever people go there and see the documents they can click on any buttons of their wish.
My question is how to take the hit count of these buttons seperately and display it for each document. Is it possible to create a list with having these three columns and handle it using Client-Side scripting. Any suggestions or help is much appreciated.
Each item in SharePoint has a property bag that can contain ad-hoc data like this. You could certainly add additional columns to store this data and update those columns but that does mean that users could easily manipulate the values via the UI. Since the property bag is only accessible via the various API's, you wouldn't have this issue.
For an example of accessing the property bag via CSOM (which would be your best option since I'm assuming you want your users to be able to like, unlike and comment without refreshing the page each time), see this post reading and writing property bag values using CSOM
Another thing to consider for comments is the existing notes functionality that exists in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. These comments are ties into the social functionality and may give you a bit more bang for your buck. To show the comments page for a particular list item see this post SharePoint Social Data using Javascript
I need to display account notes across all opportunities. typically a MSCRM creates a blank Notes section for each new Opportunity you create inside a account, but I need to display a running Account dialog of conversations to review in one continues notepad (means display all notes).
Can anyone tell me how I can display all notes in the opportunity form?
Is this possible without coding (or in fact, with coding!)
Thanks in advance,
Well you can do this a few different ways.
1) The easiest way is to add an IFRAME and then point to the applicable Account notes container. You'd have to set the "id" attribute based on the account. Here's what your IFRAME url will look like:
2) If you are only wanting to display the notes and not allow for a user to edit them (read-only), then you'll need to use fetch to query the annotations where the related id equals the account.
Just to be clear the on requirement here.
I believe you are saying: Each Account has multiple Opportunities, each Opportunity has many Notes. On the Account you want to show all the Notes for all the Opportunities.
I don't think you can achieve this with out of the box functionaility, I would suggest creating an SSRS report and iFrame'ing it in.