Is it possible for accessing Azure table service from data bricks - azure

I have loaded data into the Azure table service. I would like to access the data from data bricks the same way we access data from Azure blob.

Unfortunately, Azure Databricks does not support the data source of azure table storage.
For more details about the Data Sources of Azure Databricks, refer to this link.
Besides, if you want to improve Azure Databricks for it, you could post your idea in the feedback.

I think the above answer is old - so here is my update.
I am currently accessing data from Azure Tables through DataBricks like this:
from azure.cosmosdb.table.tableservice import TableService
table_service = TableService(account_name='accountX',
account_key=None,sas_token="tokenX") #set Azure connection
data = table_service.query_entities('tableX') #read
df_raw = pd.DataFrame([asset for asset in data]) #move it to pandas if you prefer
You need your own credentials for account_name and sas_token; TableX is the name of the table you want to access


How use externalDataSource option to write from Databricks to synapse?

while I was reading the documentation I came across this option "externalDataSource"
A pre-provisioned external data source to read data from Azure Synapse. An external data source can only be used with PolyBase and removes the CONTROL permission requirement since the connector does not need to create a scoped credential and an external data source to load data
And in the note below it says
externalDataSource is relevant only when reading data from Azure Synapse and writing data from Azure Databricks to a new table in Azure Synapse with PolyBase semantics You should not specify other storage authentication types while using externalDataSource
Is there any difference in performance when writing to synapse?
Also, I donĀ“t know what is the input, in the documentation says
df = \
.format("com.databricks.spark.sqldw") \
.option("url", "jdbc:sqlserver://<the-rest-of-the-connection-string>") \
.option("tempDir", "abfss://<your-container-name>#<your-storage-account-name><your-directory-name>") \
.option("externalDataSource", "<your-pre-provisioned-data-source>") \
.option("dbTable", "<your-table-name>") \
"your-pre-provisioned-data-source" should be the same name of "dbtalbe"?
Is there any difference in performance when writing to synapse?
Various data loading techniques are supported by the Azure Synapse Analytics. Load the data using PolyBase is the quickest and most efficiently. The T-SQL language can be used with PolyBase, a data virtualization tool, to access external data kept in Azure Data Lake Storage.
To use this PolyBase you need to create external database to Azure Data Lake Store.
To create external database, you will need scoped credentials for Azure Data Lake Store:
-- Create a db master key.
-- Create a database scoped credential.
IDENTITY = '<client_id>#<OAuth_2.0_Token_EndPoint>',
SECRET = '<key>'
After creating scoped credential, you need to create External database to mention a piece of external Azure storage and provide the login information needed to access it.
( LOCATION = '<prefix>://<path>'
[, CREDENTIAL = <database scoped credential> ]
"your-pre-provisioned-data-source" should be the same name of "dbtalbe"?
You can use above created external data source name in place of "your-pre-provisioned-data-source"

How to migrate data from local storage to CosmosDB Table API?

I tried following the documentation where I'm able to migrate data from Azure Table storage to Local storage but after that when I'm trying migrating data from Local to Cosmos DB Table API, I'm facing issues with destination endpoint of Table API. Anyone have the idea that which destination endpoint to use? right now I'm using Table API endpoint from overview section.
cmd error
Problem I see here is you are not using the Table name correctly in source. TablesDB is not the table name. Please check the screenshot below for what we should use for table name. (In this case, mytable1 is the table name). So your source should be something like:
/Source:C:\myfolder\ /Dest:
Just re-iterating that I followed below steps and was able to migrate successfully:
Export from Azure Table Storage to local folder using below article. The table name should match the name of table in storage account:
AzCopy /Source: /Dest:C:\myfolder\ /SourceKey:key
Export data from Table storage
Import from local folder to Azure Cosmos DB table API using below command where table name is the one we created in the azure cosmos db table api, destkey is primary key and source is exactly copied from connection string appended with table name
AzCopy /Source:C:\myfolder\ /Dest: /Manifest:"myaccount_mytable_20140103T112020.manifest" /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace

