Locate rows with 0 value columns and set them to none pandas - python-3.x

f a b
5 0 1
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 6 3
5 0 0
5 1 5
5 0 0
I know how to locate the rows with both columns being 0, setting them to None on the other hand is a mystery.
df_o[(df_o['a'] == 0) & (df_o['d'] == 0)]
# set a and b to None
Expected result:
f a b
5 0 1
5 1 3
5 1 3
5 6 3
5 None None
5 1 5
5 None None

If working with numeric values None is converted to NaN and integers to float by design:
df_o.loc[(df_o['a'] == 0) & (df_o['b'] == 0), ['a','b']] = None
print (df_o)
a b
0 0.0 1.0
1 1.0 3.0
2 1.0 3.0
3 6.0 3.0
4 NaN NaN
5 1.0 5.0
6 NaN NaN
Another solution with DataFrame.all for check if all Trues per rows with axis=1:
df_o.loc[(df_o[['a', 'b']] == 0).all(axis=1), ['a','b']] = None
print (df_o)
a b
0 0.0 1.0
1 1.0 3.0
2 1.0 3.0
3 6.0 3.0
4 NaN NaN
5 1.0 5.0
6 NaN NaN
print ((df_o[['a', 'b']] == 0))
a b
0 True False
1 False False
2 False False
3 False False
4 True True
5 False False
6 True True
print ((df_o[['a', 'b']] == 0).all(axis=1))
0 False
1 False
2 False
3 False
4 True
5 False
6 True
dtype: bool

One way I could think of is like this. Create an extra copy of the dataframe and check both individually while setting the value to None on the main dataframe. Not the cleanest solutions but:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['f'] = [5,5,5,5,5,5,5]
df['a'] = [0,1,1,6,0,1,0]
df['b'] = [1,3,3,3,0,5,0]
df1 = df.copy()
df['a'] = np.where((df.a == 0) & (df.b == 0), None, df.a)
df['b'] = np.where((df1.a == 0) & (df1.b == 0), None, df.b)
f a b
0 5 0 1
1 5 1 3
2 5 1 3
3 5 6 3
4 5 None None
5 5 1 5
6 5 None None

df.replace(0, np.nan) -- to get NaNs (possibly more useful)
df.replace(0, 'None') -- what you actually want

It is surely not the most elegant way to do this, but maybe this helps.
import pandas as pd
data = {'a': [0,1,1,6,0,1,0],
df_o = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
df_None = df_o[(df_o['a'] == 0) & (df_o['b'] == 0)]
df_o.loc[df_None.index,:] = None
a b
0 0.0 1.0
1 1.0 3.0
2 1.0 3.0
3 6.0 3.0
4 NaN NaN
5 1.0 5.0
6 NaN NaN

This is how I would do it:
import pandas as pd
a = pd.Series([0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 1, 0])
b = pd.Series([1, 3, 3, 3, 0, 5 ,0])
data = pd.DataFrame({'a': a, 'b': b})
v = [[data[i][j] for i in data] == [0, 0] for j in range(len(data['a']))] # spot null rows
a = [None if v[i] else a[i] for i in range(len(a))]
b = [None if v[i] else b[i] for i in range(len(b))]
data = pd.DataFrame({'a': a, 'b': b})
a b
0 0.0 1.0
1 1.0 3.0
2 1.0 3.0
3 6.0 3.0
4 NaN NaN
5 1.0 5.0
6 NaN NaN


