How can I implement an intermediary step in between two signers? - docusignapi

I have the following workflow:
Send envelope request
First user signs.
First user must do some action on local system.
Once user has done that action, THEN the next signer in the routing order is notified to sign.
Is there a way to use the API to put an intermediary task in between the two signers so the second signer isn't emailed until the middle task is done? Could I create an intermediary or approver where I could use the API to tell docusign that the task is done?

Yes, there are two techniques that can be used to pause the routing of an envelope.
Fake Embedded Signer (Envelope created via the API)
If the envelope is being created via the API, then a "fake" embedded signer can be added with a routing order to stop the processing when it is the fake embedded signer's turn to sign. For example, use routing order:
Real signer 1
Fake embedded signer
Real signer 2
Real cc recipient
Then use Connect or eventNotification so your app is notified after Real Signer 1 has completed (signed) the envelope. Now your app can do the external work.
When you're ready for the envelope's routing to proceed, delete the fake recipient via the EnvelopeRecipients::delete method.
Fake Certified Delivery Recipient (Envelope created via web tool or template)
If the envelope will be created via template or from the DocuSign web tool, then you can't easily include an embedded signer. Instead, use a fake Certified Delivery recipient.
To avoid any email bounce back issues, you must specify an email address that exists but which is actually a blackhole -- no one should have access to the emails.
When the routing order reaches the fake certified delivery recipient, routing will stop since no one will respond to the email from DocuSign confirming the delivery of the envelope.
Same as above, your application can be notified about the envelope by Connect or eventNotification. Your application can perform its processing and then restart routing, same as above, by deleting the fake recipient from the envelope.
Also, note that you can include Envelope Custom Fields to provide additional processing configuration options--the Envelope Custom Fields can be set by the sender via the DocuSign web tool and then read by your application program.


Using docusign EnvelopeViews: createSender as preview

createSender creates a URL, which I would like to use to let the sender preview the document before it's send out. Hence the documents are created using templates and and the API.
The link which is created would lead me out of my UI. Does the user need to sign in? Future plan is to have many user's, which have no DocuSign account.
For embedded sending Your app will have to authenticate the user. If you are doing a Service Integration then your Api account will be used as the sender.
Once the sending url is generated using the createSenderView api, there is no authentication required to access the URL.
You also have an option to build a User Application using the docusign Api where your App can support sending from multiple accounts.
The createSenderView requires that the person is a DocuSign user (with their own account and password).
Only DocuSign users can send. We charge for sending, not for signing or receiving.
What exactly do you want to preview? (And why?)
the documents themselves? Use the EnvelopeDocuments resource. You can also preview the thumbnails of the documents.
the documents with the "fields" ("tabs") that indicate where people will sign? I'm not sure that is do-able.
or the recipients and their routing order? Use EnvelopeRecipients: list method.
Another solution is to use a dummy certified delivery "recipient". Add this recipient as the first recipient. This will block the envelope from proceeding on the recipient routing.
Then get the envelope's documents to show as a preview.
Then, if ok, alter the envelope's recipients to remove the certified delivery recipient. The envelope will then continue on with the first "real" recipient.

Document Templates - Roles Set to In person or email signing

I have successfully created a system to use a document template to create a new envelope.
The system has a tabbed UI and iframe that fetches new URLs from the Docusign API every time a tab is changed, and when a URL expires.
My problem is that now, some clients will either be sign in-person or sign via email. After reading the docs, I don't see a way to change from an in-person to an email signer after the envelope has been created. Is that correct?
Is it possible to set whether a role will be in-person or email sign at the time of envelope creation, without affecting the original template?
If that is not possible, Is my best option to create a template with duplicate fields for both in-person and email signing, and only use the appropriate ones based on my case?
If you need to change an in-person signer to a remote signer, or vice-versa, or any other recipient type into another recipient type you have two options:
Perform an Envelope Correction
Remove then Add the Recipient back to the in-process envelope as a different type.
For option #1, using an envelope correction you can edit things like recipients, tabs, and even documents if they have not been signed yet. Make the following API call to request the correction URL of an envelope:
POST /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/views/correct
API Docs:
For option #2, the system does not let you convert a recipient into another recipient type - HOWEVER - you can delete a recipient from an envelope then add them back in as a different type. For instance, delete an in-person signer and then add them back in as a signer.
You can see the needed calls through the EnvelopeRecipients Resource.

