Azure Bot Associated Language Understanding (LUIS) App Not Showing - azure

Per this tutorial, I created an Azure Bot web application (in the US region). It works fine, but the associated LUIS app is not showing.

the associated LUIS app is not showing
Firstly, as Jyo Fanidam mentioned in comment, please make sure you are using same email account to login Azure portal and LUIS web portal.
Secondly, there are three LUIS websites, based on region. If you selected West US as LUIS App location when you create Web App Bot, to access your LUIS app, please login to using the same account you use to log in to Azure.
Please login to correct LUIS website based on LUIS App location that you specified on Azure portal.
LUIS websites:

Figured out my problem: User error. I was neglecting to click the 'Select' button when choosing the 'Language Understanding' Bot template. So, it was creating a Basic Bot instead of a LUIS Bot. Thought I would post my resolution in case someone else makes the same mistake.


Renaming a MS Teams Converstaional Bot - App Registration Update

I've created a conversational bot. I made an error in the name when initially creating the bot. I have since renamed the bot in the App Registration within the Azure portal but the initial name is still displaying in the conversation.
Is there a way to fix this?
You could remove the app registration and then re register it with the correct name.

How to resolve Luis - 403 Out of call volume quota

I am testing my bot for my school project which was due in next two days and suddenly, the bot stopped functioning correctly and showing the default message all the time.
After some research in Google and Stackoverflow, found it is due to Quota limit.
I see in the Luis keys, the current key is "Starter_key" and also below error message in the end-point.
{ "statusCode": 403, "message": "Out of call volume quota. Quota will be replenished in 11.00:25:53." }
I read similar problems here, but none of them clearly mentioned what next. What is the best possible way to overcome this and I dont want to wait for the next 11 days. Is there anyway to upgrade to pay-as-you-go only for Luis? or even that wont work?
As your error message indicates, you simply hit the max amount of request for your LUIS Starter_Key (which is sort of a trial).
To permanently resolve this issue you need to provision a LUIS resource on your Microsoft Azure Subscription and use the subscription keys from there.
The approach is well documented here.
In short:
Create a LUIS Resource within your Azure Subscription
Back in your LUIS portal go to Keys and Endpoints of your model
Click "Assign resource" and select the previously created LUIS Resource
I resolved the problem with below steps and this can be marked as closed.
Created New Luis app in using different account.
Exported the existing account settings from My Apps -> Export as Json.
Imported the Json into new app under Manage -> Versions
Trained and published the new Luis app.
Copy the new app's App ID and API key and update them in the Bot Application settings --> LuisAPIKey and LuisAppId
Restart the Bot service.
Validate the Bot.

Azure Bot Service Sample AuthenticationBot Sign-in card not working (application/

I am following this tutorial using the v4 SDK.
Add authentication to your bot via Azure Bot Service
Put simply, I click on the "Sign In" button from the OAuthPrompt card, a window pops up with the title "Sign In" and the screen is blank. This is using the bot service emulator.
I could be wrong but I feel like it's something to do with the content type.
I wish I had more information to offer.
From the samples, I get the same outcome whether I use the BotAuthenticationMSGraph or AuthenticationBot example.
Thanks for the assistance. I've managed to progress but am not fully over the line yet. Maybe it's clearer for others, but for me, I followed what I thought were the instructions and did this:
Create Azure AD v2 Application (
Create BOT Registration (Azure Portal)
... but in step 1. above, it automatically creates the app for you when you create the "Bot Channels Registration" so step 2 of creating the application is not required I created a second app and used that one in my settings and I think that's where I was going wrong.
Thanks for your help.
On another note, once the above was corrected and I removed myself from the company Wifi, it all came good. Network blocking issue!