pandas drop rows based on condition on groupby

I have a DataFrame like below
I am trying to groupby cell column and drop the "NA" values where group size > 1.
required Output :
How to get my expected output? How to filter on a condition and drop rows in groupby statement?
From your DataFrame, first we group by cell to get the size of each groups :
>>> df_grouped = df.groupby(['cell'], as_index=False).size()
>>> df_grouped
cell size
0 A 3
1 B 1
2 D 3
Then, we merge the result with the original DataFrame like so :
>>> df_merged = pd.merge(df, df_grouped, on='cell', how='left')
>>> df_merged
cell value kpi size
0 A 5.0 thpt 3
1 A 6.0 ret 3
2 A NaN thpt 3
3 B NaN acc 1
4 D 8.0 int 3
5 D NaN ps 3
6 D NaN yret 3
To finish, we filter the Dataframe to get the expected result :
>>> df_filtered = df_merged[~((df_merged['value'].isna()) & (df_merged['size'] > 1))]
>>> df_filtered[['cell', 'value', 'kpi']]
cell value kpi
0 A 5.0 thpt
1 A 6.0 ret
3 B NaN acc
4 D 8.0 int
Use boolean mask:
>>> df[df.groupby('cell').cumcount().eq(0) | df['value'].notna()]
cell value kpi
0 A crud thpt
1 A 6 ret
3 B NaN acc
4 D hi int
m1 = df.groupby('cell').cumcount().eq(0)
m2 = df['value'].notna()
df.assign(keep_at_least_one=m1, keep_notna=m2, keep_rows=m1|m2)
# Output:
cell value kpi keep_at_least_one keep_notna keep_rows
0 A crud thpt True True True
1 A 6 ret False True True
2 A NaN thpt False False False
3 B NaN acc True False True
4 D hi int True True True
5 D NaN ps False False False
6 D NaN yret False False False

Replace values on dataset and apply quartile rule by row on pandas

I have a dataset with lots of variables. So I've extracted the numeric ones:
numeric_columns = transposed_df.select_dtypes(np.number)
Then I want to replace all 0 values for 0.0001
transposed_df[numeric_columns.columns] = numeric_columns.where(numeric_columns.eq(0, axis=0), 0.0001)
And here is the first problem. This line is not replacing the 0 values with 0.0001, but is replacing all non zero values with 0.0001.
Also after this (replacing the 0 values by 0.0001) I want to replace all values there are less than the 1th quartile of the row to -1 and leave the others as they were. But I am not managing how.
To answer your first question
In [36]: from pprint import pprint
In [37]: pprint( numeric_columns.where.__doc__)
'Replace values where the condition is False.\n'
because of that your all the values except 0 are getting replaced
Use DataFrame.mask and for second condition compare by DataFrame.quantile:
transposed_df = pd.DataFrame({
numeric_columns = transposed_df.select_dtypes(np.number)
m1 = numeric_columns.eq(0)
m2 = numeric_columns.lt(numeric_columns.quantile(q=0.25, axis=1), axis=0)
transposed_df[numeric_columns.columns] = numeric_columns.mask(m1, 0.0001).mask(m2, -1)
print (transposed_df)
0 a -1.0 7 1.0 5 a
1 b -1.0 8 3.0 3 a
2 c 4.0 9 -1.0 6 a
3 d 5.0 -1 7.0 9 b
4 e 5.0 2 -1.0 2 b
5 f 4.0 3 -1.0 4 b
from scipy.stats import zscore
print (transposed_df[numeric_columns.columns].apply(zscore))
0 -2.236068 0.570352 -0.408248 0.073521
1 0.447214 0.950586 0.408248 -0.808736
2 0.447214 1.330821 -0.816497 0.514650
3 0.447214 -0.570352 2.041241 1.838037
4 0.447214 -1.330821 -0.408248 -1.249865
5 0.447214 -0.950586 -0.816497 -0.367607
transposed_df = pd.DataFrame({
numeric_columns = transposed_df.select_dtypes(np.number)
from scipy.stats import zscore
df1 = pd.DataFrame(numeric_columns.apply(zscore, axis=1).tolist(),index=transposed_df.index)
transposed_df[numeric_columns.columns] = df1
print (transposed_df)
0 a -1.732051 0.577350 0.577350 0.577350 a
1 b -1.063410 1.643452 -0.290021 -0.290021 a
2 c -0.816497 1.360828 -1.088662 0.544331 a
3 d -1.402136 -0.412393 0.577350 1.237179 b
4 e -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000 b
5 f -0.632456 0.632456 -1.264911 1.264911 b

