Change MS Excel cell fill color without vba macro - excel

I thought I'd post this somewhere because it took me a bit to figure out how to change a cell's fill color in MS Excel. What happened was that I had changed a cell's fill color by assigning one through the Custom tab of the Fill Color option. I later realized that I wanted to use the same color for other cells, but had no way of duplicating this custom color, as this selection wasn't saved anywhere. My searches resulted in creating a macro (vba) code, but my installation of MS Excel doesn't allow use of macros.

So the way I was able to do this was by clicking on the cell with the desired fill color, clicking on the drop down next to "Fill Color" menu option, selecting "More Colors", selecting the "Custom" tab and applying the same values for "Color model", "Red", "Green", and "Blue" to the cell where you'd like the same fill color:
I hope this is helpful! Thanks!


Picture inside excel cell?

Do you know how can I make excel cells look like this?
When I change the color of some of these cells to for example yellow, than this picture disappears, but If I choose "no fill" option, then I again get this picture as default cell look.
I think that this is not a picture inserted into cell, because when I click on the cell, I don't get "format picture" options in the ribbon. These cells behave like normal excel cells.
Thanks in advance

Get the current Fill Color

How can I get the current Fill Color in the ribbon using VBA? I like to manually select the Fill color to highlight entire rows with. I know I can highlight an entire row with code like foo.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 3. However, instead of setting it to 3, I want to set it to the user's currently selected Fill Color in the ribbon.
I found a similar thread for Microsoft Word that uses Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex, but I have not found one for Microsoft Excel.
Edit: Sorry for the duplicate question. I am hoping there’s a better answer that doesn’t require an active selection first. If not I’ll accept Jonathan’s answer. Currently I am just highlighting the current cell with CellFillColorPicker, getting that cell’s color and then highlighting the row with that color.
This question appears to be similar to this one: VBA - use color already select in Excel to fill cell interior
It looks like this is the code that you want:
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "CellFillColorPicker"

Keep colours of cells when using autofill (Excel)

I have a formula in Excel that I would like to drag down to other cells using autofill. However, the cells below have unique colours and I do not want to remove them. Is there an easy way of autofilling the cells with my formula and keeping the colours?
Thank you in advance.
Fastest way I have found is to drag using the right mouse button and when you release the button the options menu will popup automatically, just select "Fill Without Formatting".

Can I override light blue Selection color with another color?

I have a form that opens and highlights certain highly formatted rows.
The highlighting is done by selecting those rows, so they are colored light blue.
When the form closes, the rows are still selected, and that's good. The formatting beneath the selection isn't disturbed so if the user clicks anywhere on the worksheet, all the original formatting is intact.
My question is can I select rows and highlight them in a color besides standard blue (bright pink) so the user can see them more easily? I don't want to have to reformat the interior colors, and then try to figure out how to unformat them when the user is done noticing them.
sRowsToHighlight = "196:196,201:201,203:203"
m_wksPST.Range(sRowsToHighlight).Select ' Turns them blue, but I want a bright color
After my code is done, I would want selection to revert to the standard Excel color scheme.
I would be surprised if you could do that without manually coding it yourself. The selection colour is an application setting. You could change it in Excel, but that will change it for the whole of excel on that computer (i.e. any worksheets that get opened) and also it wouldn't help if your users are using this spreadsheet on a different computer. But here is a link anyway:

How can a cell's background color be set other than the obvious Cell shading property?

I can't for the life of me figure out why certain cells are shaded in a spreadsheet template I downloaded. I confirmed that the cell's shading property is set to no color. The cell has a simple formula: =SUM(J8:K8).
If the background color is being set by code in another cell, I'm not sure how to find it. Searching for the cell name (ex: B7) doesn't come up with anything. Any suggestions what could be setting the background color?
Have you had a look at the Conditional Formating options?
It could be that there's a background colour set in there.
In Office 2007 it's on the Ribbon in the Styles section on the Home tab - your best bet is to go for the "Manage Rules..." option, and then check the rules for each worksheet.