QnA Maker - Azure Bot Service - Test in Web Chat not respondng

First, new to creating Bots so please be patient.
I created a KB using QnAMaker. Created new Bot in Azure Bot Service. New bot was created using Template for QnA. Followed the steps below per documentation:
In Azure portal, open the newly created Web App Bot resource.
Click on "Application Settings" and in the App Settings list, add QnASubscriptionKey and QnAKnowledgebaseId. The corresponding values can be obtained from the KB Settings page in
The QnAMaker-enabled Azure bot service app is now ready to use. To try it out click on "Test in Web Chat" to chat with your QnA bot.
Test in Web Chat does not respond
Also created new App, using Basic template. Made to other updates. Test in We Chat does send a response.
Again, new to the process but have read a great deal of documentation but nothing that speaks to this issue specifically. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I created a QnAMaker bot this weekend with Bot Service. The documentation is a little confusing at the moment, although Microsoft generally refines it over time until it's quite good. Here's what I did to get this going.
Provisioned a QnAMaker service at I created a knowledge base, saved and retrained, and published. To make sure everything is good on the QnAMaker service, go to the Test tab ( to make sure you can chat with it and it responds as expected.
Created a new Web App bot by going to the portal, clicking "Create a resource", choosing "AI + Cognitive Services", then "Web App Bot".
When entering the Web App Bot settings, I made sure to choose a Basic C# bot, and chose the "Question and Answer".
Once you provision the Web App Bot service, you'll also have a Web App provisioned as well. You'll need to create a web application that will answer requests from the web, hand them to your QnAMaker service, and return the results. Navigate to your Web App Bot service, then choose the Build menu option under Bot Management. Then Download the zip file containing your starter code.
Open the starter code. You'll need to add some keys to your web.config file. Make sure that you have keys for the following, and that they're populated: MicrosoftAppId, MicrosoftAppPassword, QnaSubscriptionKey, QnAKnowledgebaseId, and AzureWebJobsStorage. If memory serves, these values are read within the code, but there's no empty stubs in the web.config that prompts you to enter them. This was a little frustrating.
After updating web.config, publish the web app to your Azure Web App instance associated with your bot.
Now go back to your Web App Bot in the portal. Under Bot Management, go to the Settings page. You're going to need to enter in the Messaging endpoint so that your bot service knows where to send HTTP requests to your web app, which will in turn talk to your QnAMaker service. In this example project, your messaging endpoint should be https://[web app name]
NOW you're ready to Test in Web Chat. Everything should link up then.
I had this issue just now. It was caused by having extraneous data at the end of my QNA service key, something like (format=json) which somehow ended up after the key. I suggest you re-copy and paste the knowledgebase id and key into the fields and make sure they are the correct length with no garbage.
Apart from not returning responses it gave no other clue as to what might be wrong.

Where can I get the LUIS subscription key?

I'm trying to create a simple chat bot on Microsoft Bot Framework and I want to add LUIS app ID and LUIS subscription key to my application.
Where can I get the subscription key?
I believe lately Microsoft has changed the structure of the portal so most of the links are not working.
Where can I get the subscription key?
You can get the subscription key by going to
The "Publish App" link on the left,
Select staging from the "end point slot" under Publish Settings. (Don't know why doesn't it show while the option is Production. Maybe there are other ways to connect in the production environment)
Selecting the "staging" option will show an endpoint url which will have "subscription-key" field, which you can copy
I want to add LUIS app ID
To get your luis app ID
Go to "My Apps" in ""
Click your app
Click settings from the options on the left
Copy the 36 character "Application Id"
The followings are steps that worked for me:
Login into
Search luis
Create 1 Language understanding in Cognitive Service section
Go to "My Apps" in
Select your app
Click on Change link nearing Assigned endpoint key
Select available items in 3 comboboxes
Here is the result that you could get subscription key
Hope this help.
Subscription key: In azure create a new cognitive service -> Luis. In the new luis service, on the left you can find an option labeled keys. Use Key1 for everything.
API key: go to your account, and select the key's tab. You need to link your luis subscription key here to link luis to your azure sub.
You can navigate at this page where you will see "Programmatic API Key" it's your subscription key also known as "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
I found this article on msdn that really explains the keys well
you can find your subscription keys the azure portal
Location of Subscription Key for Luis Services
the application id can be found on the settings page of your app on the luis dashboard (start at
... all the details for this are in the article linked, but what I found was that:
Use the key as in the screenshot above
The region your azure resource for luis is in, should match the region that your luis application is in.
The resource is managed through the azure portal, the luis app is managed through the homepage
As the article says, it can be quite confusing about what keys to use where, (especially when you first create the luis app you get a 'starter key' ... sorry for the waffle,
The Subscription Key is the same as the Authoring Key (refer to this documentation). You can get the Authoring Key for your LUIS app by taking the following steps:
Log on to
Navigate to the MANAGE menu
Navigate to the Keys and Endpoints tab on the sidebar