Replace a column value with number using pandas

For the following dataset, I can replace column 1 with the numeric value easily.
df['1'].replace(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], [0, 1, 2, 3], inplace=True)
But if I have 3600 or more than that different values in a column, how can I replace it with the numeric values without writing the value of the column.
Please let me know. I don't understand how to do that. If anybody has any solution please share with me.
Thanks in advance.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({1:['A','B','C','C','D','A'],
1 2 3
0 A 0.6 0.3
1 B 0.9 1.0
2 C 5.0 0.7
3 C 4.0 8.0
4 D 7.0 2.0
5 A 1.0 4.0
np.where makes it easy.
import numpy as np
df[1] = np.where(df[1]=="A", "0",
np.where(df[1]=="B", "1",
1 2 3
0 0 0.6 0.3
1 1 0.9 1.0
2 2 5.0 0.7
3 2 4.0 8.0
4 3 7.0 2.0
5 0 1.0 4.0
But if you have a lot of categories, you might want to think about other ways.
import string
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 E
5 F
6 G
7 H
8 I
9 J
19 T
20 U
21 V
22 W
23 X
24 Y
25 Z
for k in np.arange(0,26):
a=a.replace(to_replace =upper[k],value =k)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25
If there is many values for replace you can use factorize:
df[1] = pd.factorize(df[1])[0] + 1
print (df)
1 2 3
0 1 0.6 0.3
1 2 0.9 1.0
2 3 5.0 0.7
3 3 4.0 8.0
4 4 7.0 2.0
5 1 1.0 4.0
You could do something like
df.loc[df['1'] == 'A','1'] = 0
df.loc[df['1'] == 'B','1'] = 1
### Or
keys = df['1'].unique().tolist()
i = 0
for key in keys
df.loc[df['1'] == key,'1'] = i
i = i+1

Multiple columns difference of 2 Pandas DataFrame

I am new to Python and Pandas , can someone help me with below report.
I want to report difference of N columns and create new columns with difference value, is it possible to make it dynamic as I have more than 30 columns. (Columns are fixed numbers, rows values can change)
A and B can be Alpha numeric
Use join with sub for difference of DataFrames:
#if columns are strings, first cast it
df1 = df1.astype(int)
df2 = df2.astype(int)
#if first columns are not indices
#df1 = df1.set_index('ID')
#df2 = df2.set_index('ID')
df = df1.join(df2.sub(df1).add_prefix('sum'))
print (df)
A B sumA sumB
0 10 2.0 5 3.0
1 11 3.0 6 5.0
2 12 4.0 7 5.0
Or similar:
df = df1.join(df2.sub(df1), rsuffix='sum')
print (df)
A B Asum Bsum
0 10 2.0 5 3.0
1 11 3.0 6 5.0
2 12 4.0 7 5.0
print (df2.sub(df1))
0 5 3.0
1 6 5.0
2 7 5.0
0 0 10 2.0 5 3.0
1 1 11 3.0 6 5.0
2 2 12 4.0 7 5.0
0 0 10 0 5 3.0
1 1 11 0 6 5.0
2 2 12 0 7 5.0
The 'ID' column should really be an index. See the Pandas tutorial on indexing for why this is a good idea.
df1 = df1.set_index('ID')
df2 = df2.set_index('ID')
df = df1.copy()
df[['C', 'D']] = df2 - df1
df['B'] = 0
0 10 0 5 3.0
1 11 0 6 5.0
2 12 0 7 5.0

Filling in nans for numbers in a column-specific way

Given a DataFrame and a list of indexes, is there an efficient pandas function that put nan value for all values vertically preceeding each of the entries of the list?
For example, suppose we have the list [4,8] and the following DataFrame:
index 0 1
5 1 2
2 9 3
4 3.2 3
8 9 8.7
The desired output is simply:
index 0 1
5 nan nan
2 nan nan
4 3.2 nan
8 9 8.7
Any suggestions for such a function that does this fast?
Here's one NumPy approach based on np.searchsorted -
s = [4,8]
a = df.values
idx = df.index.values
sidx = np.argsort(idx)
matching_row_indx = sidx[np.searchsorted(idx, s, sorter = sidx)]
mask = np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None] < matching_row_indx
a[mask] = np.nan
Sample run -
In [107]: df
0 1
5 1.0 2.0
2 9.0 3.0
4 3.2 3.0
8 9.0 8.7
In [108]: s = [4,8]
In [109]: a = df.values
...: idx = df.index.values
...: sidx = np.argsort(idx)
...: matching_row_indx = sidx[np.searchsorted(idx, s, sorter = sidx)]
...: mask = np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None] < matching_row_indx
...: a[mask] = np.nan
In [110]: df
0 1
5 NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN
4 3.2 NaN
8 9.0 8.7
It was a bit tricky to recreate your example but this should do it:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'index': [5, 2, 4, 8], 0: [1, 9, 3.2, 9], 1: [2, 3, 3, 8.7]})
df.set_index('index', inplace=True)
for i, item in enumerate([4,8]):
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if index != item:
row[i] = np.nan
