How to upload OneSignal SDK file in node js? - node.js

I want to use web push notification using onesignal. I create account on and i follow the steps (I choose chrome web push). But on step six is "Upload OneSignal SDK file". I download the files and i read the documentations but i couldn't understand it. I am using web app created on node js. Bellow I put the link of step 6 from OneSignal documentations.
Any help please. Thank you.

Actually it was simple, I was just confused and forgot some terms on node js. After some fight i fix it.
I just need to put the Unzipped file in my working directory (main root). Then make it publicly available. Simply like this, then it works.


How to add PAYTM gateway integration in react js web application?

I got it working from here I used this in express and it is working but now I want do it from react and payment has to be done from frontend.
I was also wondering how I can do that, then I tried the youtube video mentioned by Robokishan, But I found that things were not that good. As we use Reactjs we don't want to redirect our user to another page. So I contacted the Paytm dev support team and they suggested js checkout solution.
Let me go through the steps you can use to implement it in your react app
You have to create a transaction token in your backend. This link will help you with that:
Then go to this GitHub repo just download it and extract it here you will find two folders 1st named lib and 2nd example. You don't need the lib folder as you can install that package from npm so just ignore it.
Now install the package mentioned above in your react project
Now to go that download repo go to example/src/component/app.js here you will find all the codes you need to implement Paytm gateway in your code just copy it and modify it as your need
Please feel free to suggest some improvement or if you have any other better solution
You can use paytm blink checkout solution as you already integrated node sdk for backend.
Please refer the link blink checkout available on developer section of paytm.
Sample code for react is available on github for blink checkout.

How to add a welcome message in the online code editor?

I have created a Web App Bot (sdk3) in the Azure portal and am using Node.js. I have read the instructions for creating a welcome message here.
However, I don't know where exactly to put the sample code copied from this page in the online editor.
I understand that I'm supposed to make changes in the app.js file, but where exactly?
You can refer to the sample code samples/javascript_nodejs/03.welcome-users of Node.js in GitHub repo Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples.
The bot.js code is in the document you linked.

after creating the xamarin-android in azure, how do I download the backend as well

While learning how to create Android-xamarin-azure application, I must have done steps from different tutorials. I've just created a new test application, and this picture shows what's the final screen.
This screen is showing that I've already have a connection string and a Todo table. I remember that before I was able to download a backend project. Now, I'm just being told that I've already a table, but I don't know how to download the backend project.
I'd like to download the backend project as well, so that I can start expending it.
Thanks for helping
Just follow this link. It shows how to download backend project

using nodegit within angularjs app

I am building an app in AngularJS that needs to clone GitHub wikis attached to GitHub repos. The GitHub API does not have functionality to do anything with the GitHub wikis and GitHub support suggested I could use libgit2. With that in mind, I found nodegit.
So, now I have nodegit installed, and I made a basic javascript file out of the code example they have for Cloning a repository and reading a file. I have that file, called nodegit.js, working and by navigating to the folder containing it and typing
node ./nodegit.js
The script runs great and clones the repo into the temp folder.
Fantastic. can I use this script in my angularjs app?
Is there a way to run a node script from angular?
Is there a way to use nodegit from angular itself?
Is there some other angular->github non-GitHub API script out there?
Any help greatly appreciated. I've gotten stuck on this one.
thank you,
Thanks shaunhusain. I ended up setting up an ExpressJS server via NodeJS and putting my code there and calling the ExpressJS server from my Angular app.
thanks, scott
Just wanted to add that I currently have a strong focus on getting the library running in the browser to address this use case. I'll update this comment once the code has landed. An issue to track the status is here:

Deploy a node.js application (windows)

for a customer of mine i'm developing a node.js app.
I want to give him a simple setup program that handle the installation of node and relative modules in automatic without having to access the web.
Which is the best and efficient way to do that?
Thanks in advance
Just give him the node.js installer und zip your app (with node_modules directory). He just has to install node.js and extract the zip file. You could write a .bat file which starts the app. That should be easy enough.