Using Dask to load data from Azure Data Lake Gen2 with SAS Token

I'm looking for a way to load data from an Azure DataLake Gen2 using Dask, the content of the container are only parquet files but I only have the account name, account endpoint and an SAS token.
When I use Azure SDK for a File System, I can navigate easily with only those values.
azure_file_system_client = FileSystemClient(
When I try to do the same using abfs in DASK using the adlfs as backend, as below:
storage_options={'connection_string': f"{ENDPOINT}/{CONTAINER_NAME}/?{sas_token}"}
ddf = dd.read_parquet(
I get the following error:
ValueError: unable to connect to account for Connection string missing required connection details.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance :)

Hive external tables map to azure blob storage

Is there a way to create a Hive external table using with location pointing to Azure Storage? We actually want to connect SAP HANA (SDA) to blob storage, so it seems the only way is to create an external hive table first which points to Azure blob storage and then use Hive ODBC connector/spark connectorto connect it toHANA SAP`. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve that?
You can create external tables in Hive or Spark on Azure. There are several options available:
Azure HDInsight
Azure Databricks (via Spark)
Hadoop distros supporting Azure Blob Storage (e. g. HDP)
External table creation would reference the data in the Blob storage account. See the following example for a Hive table created in HDInsight (wasb is used in the location):
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <database name>.<external textfile table name>
field1 string,
field2 int,
fieldN date
lines terminated by '<line separator>' STORED AS TEXTFILE
LOCATION 'wasb:///<directory in Azure blob>'
or in Azure Databricks:
COMMENT 'This table is created with existing data'
LOCATION 'wasbs://<storage-account#<containername><directory>'
See also:
HDInsight Documentation
Azure Databricks Documentation
I don' t know what SAP supports. ODBC-Access is possible to all of the solutions.

Azure Data Lake Store as EXTERNAL TABLE in Databricks

How can I create an EXTERNAL TABLE in Azure Databricks which reads from Azure Data Lake Store? I am having trouble seeing in the documentation if it is even possible. I have a set of CSV files in a specific folder in Azure Data lake Store, and I want to do a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE in Azure Databricks which points to the CSV files.
1. Reference mounted directories
You can mount the Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) to Azure Databricks DBFS (requires 4.0 runtime or higher):
# Get Azure Data Lake Store credentials from the secret store
clientid = dbutils.preview.secret.get(scope = "adls", key = "clientid")
credential = dbutils.preview.secret.get(scope = "adls", key = "credential")
refreshurl = dbutils.preview.secret.get(scope = "adls", key = "refreshurl")
accounturl = dbutils.preview.secret.get(scope = "adls", key = "accounturl")
# Mount the ADLS
configs = {"dfs.adls.oauth2.access.token.provider.type": "ClientCredential",
"": clientid,
"dfs.adls.oauth2.credential": credential,
"dfs.adls.oauth2.refresh.url": refreshurl}
source = accounturl,
mount_point = "/mnt/adls",
extra_configs = configs)
Table creation works the same way as with DBFS. Just reference the mountpoint with the directory in ADLS, e. g.:
OPTIONS (header "true", inferSchema "true")
LOCATION "/mnt/adls/productscsv/"
The location clause automatically implies EXTERNAL. See also Azure Databricks Documentation.
2. Reference the Data Lake Store in the table definition directly
You can also reference the storage directly without mounting the storage. This scenario makes sense if the metadata or parts of the code are also used in other platforms. In this scenario access to the storage has to be defined on the cluster or notebook level (see this Databricks documentation for ADLS Gen1 or this documentation for Gen2 configuration details) or Azure AD Credential Passthrough is used.
The table definition would look like this for ADLS Gen1:
CREATE TABLE sampletable
LOCATION "adl://<your adls>"
For Azure Data Lake Gen2 the location reference looks like:
LOCATION "abfss://<file_system>#<"
you should consider looking at this link:
Access Azure Data Lake Store using the Spark API
To read from your Data Lake Store account, you can configure Spark to use service credentials with the following snippet in your notebook:
spark.conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.access.token.provider.type", "ClientCredential")
spark.conf.set("", "{YOUR SERVICE CLIENT ID}")
spark.conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.credential", "{YOUR SERVICE CREDENTIALS}")
spark.conf.set("dfs.adls.oauth2.refresh.url", "{YOUR DIRECTORY ID}/oauth2/token")
It doesn't mention the use of External Table.