Docusign : How to send confirmation email with link to embedded signer

I am using the DocuSign API in an embedded manner. I create an envelope and add signers, the first signer always being set as embedded. This allows me to retrieve a URL that is then embedded in an iframe.
However, I also wish, to trigger an email (as soon as the envelope has been created, NOT upon completion) that gets sent to the primary recipient/signer as if they were a nonembedded signer.
I tried adding the signer twice, with the same role, to the recipients, but that didn't work. No email was sent.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
I believe there is a setting to enable this but that it needs to be enabled by someone on DocuSign's side, like your account manager. If you do not have an account manager yet please respond to the auto-generated emails that were sent out to you once you created your account, you should have 3 of them.
The account settings available are only for Completion emails. However, the REST API also supports an embeddedRecipientStartURL parameter on the signer object that triggers a normal DocuSign email. The value of this parameter is the URL that should be included in the email. This means you can link back to your own application and request the recipient view as normal.
Check here for more detail: Signer embeddedRecipientStartURL. Note: if you set this to a value of "SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN" then DocuSign will provide its own URL and take care of signing. The trade-off is that you won't be able to initiate any bespoke authentication you are doing in your own application.

How to use Docusign API to get one link for multiple signatures

Hello Docusign Team Member,
Currently we are using the docusign for e-signatures and it is working very well. However, we need to integrate to with our internal project management tool called as AtTask.
AtTask has its own approval process, all I need from docusign is a link which managers can click into while being asked for signatures.
To briefly explain the process:
We have these set of documents, which is first being approved by the procurement manager, then it automatically goes to the Project director, When he signs it, it automatically goes to the Assistant Director, when he signs it, it gets routed back to the project admin that initiated the process.
Now, my question is, how can I create this process on docusign and get one link that I can use in our PM tool..? I was seeing that one possible way to do it is by using your API feature.. Could you please help me with that..?
Your help is very much appreciated.
There are a couple of ways you could set up your desired workflow however please note that you will not be able to do all of this with just one link. You'll either need to generate a unique URL for each recipient, or you can use email to initiate the requests. Both are very easy to setup.
In the DocuSign system there are two general methods for initiating your signature requests-
1. Email Delivery
2. Embedding Feature
I'll briefly describe each but for a good explanation of the differences please see this page from the DocuSign Developer Center
When you setup signature requests through the DocuSign Console they are sent using the first method- Email - and the recipients are known as "remote" recipients. This means that each recipient receives an email when it's their turn to sign, and they start the signing workflow by clicking the link in the email request.
You can add as many recipients you want to the envelope and using the Routing Order property you can control the order that each recipient signs the documents. If two recipients have routing order 1 and 2, for example, then the second recipient can not sign until the first recipient is done signing. If they have the same routing order, then they can sign at the same time.
With the second method - Embedding - your recipients are known as "captive" or "embedded" recipients, and they will start the signing process directly by clicking on a hyperlink (i.e. instead of waiting for an email and clicking from there they can access it immediately). This is done by generating a URL token. For more info on how to create URL tokens for your recipients please see the above link to Dev Center.
You can intermix your recipients on a given envelope, meaning you can have embedded and remote recipients in the same envelope, so if you want you could make your Procurement Manager an embedded recipient (so that they start signing by opening a URL) and then all the remaining recipients remote recipients so that once the procurement manager signs the system then automatically emails the next manager for their signature, and so on. Or if you don't want to ever wait for any emails then you could make each recipient an embedded one, but they will still have to at least click a link (or have one automatically opened for them) to start their signing workflow.
The two best resources for this are the above link, which I'm referencing here again, and the API Walkthroughs. The last three walkthroughs all focus on Embedding DocuSign...
DocuSign Embedding Feature
DocuSign API Walkthroughs

Create an envelope without sending an email to signer

I'm working on a website and using DuoSecurity services to request electronic signatures. I want the users to sign the documents trough my web site so I decided to use the embedded signing feature.
To use this feature, you first need to create an envelope, but while creating an envelope I'm required to enter the signer's email address so DocuSign sends him an email with a link to the document, but I don't want this email to be sent.
To make it short, is there any way to create a DocuSign envelope without having DocuSign send an email to the signer? (I don't mind entering the signer's email, I have all the required information, it's just that for security purposes I don't want the end-user to receive the document URL trough email).
If not, is there any way to use the embedded signing feature without creating an envelope (I doubt it, but I really need a way to upload a document to DocuSign without them sending an email to the signer).
Thanks in advance,
The system will not send them an email if you are using Embedding functionality. To make use of Embedding and generate a URL token for a given envelope you need to set the clientUserId property for your recipients.
When the clientUserId property is present and its value is not null no email is sent to the recipient (only the envelope complete email gets sent once signing is done, but that is configurable). Basically the only thing you have to remember with embedding is that you set the clientUserId property for your recipients at the time they are added to the envelope, then when you are request a URL token you need to reference the same email, name, and clientUserId combination.
You're two best resources on this are the Embedding API Walkthroughs (see the bottom 3):
And the DocuSign Dev Center page on Embedding functionality:
Features -> Embedding
